Wantou Anhui Investment Vanke World Of Art Sales Center / Karvone Design
Wantou Anhui Investment Vanke World Of Art Sales Center
Wantou Anhui Investment Vanke World Of Art Sales Center / Karvone Design
Karvone Design

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非常感谢峻佳设计予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们请至:KarvOneon gooood.Appreciations towardsKarvOneforproviding the following description:地产营销日趋激烈的今天,功能单一和奢侈华贵的传统销售中心正逐渐失去市场的竞争力,迫切需要有革新观念思维的设计来打破行业领域的局限性。皖投万科·天下艺境销售中心,位于合肥当下高速发展的城市新区板块,项目周边拥有开阔的地理视野和自然景观。这个集居住、养老、教育为一体的生活社区,将万科“美好生活场景师”的人居理念与城市规划有机融为一体,打造一种“出则繁华,入则宁静”的低密生态人居住宅。约8.6万方的土地中,教育、绿地公园、文体养老、街角花园、广场空间集于一体。Traditional salescenters featuring monotonous function andluxurious design are losing their battlefield asthe competition over marketing skills isbecoming more fierce for real estate developers.Innovations are urgently needed to overcome therestraints of design in the industry. Wantou(Anhui Investment) & Vanke • World of Artsales center is located in the rapidlydeveloping new district of Hefei City,surrounded by broad view and beautifullandscape. This community integrates theresidential, senior care and educationfacilities into the same place. It embodies thecombination of Vanke’s vision of designingbetter living scenarios with urban planning. Theend product is a tranquil low-density residencewithin a bustling neighborhood. People caneasily access schools, park, entertainment,senior care services, gardens and squares overthe 86,000 sq. meters of area.▼销售中心外观,exterior view此次峻佳设计联手万科地产,进行了一场关于家园与社区的可持续营造实验,试图以颠覆式设计驱动传统地产营销模式的转变。本案围绕“Homeland童·梦”概念,回归居住的初心,结合万科地产作为城市配套服务商的战略,打造出中国首家儿童主题售楼中心。峻佳设计希望人们第一次走进销售中心时,即能借助于丰富的场景设计开启未来家园的美好想象。项目的创新之处在于既能实现销售与人文的共生,又会随着时间迁移实现空间不同时期功能的转变和延续。从前期以销售为导向的售楼中心,到后期作为教育配套的幼儿园,最终演变为公共性的美好社区中心,与城市共生长。This time, Kyle Chan& Associates Design joins hands with Vankereal estate to conduct an experiment forsustainable development of home and community, adesign that brings disruptive changes to theconventional real estate marketing model. Basedon the concept of “Homeland Childhood·Dream”,the project reawaken the pursuit of betterliving and created China’s first children-themedsales center, which also coincides with Vanke’sstrategy of becoming urban amenity serviceprovider. Kyle Design hopes that the multiplescenes can stimulate people’s imagination aboutgood life the first time they step into thesales center. What is innovative in the projectis that it not only accommodates marketing withculture, but also transforms and extends thefunction of the space. Initially a sales center,then a kindergarten as education facility andeventually a public community center, theproject grows with the city.▼夜景,night view概念重构:回归为人设计的初心|Restructured Concept:Back tothe Original Aspiration of Designing forPeople设计的创造来自于对未有形态的尝试,和新生活概念的想象。当我们回顾人类家园的历史,会发现人对于居所最纯粹的精神需求——舒适快乐、生命的孕育、共同成长。当空间成为精神的容器,销售中心所承载的也不仅是简单的销售功能,更多的是关于家园的意义追寻与呈现。传统的销售中心大多富丽堂皇,力图从视觉及质感上征服观众,与真实的家园概念渐行渐远。在峻佳看来,销售中心作为一个公共兼商业空间,在具备一定展示气质的同时,更重要的是它应该呈现给未来使用者一个真实的、连接周边环境和氛围的生活概念。