Wild Life Coffee Ningbo / GTD
Wild Life Coffee Ningbo
Wild Life Coffee Ningbo / GTD

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山野咖啡宁波店比预期提前开业了。以BC(Bushcraft)文化为核心的杭州山野咖啡自2020年9月开业以来,迅速在咖啡和户外领域走红。当时还流行起一句有趣的话——我不在山野,就在去山野的路上。Wild Life Coffee Ningbo shop came earlier than expected. WithBC (Bushcraft) culture as the core, Wild Life CoffeeHangzhou shop has quickly gained popularity in the coffeeindustry and the outdoor world since its opening inSeptember 2020. At that time, an interesting saying was born— I am not in Wild Life, or I’m on the way to Wild Life. 张健先生,观堂设计总监表示,在第一次受邀前往宁波带梦胡同勘察山野预留的商铺时,我们发现了一条沿街而建的一线展开面非常大的商铺。这个商铺拥有独立的前院、后院和露台。在院子里随意生长着三棵巨大的柏树和香樟树,茂密的枝叶从一楼延伸至二楼,环境非常完美。The first time be invited to DEMOHOOD Ningbo to survey theshop reserved for Wild Life. It locates perfectly along thestreet, with a very large spread surface and independentfront yard, back yard and terrace. The three big treesgrowing wantonly in the courtyard are cypress and camphor,and the dense branches and leaves extend to the second floorfrom the first floor, the environment is very perfect. 我们的山野咖啡是一个关于梦想的故事,寄托了自身对户外的热爱与向往,也希望给宁波这座城市带来“坐在山野喝咖啡”的美好体验——微风下,阳光里,目之所及,心之所向,身之所往,处处皆山野。在这个特殊的疫情年代,也希望每个人都可以放下包袱,亲近自然,回归初心。Our Wild and Life is a story about dreams, which expressesour own love and yearning for the outdoors, and also we hopeto bring the beautiful experience of “sitting in themountains and drinking coffee” to Ningbo city — under thebreeze, in the sunshine, as far as the eye can see, wherethe heart wants, where the body wants, everywhere is in themountains and fields. In this special epidemic era, we alsohope that everyone can put down their burden, get close tonature and return to their original aspiration. 设计之初的动线与功能规划Design of moving line andfunction planning宁波山野的原始建筑是一片混凝土框架结构,算上户外共有740平米,面积是杭州山野的4、5倍。如果仅单一经营咖啡,面积着实过大。如何合理的利用各个空间,确保舒适、调性和品位的同时,将之与合适的产品及经营模式相匹配,从而产生有效的商业回报,在设计之初山野与GTD花费了相当多的精力进行探讨。The original building of Wild life is a piece of concreteframe structure, with a total of 740 square meters includingthe outdoor area, which is 4 or 5 times the area of WildLife in Hangzhou. It is too large if there’s only coffeemaking. How to rationally use each space to ensure comfort,tonality and taste, while matching it with appropriateproducts and business models, so as to generate effectivecommercial returns, Wild Life and GTD had spent a lot ofenergy to discuss at the beginning of design. 建筑整体沿街,立面开间很大,为了能使顾客进店的效率最大化,设计中将店铺入口布置于建筑中间,并由此重新规划了登上二楼的楼梯。在楼梯成为整体立面中心的同时,又将空间自然划分为左、右、上、下四个区域,从而根据不同的运营内容对不同区域开展针对性设计。In order to maximize the efficiency of customers entering,the entrance of the store is placed in the middle of thebuilding, and the stairs to the second floor are rearrangedaccordingly. While the staircase becomes the center of thewhole facade, the space is naturally divided into fourareas: left, right, upper and lower, so as to carry outtargeted design for different areas according to differentoperation contents. 一脉相承的“山野之路”Distinctive “Road of theWild”“山野之路”一直是山野咖啡馆的灵魂,从抵达之时起,你便踏上了一条与众不同的小径。每一块石板,每一棵苗木,每一片青苔,都来自于精挑细选,引领着你向前探索。