Taipei Performing Arts Center / Inside Outside
Inside Outside creates landscape, interior and innovative stage curtains for the Taipei Performing Arts Center
Taipei Performing Arts Center / Inside Outside
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Located in Taipei's Shilin Night Market neighbourhood and characterised by a vibrant street culture, the Taipei Performing Arts Center is a place that adds new life to the city's stage performance and cultural scene.

从2008年的竞赛阶段开始,到2022年的实现,Inside Outside与OMA团队在景观和室内概念和干预方面密切合作。这包括装饰材料、窗帘、家具类型和色彩范围,设计公共广场、周围景观和街道景观、露台和屋顶花园;同时还因两幅大型剧院幕布获得了艺术委员会的荣誉。

Inside Outside worked in close collaboration with the OMA team on landscape and interior concepts and interventions from the start of the competition phase in 2008 through realization in 2022. This included finishing materials, curtains, furniture typologies and colour scopes, designing the public plaza, its surrounding landscape and streetscape, terrace and roof gardens; in the meantime receiving the honorable Arts Commission for two large-scale theatre curtains.


The black & white stripe pattern of the public plaza – with its integrated water and electricity system - runs over the entire site, offering space for markets and festivities on its sturdy surface and inviting everyone to enter the building at its dynamic circular heart. From there, the Public Loop extends the city’s street life into the theater, connecting the plaza to the building’s interior world and providing visitors free access to the backstage areas and the various terraces with their amazing views over city and mountains.


Two raised gardens, with individual trees like character actors on a stage, flank the public plaza on both sides. The strategically chosen local trees each exhibit their typical shape and foliage, (each) growing from colourful perennial carpets and together forming a shading vegetal roof. Connective paths and circular ‘rooms’ are cut-out of these two ‘stage gardens’, providing intimate places for shelter, relaxations and social interaction; a welcome contrast to the city square’s strong, functional character.


The basic concept of the interior design is to let the ‘tough’ urban materials and graphics flow seamlessly into the public spaces of the building, and to differentiate specific areas by using one monochrome colour for each, as if (each) the area is ‘dipped’ into one can of paint: the theatres dipped in grayish-blue, the back-stage and tower in dark brown, the rehearsal spaces in pink and the ‘green rooms’ in green. Each section of the building is thus exposed to the outside world through the theatre’s transparent, corrugated glass façade.

剧院的大舞台幕(13 x 20米)遵循房间的整体色彩概念,形成空间的第四面墙。它由垂直宽度的厚玻璃纤维编织而成,优雅地落下和折叠,同时将其表面的微妙反射传递给公众。由于每个宽度由一个薄的透明条交替,窗帘在运动时产生意想不到的光效,从后面点亮,从前面点亮时窥视到舞台。

The large (13 x 20 m) stage curtain in the Grand Theatre follows the overall colour concept of the room and forms the fourth wall in the space. Made of vertical widths of a heavy glass fiber weave, it falls and folds elegantly, while transmitting the subtle reflectiveness of its surface towards the public. As each width is alternated by a thin transparent strip, the curtain generates un-expected light effects when in movement and lit from behind, and peeks onto the stage when lit from the front.

在环球剧场,其椭圆形的舞台开口,Inside Outside开发了一种新的舞台幕布形式:三个独立的拉伸膜形成半透明的平面,在垂直和水平方向上滑过舞台边缘,它们的组合位置创造了无穷无尽的舞台开口。它们也非常适合光影投射和皮影表演。

In the Globe Playhouse, with its oval-shaped stage opening, Inside Outside developed a new form of stage curtain: three separate stretched membranes form translucent planes that slide across the edge of the stage both in vertical and horizontal direction, their combined positions creating endlessly varied stage openings. They also lend themselves perfectly for light projections and shadow play.

Project name: Taipei Performing Arts Center / TPAC

SCOPE: Landscape design, Including a public square, green areas, roof top gardens and interior

gardens. Colour and material concept for the entire building. Advisory on all interior finishes. Stage curtains for the two main auditoriums

Company name: Inside Outside

Website: / Taipei Performing Arts Center - Inside Outside

Contact e-mail: /

Project location: Taipei, Taiwan

Completion Year: 2022

Other participants: OMA architects

Photo credits: Chris Stowers for OMA, Shephotoerd Photography for OMA

Appreciations towards Inside Outside for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/06
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