Innovation in designcomes from the attempt to create and theimagination about new way of life. Looking backinto the history, what people originally wantedfrom a residence were comfort, happiness,nurturing of life and companionship. When spacebecomes a vessel of spirit, the sales center isno longer simply a sales center but the pursuitand expression of the real meaning of home. Mosttraditional sales centers are luxurious andmagnificent, an effort to conquer visitors witha strong visual presence. However, this kind ofdesign announces an official departure from thereal meaning of home. Kyle Design believes thesales center is not just a public commercialspace for display or marketing. It shouldpresent to its future users a vivid concept oflife connected with the surroundingenvironment.▼售楼中心后期会作为教育配套的幼儿园使用,initially as a sales center, theproject will then become a kindergarten as educationfacility在建筑的躯壳之中,峻佳试图创造一种独特的家园场所体验,来呼应万科成为美好生活场景师的品牌愿景。我们另辟蹊径,将幼儿教育的理念融入到商业性质的销售行为之中,营造一种轻松舒适的体验,重回为人设计日常生活的初心。基于项目未来将作为社区幼儿园使用的现实,实现销售氛围与幼儿教育之间的平衡成为设计面临的最大挑战。峻佳围绕规划布局的六个空间——音体室、连廊、沙盘区、洽谈区、多功能互动区、儿童教室,展开一场渐进的设计叙事。整体上,设计团队注意室内室外环境的自然连接与融合,落地玻璃、半透明布帘等的应用,敞开式空间设计,最大程度将园区景观与自然光线引入室内,呈现明媚温暖的空间感受。当你看到家人在这里感到快乐,你也因此愿意安定停留。With theconstructions, Kyle Design attempts to create aunique experience at home to echo with Vanke’svision to design for better life. We creativelyincorporate early childhood education elementsinto commercial sales through creating a relaxedand comfortable experience, returning to ouroriginal purpose of designing for daily life.Since the project will be used as akindergarten, the greatest design challenge isto balance the commercial and early childhoodeducation atmosphere. Kyle Design builds up astory through the six spaces: music& sportsroom, corridor, exhibition zone, meeting zone,multi-functional interaction zone and children’sclassroom. The general idea for the team is toremove the border between indoor and outdoor. Byinstalling the French glass and translucentcurtains in the space with no borders, the teamis able to create the best view and allow inmaximum light, filling the space with brightnessand warmth. If your families feel happy here,you will also want to stay.▼连廊夜景,a night view of the corridor童·梦:渐进式场景体验|Childhood·Dream:ProgressiveContext Experience峻佳以“童话”作为空间主题概念衍生,希望创造一个能激发人们想象力和好奇心的体验空间,既能让孩子喜欢,亦能平衡销售氛围。穿插在不同空间中的主题设计与公共活动,连接着周边的环境和氛围,也在某种程度上实现了小范围内社区的建造,强化来访者的情感共鸣。Kyle Design hopes“fairy tale” concept can create an experimentalspace that excites imagination and curiosity,fascinates children without compromising theactual sales center functions. The themeddesigns and public activities in different areasconnect with the surrounding environment and tosome extent construct a mini community whichinvites strong emotional resonance fromvisitors.▼音体室成为整个展厅的入口,the music & sports room isdesigned as the entrance of the exhibition hall儿时七巧板:每个人心灵的房间|Childhood Jigsaw Puzzle:Room inEveryone’s Heart放弃传统豪华的展厅大堂,峻佳让音体室成为整个展厅的入口。大面积的玻璃落地窗代替原有墙面,让自然光线进入,通过设计能激发来访者想象力的情境,让每个来访者与空间产生更加紧密的关联。设计的巧妙在于,书架、展台、墙面、陈列饰物都以白色的视觉展现,在弱化空间界限性的同时,这种留白的处理也让来访者有另一番体验。峻佳认为,这其实是每个人心灵的房间,我们希望来访者凭借内心的回忆为空间添上颜色。也让人在不同区域体验后,感受色彩的对比。地台的设计创意即取材自儿时的玩具“七巧板”,它是空间富有设计感的装置,也是孩子的滑滑梯;云石呈现为不规则三角形;中间圆形人造石平台,加入互动装置投影,人站在上面可以与光影追逐,这种互动性体验,让来访者更快被带入设计师所营造的氛围中。