The Great Lawn City Library Of Central Park Of Pingshan / 0321 studio
The Great Lawn City Library Of Central Park Of Pingshan
The Great Lawn City Library Of Central Park Of Pingshan / 0321 studio
0321 studio

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感谢厘米制造(邮箱、0321STUDIO予gooood分享以下内容,更多关于:厘米制造on gooood, 0321STUDIO ongoooodAppreciation towardsCMDesign( the following description:这是一个位于城市公园旧有建筑单体的改造项目,原建筑为该公园单层厢式建筑并被公园最核心且难得的巨大草坪包围,拥有极好的视线与被轻易察觉的显著位置。It’s a single-storey building renovation project thatlocated in the city park,surrounded by a largelawn,with excellent sight and a prominent positionthat can be easily detected.▼项目鸟瞰,bird eye view of the project©张超设计希望创造了一个开放、现代并能提供人们阅读的公共空间,同时集合咖啡与饮品零售等商业活动。旨在打造一处富有吸引力并兼具多功能的小型公共建筑体,为城市公园中休闲的人们创造一个充满活力的城市局部,以弥补公园内供人们参与的高品质室内空间的缺乏。The ideas of design hopes to create an open andmodern reading public space,it also offerscommercial services as coffee and beverage retail,aims to build up an attractive and multifunctionalsmall public building. As an vibrant part of thecity is created for people to relax , it makes upfor the short of high quality indoor space forpeople using in the park.▼项目外立面,the exterior©张超设计保留原建筑的钢结构逻辑,拆除原建筑老旧的玻璃幕墙。尽可能的增加建筑内部与外界的视觉交流为建筑立面设计原则,将原本出色的公园景致引入室内,丰富阅读与消费饮品的人们能轻易感受室外的绿色与自然变化。保证建筑立面通透性,建筑幕墙采用曲面高透弧形玻璃,并以此自由的流线顺势得出与之平行的室内书吧功能。Under the design principles of increasing the visualcommunication between indoors and outdoors, theoriginal steel structure is remained while the glasscurtain wall is dismantled. With the originalexcellent park scenery is introduced into the room,people are more easily sense the green and naturalchanges from outdoors while reading or purchasinginside.To ensure the permeability of the buildingfacade, the ultra clear curved glass is adopted andthe formation of the book shelf is obtained by thefree flow line.▼外立面近景,close shot of the exterior©张超▼外立面近景,close shot of the exterior©肉山室内布局为呼应书吧基本功能的需求,将书架这一大面积出现且高度影响室内视觉的物质现实沿建筑幕墙弧线平行布置。书架隔板立板采用3mm厚钢板,通过一定尺寸的排列布置,确保足够书籍陈列的荷载,同时也保证光线的过滤以及景致的引入。In order to meet the needs of basic function, thelayout of the book shelf goes along with the plan ofthe glass curtain wall. The shelves are made of 3mmthick steel plate, which is arranged in a certainsize to ensure enough load for books display, andthe filtering of light and the introduction ofscenery.▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior©张超基于大面积且纯净的绿色公园作为背景,设计为建筑整体赋予了响亮大胆的橙色,设计尝试使用这一单一极限色彩,营造室内外空间某种连续性。在充满活力的公园草坪中提出新的视觉可能,使建筑与公园绿化形成强烈自由却不失和谐的反差。Based on the large and pure green park as thebackground, the design gives the whole building avibrant orange color. It attempts to use this singlecolor to create a kind of continuity betweeninterior and exterior space. The new visualpossibilities are proposed in the vibrant park lawn,so that the building and the park greening have astrong contrast without losing the harmonious.▼书架近景,close shot of the shelves©肉山室内功能化的设置同样遵循简洁高效,将水吧设备及机电,收纳紧凑的安插于三个直径1200mm的圆柱状吧台内。设计希望三个独立的圆柱能够帮助人们在该空间的流畅体验,材质选择干净耐用的不锈钢,其材质拥有的反射属性,维持室内色调的统一,并保有足够的现代性。The setting of interior functionalization alsofollows the simplicity and efficiency.The water barequipment and mechanical and electrical equipmentare tightly placed in three cylindrical bar with adiameter of 1200mm.Under the considering of thespace experience, the stainless steel is chosenbecause of its clean and durable, it has thereflective properties to maintain the unity of theinterior tone and modernity.▼水吧,thewater bar©肉山原建筑并没有屋顶平台,设计为丰富新改造后的建筑与公园的行为与动线的体验,对原建筑新增加固处理于原建筑屋顶悬浮一块屋顶平台,并通过一个呼应书架的隔板结构旋转楼梯连接,完全以建筑的功能与结构因素来获得一个纯粹的建筑形式。In order to enrich the experience of the behavior andmovement between the building and the park after thetransformation, an addition platform is built on theroof top with the frame reinforcement. Also, itconnects to the spiral staircase that comprised ofthe customized steel plate, which echoes to the bookshelf frame. To the building form, it is totallyobtained from the functional and structural factorsof the building.▼旋转楼梯,the spiral staircase©张超▼旋转楼梯近景,close shot of the spiral staircase©张超▼夜间立面近景,night view of the facade©张超▼夜间立面,night view of the facade©张超▼夜间鸟瞰图,bird eye view during the night©张超▼轴测图,axonometric drawing©厘米制造+ 0321STUDIO▼平面图,plan©厘米制造+ 0321STUDIO▼剖面图,sectiondrawing©厘米制造+ 0321STUDIO▼立面图,elevation drawing©厘米制造+ 0321STUDIO设计顾问:刘晓都设计团队:厘米制造,0321studio设计成员:陈丹平,郑卜洋,钟应川,朱丽茵项目地点:广东省深圳市坪山区建筑面积:146平米项目时间:2022年3月-2022年9月业主:深圳市坪山区文化广电旅游体育局施工图合作团队:湖北佳境建筑设计有限公司施工团队:深圳市聚豪装饰工程有限公司,深圳匠心见造工程有限责任公司项目摄影:张超,肉山材料:超白弧形玻璃(深圳荔之元建筑科技有限公司)、钢板(东莞市造鑫金属材料有限公司)、不锈钢(东莞市天钢金属材料有限公司)Design Consultant:Xiaodu LiuArchitects: CMDesign,0321StudioDesign Team: DanpingChen, Buyang Zheng, Yingchuan Zhong,LiyinZhu,Site Location: PingshanDistrict,Shenzhen City,GuangdongProvinceFloor Area:146sqmProject Year:2022/3-2022/9Developer: CultureRadio Television and Sports Bureau Of PingshanDistrict,Shenzhen Construction DrawingsDesign: Hubei Jiajing architecture DesignCo.,Ltd.Contractor: Shenzhen JuHao Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., ShenzhenJiangxin Jianzao Engineering Co.,Ltd.Photographs: ChaoZhang,Meat mountainMaterials: Ultra ClearCurvedGlass(ShenzhenLizhiyuanBuildingTechnologyCo.,Ltd.), Steel Panel (DongguanZaoxin Metal Materials Co., LTD.), StainlessSteel (Dongguan Tiangang Metal MaterialCo.,Ltd.)更多关于他们:厘米制造 ongooood,0321STUDIO ongooood More:厘米制造 ongooood,0321STUDIO on gooood
Appreciations towards 0321 studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/09
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