STWD Ten Tuo Architectural Office / Steelwood Architecture
Better stimulate creativity
STWD Ten Tuo Architectural Office / Steelwood Architecture
Project Year
Site Area
220 m²
Text description provided by the architects

不同以往受制于冗长繁复的设计任务书,面对自己的办公空间,同为甲方乙方的我们自问:创造型设计事务所办公空间的核心本质是什么? 谜底藏在谜面里——“当然是为了更好地激发创造力。”

No longer limited by long design specifications, when met with the task of designing our own workspace we asked ourselves: “What is the key to a creative office space design?” We soon discovered that the answer lies within – “to better encourage creativity, of course.”


Creativity is a product of communicating with multiple factors in life; it is not only about the interaction between humans, but also one’s relations with themselves, light, time, and culture. Le Corbusier once mentioned that the ideal life is a “balance between solitude and daily social life.” This condition that Corbusier describes is just as applicable to one’s daily work life – In addition to a lively and collective area of communication at the front of the office, a secret, individual space is hidden deep inside the workplace, creating a solitary spiritual space. In which, like the interlocutions of poetry, or the two sides of a coin, explicit and implicit communication work together to generate a complex yet creativity-inspiring network.

▽ 入口 Entrance

▽ 会议室与多功能区 Conference Room & Multifunctional Space

▽ 吧台与多功能区 Bar & Multifunctional Space


Yet, whether it is the cubicle-styled offices formed from profit-driven capital in the mid-20th century or the spacious office style that has subtly increased in popularity in recent years – they either emphasize clear streamlines and non-interfering workspaces or put a vast focus on creation under extremely collective communication. We oppose both designs that produce clear-cut communication limits and also those that only allow cooperative work; our aim is to create an office space that encourages diverse forms of communication, where solitude and collectiveness can coexist.


With the concept of explicit communication and implicit communication as the core of our design, our team hoped to fabricate a multi-tiered environment driven by the relationship between a collective one’s self, body, and soul. Thus, for our spacial composition, we combined the two forms of communication through a focus on both an overt and covert design concept.

▽ 平面 Plan

▽ 轴测图 Axonometric View

▽ 空间生成 Space Generation


Overt design concept – spacial composition revolving around explicit communication


The new STWD office is 24 meters long, 11 meters wide, and 4.8 meters high, and it is fan-shaped with long and narrow east and west sides. We began our work by considering the four longitudinal tasks that accompany every architectural process: information collection, design discussions, model making, and drawing production In the end, we designed a wall that folds from the east to the west and a six-faced pavilion to create a resetting space within the vestibule, making the workspace open to explicit communication.


The discrete yet deflected placement of the walls produces multiple different spaces with varying sizes, allowing there to be areas designated for diverse functions such as reading, exhibition, and discussions. These spaces draw on the interlacing placement of the walls to both separate and permeate each other, generating a dynamic, diverse and ambiguous spacial attribute that is “separated yet not separated; bounded yet not bounded”, metaphorizing a contradiction between publicity and privacy, and cohesion and division – The vestibule consists of two deflected walls to create an open space for activity salons and daily discussions. In this enclosure, people can gather to enjoy a sense of cohesion and closeness. This space also works as an exhibition area, like a living stage that has eliminated the boundary between the interior and exterior parts of the office. The overlapping and staggered walls also expand the depth and richness of the space whilst blocking the view of the interior office. The walls below the pavilion create a slit path, concealing a reading room that comfortably shelters people within cork-wrapped walls and the wavy spine of books, which yields an easing spacial experience.

▽ 交错掩映的六面亭 The Staggered Six-faced Pavilion

▽ 偏转片墙围合下的日常讨论 Daily Discussion Between Deflected Walls

▽ 亭下讨论与阅读 Discussion and Reading Under the Pavilion

▽ 片墙交掩下的阅览处The Reading Room Concealed by Deflected Walls


The folded walls and walls beneath the pavilion create a dynamic, tacit, and roaming spacial structure, which transforms the original straight streamlines into a curved loop that people can travel through, and also established a communication space that can be used for both informal daily conversations and formal group meetings – For instance, the large central table can be utilized for many purposes: it can be used during lunch breaks for people to gather and drink tea, and also as a model-making table to attract colleagues to linger and exchange ideas. A group discussion may then lure other individuals wandering around the pavilions to join in, which greatly raises the possibility of unplanned collective communication that can often result in the generation of great ideas.

▽ 路径交错空间 The Path-Staggered Space

▽ 巷道穿行至多功能区 Walking Thorough the Path to the Multifunctional Space

▽ 多功能区群组讨论 Group Discussion in the Multifunctional Space

▽ 会议室与多功能区 Meeting Room & Multifunctional Space


Covert design concept – Implicit communication perception


People perceive space through their senses. Mr. Chen Congzhou mentioned in “Talking About Gardens” that gardens can either be static like a single painting or appear dynamic and vary in every corner. A shrewd combination of the static gaze and the dynamic reverie can offer people various experiences within the same space – For example, a painting-like depiction of a garden’s overall landscape can be depicted through an overt concept, while a covert concept can portray a hidden place in the painting that the painter has established themselves.


The static gaze: Unconsciousness of the boundary between oneself and the external world


We set up window openings under the folded wall and pavilion, and utilized them to create overlaps in space and as openings for further visual perception. The window openings create a distinction between the interior and exterior, separate areas from each other, and erect a sense of surrealism. When people sit down in slots beneath the folded wall—such as in the tea area, conference area, or library area – and look through the openings, they’ll develop an optical relationship with the space around them. Between seeing and being seen, one is miraculously pulled out of their daily practices to become a spectator of the space around them.

▽ 阅览处窗洞 Window Opening in the Reading Room

▽ 会议室洞口 Window Opening in the Conference Room

▽ 从折墙下的茶水间望向多功能空间 Multifunctional Space Seen from the Tea Area under the Folded Wall

▽ 茶水间望向会议室中的狭缝 The Slit in the Conference Room Seen from the Tea Area

▽ 狭缝中光的流动The Flow of Light in the Slit


The dynamic reverie: The change of scenes with each step, and the change of emotions with each scene.


The interweaving of the walls generates a complete and concrete spacial perception. As people wander through the twist and turns of these walls, a range of fascinating gadgets will accompany their path—including models under the pavilion, design sketches on the corkboard, and the softness of light beams, the darkness of shadows, the sturdiness of the thick walls, and the mysteries hidden within the narrow corridors. With each step one takes, the scene before them will change, and their thoughts will follow. The movement of the person’s body and the wandering of their sight will then drive the person’s consciousness to reverberate within them, perhaps awakening thoughts on yesterday’s design sketches and countless other memories from their past. Now, one’s movement becomes a key that unlocks the portal between reality and the human conscience, extending time, space, and personal experiences, thus breaking through the boundaries of the atmosphere to bring about a sense of “here and now”.

▽ 曲径穿行Wandering Through the Twisty Path

▽ 回环曲折的路径Paths full of twists and turns

▽ 交织错综的片墙The Interweaved Walls

▽ 透过六面亭南望入口Looking South Through the six-faced Pavilion to the Entrance

▽ 开放工区Open Office


The STWD office’s flowing spacial structure creates a diverse and exquisite communication network that develops organizational connection into spontaneous connection, and maintains a balance between an individual’s emotions and their gaze with contrasts in presence, visibility, proportion, compactness, external relationships, communication, and thought.

▽ 亭下漫游 Wandering under the Pavilion










Appreciations towards Steelwood Architecture for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/12
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