Ditching thetraditional luxurious style, Kyle Design makesthe music & sports room the entrance of theexhibition hall. A large French window replacesthe original walls to bring in natural light. Bycreating scenes that inspire visitors’imagination, Kyle Design brings a strongerconnection between visitors and thespace.The delicacy of the designlies in the fact that bookshelves, booths, wallsand displayed items are all in white, whichweakens a sense of boundaries in the wholespace. The white space also makes it possiblefor visitors to have different experiences. Itis like a room in one’s heart and Kyle Designbelieves visitors will add color to the spaceaccording to their own experience and memories.What’s more, different areas of the center arepainted with different color pallets.The platform isinspired by the childhood “jigsaw puzzle”. It isdesigned with a lot of thoughts and can also beused as a children’s slide. The marble is inirregular triangle; in the middle is the roundartificial stone platform with an interactiveprojector. People can stand on it and play withtheir shadows. Such interaction will quicklybring the visitors into the scene created by thedesigner.▼地台的设计创意即取材自儿时的玩具“七巧板”,the platform is inspired bythe childhood “jigsaw puzzle”▼从音体室通向沙盘区的门廊,a corridor links themusic &sports room andsand table area白色彩虹:开放式梦幻连廊|White Rainbow:An Open DreamlikeCorridor由音体室到沙盘区,峻佳改变建筑原有的连廊空间,设计了一座“白色彩虹”。以白色弧型圆铁延伸整个通道,在与建筑外立面形成统一视觉形象的同时,也呼应了music&sportsroom的白色主调。这种开放式设计,有效将园区的自然光影与草地引入眼帘,实现室内到自然空间的完美过渡。阳光明媚时会形成光影交错的视觉效果。两边正门采用渐变白玻璃,增添童话氛围,如同动画里通往另一个世界的隧道。在功能上,连廊也对整个售楼中心的流线起到了暗示和引领。The corridorconnecting the music & sports room andexhibition zone is redesigned as a “whiterainbow”. The white arc iron tunnel along thewhole corridor has the consistent style with theexterior of the building and echoes with thewhite note of the music& sports room. Theopen and connected space effectively brings inthe natural light and grassland and realizes aperfect transition from the interior to thenatural space outside. With some brightsunshine, the light and shadow will show variouscolors. The main gates on both sides made ofgradient white glass add to a fairy taleatmosphere, making visitors feel like travellingthrough to another world. Ergonomically, thecorridor also serves to contour the shape of thesales center.▼白色的弧形门廊将园区的自然光影与草地引入眼帘,thewhite arc tunneleffectively brings in the natural light andgrassland▼沙盘区入口,entrance to thesand table area手绘天花:让孩子做设计师|Hand-painted Ceiling:LetChildren Participate asDesigners穿过连廊,进入沙盘区,这是整个园区的销售展示中心,于峻佳而言,最重要的是实现设计创意和销售氛围之间的平衡。每个孩子心中都留存着美好的梦想,由童话到童画,设计师让孩子参与了创作。由儿童手绘的图案演化成现有天花吊灯的原型,太阳、云朵、彩虹、音符,还有童年的纸飞机……是让人有联想又有趣的发现。为了呈现最佳效果,光是测试了不同材质吊灯和效果,就花了我们两个月的时间,最终以透明亚克力结合LED灯带,变成现有吊灯设计。这些生活中简单的图案元素以一种返朴归真的方式,呈现了对于未来家园的畅想。The sand table area atthe end of the corridor is the sales and displayarea. For this part, Kyle Design focuses on thebalance between innovative design and salesfunction. Every child has a beautiful dream inheart. From the fairy tale atmosphere tochildren’s drawings, the designers invitechildren to participate in the design. Thependant lamp is a manifestation of children’shand-paintings: the sun, clouds, rainbow,musical notes, and paper planes in childhood …all are reminders of childhood and fun. Toachieve the best lighting effect, it takes thedesigners two months just to test the effect ofdifferent light materials before they finallydecide to use transparent acrylic LED triplights for the ceiling lamps. These commonelements of life, with their simplicity, areillustrations of our imagination of the futurehome.