Shunde OCT Harbour Plus / Laguarda.Low Architects
With lingnan local characteristics of
Shunde OCT Harbour Plus / Laguarda.Low Architects
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


佛山顺德欢乐海岸PLUS是华侨城集团倾力打造的新一代文旅商标杆项目,也是粤港澳大湾区最大的都市文化旅游综合体。由LLA建筑设计公司(Laguarda.Low Architects)规划设计的商业区于2020年底正式全面开业,为顺德增添一处开放性、多功能的生活娱乐休闲场所。

Shunde OCT Harbour PLUS is a new generation of cultural tourism development created by OCT Group. The vibrant mixed-use development planned and designed by Laguarda.Low Architects was fully opened at the end of 2020, adding an open, multi-functional resort living destination and entertainment venue to Shunde District in Southern China.


项目区位 Project Location

顺德区有着“千年水乡、岭南名城”的深厚底蕴,本项目选址于湖泊两岸,连通城区内的天然水系。湖泊南岸是玛雅海滩水公园和欢乐时光主题公园,主题商业区则位于北岸、欢乐大道南侧,毗邻正在施工中的地铁逢沙站。商业区包含四栋酒店公寓塔楼、一座五层购物中心O'Plaza、曲水湾美食街,由Laguarda.Low Architects(LLA建筑设计公司)与景观设计公司Martha Schwartz Partners(MSP)以及深圳华汇(曲水湾建筑设计方)合作规划设计,利用场地内自然资源,纳入水岸景观,旨在打造一个融合水上娱乐、美食、购物、传统文化和精品酒店的现代水岸村落。

Shunde is a historical district known for its waterway network and profound Lingnan culture. The new mixed-use development is located on both sides of a lake, connecting to the water system in the city. On the south bank of the lake is the Playa Maya Water Park and Happy Time theme park. On the north bank, Laguarda.Low was tasked with creating the overall master plan and the main architectural commercial area of the project. Additionally, LLA also coordinated with Landscape Architect Martha Schwartz Partners and HHDesign (Architectural design of the village) to set a grand vision for an entertainment, culinary, shopping, cultural and hospitality urban village. The main goal of this project is creating a place to provide different kinds of entertainment and lifestyle for the residents from Shunde and around the areas. There are four service apartment/hotel towers on the property, a five-level mall, a winding water restaurant village set upon the waterfront. The site is accessed from Huanle Boulevard at the north of the development, and is adjacent to the Fengsha Subway Station which is currently under construction.




Shunde OCT Harbour PLUS is located fifteen minutes east of the central Shunde district on Huanle Boulevard. It is a leisure and commercial destination on a lake shore, which integrates dining, entertainment, shopping, lodging, sightseeing, and performances.




设计意向 Design Concept


"Resort village lifestyle" is the key word for the concept of this project, which means providing a human scale comfortable neighborhood with respect to the vernacular language of Shunde.



The central lake is treated as a main feature and focal point. The main street access is at the north of the site. Huanle Boulevard winds its way on the northern boundary of the site. There are two gateway paths at the east and west of the mall building that each leads to the waterfront.






The project has a gradation from the grand scale of the mall and the retail podium of the high-rise service apartments/hotels shifting to the smaller village scale. This gradation occurs via a contemporary architecture to vernacular and mixture of contemporary village sized buildings. People are able to go through variety of experiences throughout the project as the scales shift. The three major pedestrian circulation elements along this gradation are the shopping or high street conveyed by an indoor mall. The second major circulation artery is the creative culture street which is supported by culture venues. The third circulation passage is the winding water street which is lined with food and beverage tenants.





The shopping mall massing is carefully broken down into smaller scale elements on its southern facades. This allows it to be integrated with the many other village buildings. This creates a seamless connection from the village to the shopping mall street experience. The mall is meant to embrace the natural landscape into its executed interior design.





There are many spaces that people feel outdoors even though they are inside the mall. The natural light, vibrant interior landscape, interior watercourse, and views to the exterior provide visual connection to the internal waterways of the village which lead to the lake. The roof top of the mall is designed as a green roof garden.











