Tengoku Residence / CLB Architects
Zen garden and the perfect combination of modern residence
Tengoku Residence / CLB Architects
CLB Architects

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Tengoku 住宅是本世纪中期的加利福尼亚现代主义风格的建筑,它坐落在落基山西部,建筑以现代的设计方式与杰克逊霍尔的自然地形完美融合。这座占地4739平方英尺的现代度假别墅与该地区典型的山地不同,其设计灵感来自于业主夫妇对日本禅宗花园和世纪中期现代设计的共同热爱,以及他们居住在加利福尼亚和夏威夷的背景。由此形成的四居室住宅围环绕着三个内部庭院,可近距离欣赏到独木白杨树的景色,与该住宅西北方向的提顿河和附近池塘的全景相得益彰,形成了一个业主称之为Tengoku的环境,这是日语中的天堂。

Injecting a dose of mid-century California modernism to the Rocky Mountain West, Tengoku Residence embraces the natural terrain of Jackson Hole in an unexpectedly modern way. Diverging from the mountain modern style typical of the region, the design of the 4,739-square-foot vacation home was inspired by the owner couple’s shared love of Japanese Zen gardens and mid-century modern design, as well as their backgrounds living in California and Hawaii. The resulting four-bedroom home is oriented around a series of three internal courtyards offering intimate views of single aspen trees, complementing the home’s sweeping, northwest views of the Tetons and a nearby pond, creating a setting the owner’s call Tengoku, the Japanese word for heaven.



The angular, sharply linear façade is softened by a series of guitar pick-shaped roof openings that define the three courtyards. Answering the client’s desire for a curved element somewhere in the home, the curvilinear openings are echoed in planters and landscape elements below. Besides shaping the light in dramatic and serendipitous ways over the course of the day, the curved openings and the uninterrupted glass walls help to amplify the careful framing of nature taking place throughout the home.



Inside, an S-shaped plan snakes around the courtyards, pulling apart the public and private spaces of the home. Each resulting zone of the house feels like a small pavilion, with access to natural daylight and ventilation on multiple sides to encourage passive ventilation. Operable clerestory windows also help circulate airflow in warmer months, while triple-paned windows, exterior rigid insulation, and full cavity insulation optimize heat retention in winter. A series of corridors stitch the house together, as does the unifying, continuous roof line. Expressive overhangs and thin roof lines pick up on the mid-century aesthetic, as does the vertical western red cedar cladding in each of the courtyards.


橡木地板和简单的白色橱柜构成的室内色调,保持了对室外景观的关注,艺术家具和装饰面的表现力瞬间呈现出色彩和光线。一块半透明的紫水晶石板被整合到入口朝南的窗户中,每天以不同的方式捕捉照亮空间的光线。加拉加斯的蓝色石灰石被制作成大尺寸的石板,覆盖着家中的双面壁炉,它充当起居室的锚,并包裹到书房中。来自客户家庭的复古家具,以及夏威夷猴荚木容器,以及从客户在马里布的住所带来的家具,与当地杰克逊的艺术品和现代家具(如Roche Bobois沙发)形成了富有表现力的互动。

A restrained interior palette of oak floors and simple white cabinetry keeps the focus on the landscape outside, with expressive moments of art, furnishings, and finishes offering pops of color and light. A translucent amethyst stone slab is integrated into a south-facing window at the entry, catching the light to illuminate the space in changing ways over the course of the day. Caracas blue limestone fabricated into large format slabs clads the home’s double-sided fireplace, which serves as an anchor for the living room and wraps into the den. Vintage furnishings sourced from the clients’ family, as well as Hawaiian monkey pod wood vessels, and pieces brought from the clients’ main residence in Malibu, create an expressive interplay with local Jackson artwork and modern pieces like a Roche Bobois sofa.





Project team

CLB Architects (architecture)

Two Ocean Builders (general contractor)

KLA (structural engineering)

Energy One (mechanical engineering)

Agrostis (landscape architecture)

Helius Lighting Group (lighting design)

Furnishings (owners)

CLB Architects design team

Kevin Burke, Partner

Eric Logan, Partner

Bryan James, Principal

Leo Naegele, Project Manager

Jen Mei, Interior Architecture

Cynthia Tibbitts, Interior Architecture


Matthew Millman (winter)

John Ellis (summer)

Appreciations towards CLB Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/17
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