▼沙盘区是整个园区的销售展示中心,the sand table area is the sales anddisplay area▼整个空间墙面以木饰面处理,the walls in this area are all inwooden finish整个空间墙面以木饰面处理,作为视觉焦点——沙盘,我们一方面要通过独特的天花吊灯设计,引来访者关注,又不能让太过强烈的设计抢夺空间本身的功能需求。沙盘特意选用了深色木和草绿地毯,上浅下深的设定,既平衡了天花的图案,也契合整个空间的主题和功能。The walls in this areaare all in wooden finish. We need to attractvisitors’ attention with the unique design ofthe ceiling lamp to the sand table and, at thesame time, not let its strong design featureoverwhelm the function of the space. For thatpurpose, the sand table is specially designedwith dark wood color and light green carpet. Thedark-to-light match of color not only balancesthe pattern of ceiling but also fits the themeand function of the whole space.▼由儿童手绘的图案演化成现有天花吊灯的原型,the pendant lamp is amanifestation of children’s hand-paintings风筝的羽翼:光影写意的空间|Wings of Kites:A Space ofLights and Shadows经过弧形大门,由沙盘区走入洽谈区,同样以大面积落地玻璃引入园区自然景观。空间背景中彩色半透明布帘设计,源于对童年一家人在野外放风筝的温馨联想。风筝透明的羽翼飘在空中,有各式花色。户外光照透过布帘照进来,是不同颜色的光。在这个空间中,以成人洽谈为主要功能,通过家私的选择与配色,处处呈现柔软舒适的细节,简洁的空间中不乏趣味性,平衡了整个主题。An arc-shaped doorconnects the sand table area with the businessdiscussion area, where the natural sceneryoutdoor is visible through the large Frenchwindow. The design of translucent curtains inthe background comes from the imagination offamily flying kites in the outdoor. Thetransparent wings of kites in various colors andpatterns fly in the air. Light coming in throughthe curtain will then show in different colors.The main function of this area is for businessnegotiation. Yet the furniture and colors hereall convey tenderness and comfort. Though thestyle is simple, there is no lack of fun.▼由弧形大门进入洽谈区,an arc-shaped door connects the sandtable area with the business discussion area▼该空间以成人洽谈为主要功能,the main function of this area is forbusiness negotiation▼背景中彩色半透明的布帘设计源于对放风筝的温馨联想,the design of translucentcurtains in the background comes from theimagination of flying kites▼大面积落地玻璃引入自然景观,the natural scenery outdoor is visiblethrough the large French window梦游仙境:自主性探索乐园|In Wonderland:Heuristic PlayArea洽谈区之外,通过主题格调统一的概念围柱、楼梯,半隔出专属于孩子的多功能互动区。这里,设计师想要设计一个富有梦幻色彩的空间。刘易斯的童话故事《爱丽丝梦游仙境》成为空间设计启发。峻佳在空间中引入富有童话色彩的装置,形状奇特的树,树般大小的松鼠,再搭配互动性旋转楼梯,孩子可以在这里充满好奇地探索,与空间互动。With columns andstairs manifesting the theme of project, amulti-functional interactive area for childrenis partly separated from the business discussionarea. Here, the designers want to design a spaceof fantasies. Kyle Design draws inspiration fromLewis Carroll’s fairy tale Alice in Wonderland.Elements in fairy tales are added in the design:trees in curious shapes, squirrels as big astrees. With interactive spiral stairways,children can explore this wonderland ofinteractive space.▼旋转楼梯隔出为孩子们准备的多功能互动区,the staircase manifests amulti-functional interactive area for children这是属于孩子们的游戏区,双向的空间视野让处于交谈中的父母和玩耍中的孩子彼此拥有安心的感觉。