This project has 4 service apartment/hotel towers. These towers bookend the east and western perimeter of the main village. The towers are the anchor elements for the leisure visitors to this development. Given the famous Shunde food culture and history, OCT has added an International Food Culture Exchange Center at the tower podium which provides a great platform for chefs around the world to explore the culinary art and host food tasting activities. Also, other than the art and sculptures displayed inside the public space of the mall, there is an art museum at the tower podium which brings even more cultural elements to the project.








Together with the happy time theme park and Playa Maya Water Park to the south, this project will be the hub of entertainment and the model case of green commercial project in the Shunde district.


特色空间 Featured Space


Playing off the theme of the reuse of local brick finish from the original surrounding village buildings the facades of the mall utilized tiles, metal panels and concrete panels that are very environmental friendly, they were selected to give the very large mall building a human scale. These scale shifts are seen in the landscape and the village and the retail podiums. More intimate spaces are created around the water elements and large-scale elements occur at the main entrances. Nature is woven through the grand palm boulevard of the main north facades of the mall and tower podiums. Water and canopy elements help to define passages that lead through the village to the main waterway where restaurants, entertainment and the theme park are the great escape. The shores of the lake are a serene destination. The villas to the northwest of the lake are part of the development. These villas are within the OCT jacaranda bay residential area.




可持续设计 Sustainability


The landscape is one of the most important elements of this project. It adds value to the overall space. The selected trees and plant life create shading and control the heat being absorbed in ground surface. The roof garden provides an ecologically sustainable system, with green and a recycling rainwater system.






项目位置:中国 佛山 顺德



设计公司:LLA建筑设计公司 / Laguarda.Low Architects




项目总控/总规划师、总建筑师:John Low - AIA 总裁/合伙人

主创设计师:重松健 - Associate AIA 总裁

资深项目管理:梁进 - AIA 副总裁

资深设计师:Supachai Chalermratananon - LEED AP 副总裁

资深项目管理:Tony Botta - 资深理事

资深项目管理(中国区域):黄以基 - AIA 资深理事

资深设计师:金正仁 - AIA 资深理事

资深设计师:Michael Georgopoulos - AIA 资深理事

设计师:潘欣志 - LEED AP 理事



项目摄影:思康建筑景观摄影事务所、童艳龙、林语、Edgar Wong

Project Information

Project Name: Shunde OCT Harbour Plus

Client: OCT Group (Overseas Chinese Town Enterprises Co.)

Location: Shunde, China

Size: 238,705 Square Meters

Completion Date: Fully Opened 2020

Design Firm: Laguarda.Low Architects (LLA)

LLA Design Scope: Overall Masterplan; Service Apartment and Hotel Tower Architecture, Retail Mall Architecture and Interiors, Retail Podium of the Towers, Coordination of the Landscape Architecture with the Mall / Mall Roof Terraces / Retail Podiums

LLA Website:

Project Website:

LLA Design Team:

Design Partner in Charge: John Low, AIA

Project Principal: Ken Shigematsu, Associate AIA

Senior Project Manager: Jin Liang AIA, Associate Principal

Senior Designer: Supachai Chalermratananon LEED AP, Associate Principal

Senior Project Coordinator: Tony Botta, Senior Associate

Project Coordinator (China): Edgar Wong AIA, Senior Associate

Senior Designer: Jeongin Kim AIA, Senior Associate

Senior Designer: Michael Georgopoulos AIA, Senior Associate

Designer: Xinzhi Pan LEED AP, Associate

Consultant: Martha Schwartz Partners (Landscape), CCDI (LDI), HHDesign China (Village LDI), Bauing (Mall Interiors LDI), ASL Art-Spring Design Group (Landscape LDI Site & Mall Interiors / Terraces), BPI (Lighting Consultant), Vetra (Environmental Graphics & Wayfinding), Shenzhen Sanxin Technology Development Co. Ltd. (Curtain Wall)

Appreciations towards Laguarda.Low Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/08
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