Teamlab Dance Art Exhibition Learn Play Future Park In Mainland China 2017 / teamLab
Teamlab Dance Art Exhibition Learn Play Future Park In Mainland China 2017
Teamlab Dance Art Exhibition Learn Play Future Park In Mainland China 2017 / teamLab

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来自 teamLab对gooood的分享。更多请至:teamLabongoooodAppreciation towardsteamLabforproviding the following description:“舞蹈吧,艺术!寓教于乐的未来游乐园!”teamLab 的巨型展览将在深圳举行,2017 年 7 月 1日-11 月 30 日在 teamLab 的大型展览中,参观者有机会看到 6 个叹为观止的艺术作品和 8个数字化的装置。这次展出作品的主题是“共同创作”和“智力训练”。这个展览着重强调了“数字”和“艺术”的概念。“未来游乐园里的数字化森林”展览会在北京举办,2017 年 5月20日- 10月 10日同样在北京,teamLab 的“未来游乐园里的数字化森林” 展览会在佩斯画廊举办,从 2017年 5 月 20 日开始,到 10 月 10日。展览中会有 8 件以探索“教育中的创作”为主题的作品展出。“Dance! Art Exhibition, Learn &Play! Future Park”teamLab’s 2000 sqm gigantic exhibitionto open in Shenzhen from July 1 to November 30, 2017At “teamLab: Dance! Art Exhibition, Learn& Play! Future Park”, you will have a chance to see 6 beautifulartworks as well as 8 digital installations that are themed as‘co-creation’ and ‘intellectual training’. Stunning for both adults andchildren, the exhibition reconsiders the concepts of ‘digital’ and‘art’. in Mainland China, “teamLab: LivingDigital Forest and Future Park” will be held at PACE Beijing fromMay20th 2017,through October 10th 2017. The exhibition willshowcase 6 artworks (some on view for the first time), as well as 8pieces from the Future Park project exploring the motif of “co-creativeeducational development.” 件艺术作品<舞蹈吧!艺术展>Artworks一般认为,社会的变化在今后将益发不断地加速,而科技急遽进步,目前众多的工作或可被机械取而代之。现今的孩童们,应该在30年后,会创生出我们所无法想像的崭新工作吧!在未来的社会上,唯有人类才能办到的事情,换言之,创造性将会逐渐成为最重要事情。Rapid technological development will continueto accelerate into the future and many jobs will be taken over bymachines. In thirty years today’s children will have jobs that we cannotimagine. In a future society, traits that only humans can possess – suchas the ability to think and act creatively – will become increasinglymore important.通感的灯之森林Forest of Resonating Lamps – OneStroketeamLab, 2016, Interactive DigitalInstallation, Murano Glass, LED, Endless▼ 视频,Video:当有人停止站立在灯具的附近时,最靠近的灯具之一会发出强烈的光辉并响起音乐。而做为起点的灯光会传播到最靠近的两个灯具上。传播出去的灯光会一样发出音乐,然後再次传播到最为接近的灯具上,并且不断连续地延伸开来。When a person stands still at close range to alamp, it shines brightly and emits a color that resonates out. The lightof this lamp becomes the starting point, and it spreads to the twonearest lamps. The light from the lamps transmits the same color toother lamps, one after another, spreading out continuously. Photographer: EricValdenaire水滴宇宙Universe of WaterParticlesteamLab, 2013, Digital Work, 5 channels,Continuous Loop▼ 视频,Video:首先在电脑的虚拟空间里制作立体岩石,在岩石上注入水流。水用无数水粒子的连续体来表现,接着计算粒子之间的相互作用,将这些水流经由物理引擎模拟为拟真的流水活动。然後在所有的水粒子之中随机挑选出0.1%的水粒子,根据这些水粒子的举动在空间中描绘出线。而这些「线的集合」就形成了本作品中的瀑布。Computer-generated water consisting ofhundreds of thousands of water particles is virtually poured onto avirtually sculpted rock. The computer calculates the movement of theparticles to produce a simulation of water that flows in accordance withthe laws of physics. Lines are drawn in relation to a selection of 0.1%of the particles. The sinuousness of the lines depends on the overallinteraction of the water particles.水晶世界CrystalUniverseteamLab, 2015, Interactive DigitalInstallation▼ 视频,Video:本作品是将LED三次元地设置於空间之内,并且使用teamLab独自开发的『Interactive 4DVision』让三次元空间内移动的立体物能够即时且立体地被呈现出来。藉由将无数的发光物作为粒子配置在三次元空间内,表现出宇宙空间里光的动态的互动装置艺术作品。观赏者可以走入这个用三次元来表现出的影像空间所营造出的光之宇宙空间里自由地步行移动。This artwork uses an accumulation of lightpoints to create a sculptural body, similar to the way distinct dots ofcolor form an image in a pointillist painting. In Crystal Universe, theparticles of light are digitally controlled and change based on theviewer’s interactivity with the work. The result is an installation thatconsists of lights, forming a sculpture that expresses the universe.Viewers are invited to enter and walk around within thethree-dimensional light space.