防撞无尖角的设计更多地考虑了儿童在空间中的活动安全,让他们尽情玩耍的同时,家长也能够在旁安心休憩或洽谈。弧型也是空间设计的重要元素,包括门顶,把手,及卫生间的镜,充满趣味和联想性。同时也延伸出整体空间温暖柔软的感觉。Since this is a playarea for kids, a two-way view will let both theparents and playing children feel at ease.Design with corner protectors takes care ofchildren’s safety and saves worries for parentswhile resting or negotiating next door. Arc isalso an important element of the design. It canbe found in the roof, the handles and bathroommirror, offering plenty of fun, stimulatingimagination and creating a feeling of warmth andsoftness.▼游戏区,play area▼防撞无尖角的设计考虑了儿童的活动安全,design with corner protectorstakes care of children’s safety▼洗手间,washroom城堡盒子:学乐游互动多维体验|Castle Box:Multiple-purposeInteraction Experience儿童互动区与儿童教室是一个相互区隔又联合的整体,既是源于“教”与“玩”本来就是一个有机结合的整体,又延伸放大了整个空间视觉感受。概念书架、桌椅、背景墙,像空间中的一个个装置,搭建出一个学习的城堡。造型可爱的桌椅与携带童年记忆的玩具整齐分布于空间中,又通过有效的空间布局,留出较大的活动空间,交际、学习、游乐结合在一起,这才是属于孩子体验成长的方式。迷人的色彩、自然光影和创意互动设计……都可以让人难忘与停留。Children’s interactionarea and children’s classroom are separated fromeach other and connected as a whole. The reasonfor this layout is that “learning” and “playing”are essentially integrated. It also helps tovisually extend the whole space. The conceptshelves, tables, chairs, and the background wallare like installations in the space. Togetherthey make up a learning castle. Chairs in lovelyshapes and toys carrying childhood memories areneatly distributed in the space. With aneffective spatial layout, a roomy space isreserved for communication, learning, andplaying. This is how children experience growth.The enchanting colors, the natural lights andcreative design of interaction can make a placewhere people want to stay.▼儿童教室,children’s classroom▼教室集交际、学习和游乐功能于一体,the classroom is reserved forcommunication, learning, and playing▼活动空间与教室相连,the roomy play area is connected with theclasroom本次项目设计,通过空间差异化的体验组织和创意表达,重新定义了一种生活体验和感知的方式。于富有童真与梦幻色彩的空间氛围中,亦平衡了原有的销售功能,让来访者在此感到快乐放松,成为居住者愿意停留的理想家园。城市是提供所需的地方。附着于城市的空间,如同一个个复杂的生命系统。设计师要思考的是创造一个有意义的空间,使之与自然产生互动,人亦能于城市中诗意栖居,美好的记忆与情感也得以传承下去。Through constructionof differentiated experiential space andinnovative ways of expression, the projectredefines life experience and perception. With afantastic atmosphere of innocence in child, thedesign balances the space function of sales. Thecomfort and happiness brought to visitors willmake the community an ideal home to stay andlive. City provides for people. Spaces in citiesare just like complex systems of life. Theprimary consideration for designers is creatinga meaningful space, a space to interact withnature; a space where people find poetical lifein the bustling city and pass down theirbeautiful memories and emotions.▼手绘天花细部,detail of the ceiling▼天花制作过程,production项目名称:皖投万科·天下艺境项目类别:销售中心项目业主:安徽皖赣置业有限责任公司&合肥万科置业有限公司业主管理团队:任鹏飞、檀香、蒋海棠、王东方项目地址:安徽合肥新站区 项目面积:1240㎡设计机构:峻佳设计 设计主创:陈峻佳(KyleChan)设计团队:Derek Ng、Jimmy He、Yang、 Leon Zhang、SushilaLaw、Carol Chan服务内容:空间 空间摄影:廖贵衡(Dick.L)视频制作:峻壹作施工单位:江苏天茂建设股份有限公司发光天花元素制作单位:广州光灿照明科技有限公司 完成时间:2017年More:峻佳设计,更多关于他们请至:KarvOneon gooood
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Published on 2023/05/28
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