花朵的碰撞Crows are Chased and theChasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Blossoming onCollision – Light in SpaceteamLab, 2017, Interactive DigitalInstallation, 4min 20sec, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi▼ 视频,Video:本作品虽然不管从哪个位置哪个方向都可以观赏,但是作品世界的视点会配合目前观赏中人群位置的中心而逐渐调整。虽然不管哪个位置都可以观赏,但是如果与其他人聚集在同一个位置观赏的话,作品世界与现实空间会逐渐一致化,八咫乌的轨迹也会开始在空间里划出立体的线条。The artwork’s center is gradually aligned tothe position of the viewers standing in the installation. If all viewersgather in one place, the border between the walls and floor dissolves,the real physical space disappears, and the viewers become immersed inthe artwork. The lines that the crows trace then appear to be drawnthree-dimensionally within the space. If the viewers all move togetherwhile immersed within the artwork, they can transform the work.花和人Flowers and People, Cannotbe Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year perHourteamLab, 2015, Interactive DigitalInstallation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi▼ 视频,Video:花朵,会从诞生、生长、结出花蕾、开花,到不久後的凋谢、枯萎、死亡。也就是说,花朵永远地重复着诞生和死亡。花朵花朵会根据观赏者的行为举动(一定距离的凝视、或是触摸花朵、踩踏花朵之类),而诞生成长一齐开花,或是展现出一刹那的凋谢枯萎。The flowers grow, bud, and blossom beforetheir petals begin to wither and eventually fade away. The cycle ofgrowth and decay repeats itself in perpetuity. When the viewer is still,more flowers sprout and bloom. When the viewer moves, the flowers beginto wither, die, and fade away.冰冷的生命ColdLifeteamLab, 2014, Digital Work, 7 min 15 sec.(loop), Calligraphy: Sisyu 在电脑中将三次元物体的形状,透过网状的线将作品所描述的抽象而高次元的资讯表现出来。也就是说,在三次元世界里被描绘出来的事物,只要剥去它的表面後就可以看到它的内部是由网状的线集合而成。而本作品则将事物剥去表面之後,用结构把所描述的抽象而高次元的资讯直接表现出来。In computer graphics, and similarly in thisdigital work, wireframe models created with high levels of data arerendered as 3-D objects. When the surfaces of these computer-generatedimages are peeled away, their underlying mesh-like structures arerevealed. Expressed by the intricacy of this work, teamLab exemplifies3-D rendering in its stripped-down state while maintaining a highlycomplex and elaborate construction.个数字化装置 <寓教于乐!未来游乐园>Digital Installation关于这个世界,人类是跟着他人透过所有的体验而学习着,并且一边随着他人行动,一边思考着事物。接着,人类透过团队打造出创造性的成果,并且发展着社会。我们认为,共同性地创造性体验,换言之,在现今,共创的体验,不就对人们来说是至关重要的吗?Humans learn about the world through interaction with others and by sharingexperiences. People think with their bodies as they move through the world,and much of human society has developed through creative achievements bornfrom collaboration and collective play. This is why collaborativecreativity, or the experience of co-creation, is now very important.创作水族馆SketchAquariumteamLab, 2013, Interactive DigitalInstallation创作城镇SketchTownteamLab, 2014, Interactive DigitalInstallation创作城镇的剪纸空间SketchTownPapercraftteamLab, 2014, Interactive DigitalInstallation灯光球的管弦乐团Light BallOrchestrateamLab, 2013-, Interactive Installation,Sound: teamLab生活在桌面上的小人A Table where LittlePeople Live teamLab, 2013, Interactive DigitalInstallation神无处不在时代Story of the Time whenGods were EverywhereSisyu + teamLab, 2013, Interactive DigitalInstallation, Calligraphy: Sisyu, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi连接吧!小镇Connecting! BlockTownteamLab, 2016, Interactive DigitalInstallation跳房子的天才Hopscotch forGeniusesteamLab, 2013-, Interactive DigitalInstallation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, teamLab▼ Other teamLab island exhibitions:English: Chinese:▼ teamLab: Dance! Art Exihibition, Learn & Play! FutureParkDate: July 1 – November 30,2017 Location: OCT CreativeExhibition Center(OCT Bay,8 Baishi Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen,China) Opening Hours:10:00~22:00 Closed :TBD Price: TBD Endorsed by: Blooming culture and artInvestment Co., Ltd.Co-organizer:OCT HarbourOrganizer: B-Park Supportedby: Nanshan District Cultural Office NGO partners: One Foundation Official media: Art life indexEnglish: Chinese:,更多请至:teamLabongooood
Appreciations towards teamLab for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/08
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