The “Road of Wild” has always been the soul of Wild LifeCafe, and from the moment you arrive, you are on a trailunlike any other. Every stone slab, every seedling, everymoss comes from the carefully selected, leading you forwardexploration. 宁波山野室内面积320平米,户外区域多达420平米,这在城市商铺中实在难能可贵。得力于这个得天独厚的空间条件,设计过程中尽可能为“打开”预留了行性。南与北的立面全采用玻璃移门和移窗做法,但凡天气合适、便将门窗全部推开,将户外空间引入室内,与自然融为一体,尽情享受自由呼吸。Wild Life Ningbo has an indoor area of 320 square meters, andan outdoor area up to 420 square meters, which is reallyvaluable in the city shops. Thanks to this advantaged spacecondition, the design process is reserved as far as possiblefor the “open”。 The south and north facades are all glazeddoors and windows. When the weather is suitable, the doorsand windows are all pushed open, bringing the outdoor spaceinto the interior, integrating with nature and enjoying freebreathing. 宁波店的场地比较大,产品定位为咖啡饮品、小酒馆和简餐,这里便有了厨房和双吧台。其中主吧台出品咖啡与饮品,紧邻厨房,位于店铺右手边,客人沿山野之路入店后抬头便见,方便抵达与点单需求,也方便运营团队的操作与跑动。次吧台主要出品酒类饮品,位于店铺的左方。各个区域的客人可以自由落座互相串场。白天的客人,可以点杯咖啡来份下午茶;晚间的客人,可以来杯鸡尾酒精酿威士忌,于闲聊间微醺。The Ningbo store has a large space, and the products arepositioned as coffee drinks, bistros and simple meals. Thereis a kitchen and double bars. The main bar produces coffeeand drinks, which is adjacent to the kitchen and located onthe right hand side of the shop. Guests will see it whenthey look up after entering the shop along the road of wild,which is convenient for arriving and ordering, as well asfor the operation and running of the staff. The second barmainly produces alcoholic drinks and is located on the leftside of the store. Guests from each section can sit down andcross the floor freely. Daytime guests can order a cup ofcoffee or afternoon tea; Evening guests can enjoy acocktail, craft beer or whiskey and have a tipsy chat. 将山野生活方式带入城市Bring the Wild Life styleinto city城市是一座岛屿,每个人都会面临荒野求生,山野咖啡希望能为城市里打拼的人们提供一个休憩之所。在这里,你看到的每一块石板,酒吧区的每一棵树桩,墙面上的每一根树枝,角落里镶嵌的每一块原石,微景观里的每一捧青苔,吧台上的每一块老木板每一盏吊灯,墙面上出现的每一幅画……全都倾注了百分百的心血。The city is an island, everyone will face wildernesssurvival. Wild life Cafe hopes to provide a rest for thestruggling people in the city.Here, every stone slab you see, every tree stump in the bararea, every branch on the wall, every rough stone inlaid inthe corner, every handful of moss in the micro-landscape,every old board on the bar, every chandelier, every pictureon the wall… Wild Life has devoted all its life into. 欣慰的是,正如各方所愿,宁波山野正在为这座城市带来山野户外的美好生活方式。去山野喝一杯聊两句,正在一点点融入平常生活的瞬间。Happily, as expected, Wild Life now is bringing an outdoorlifestyle to the Ningbo city. Go to Wild Life and have adrink or chat, is slowly becoming an ordinary moment of thelife here. 项目名称:山野咖啡·宁波店项目地址:宁波鄞州区嵩江中路1002号DEMOHOOD青年创意社区项目面积:740平米竣工日期:2022年9月空间设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司店铺道具:杭州久维装饰工程有限公司灯光照明:杭州见合灯光设计事务所窗帘布艺:宁波致品居·柔然软装植物布置:去野·二旦植物工作室室内家具:失物招领(LOST &FOUND)主要材料:手工砖、天然风化石、老木头、无机水磨石空间摄影:黑水、陈昊、汤汤、王飞Project Name: Wild Life Coffee@ NingboProject address: DEMOHOOD,No.1002 Songjiang Middle Road,Yinzhou, NingboProject area: 740 squaremetersCompletion date: September2022InteriorDesign: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co.,LTDShop props:Hangzhou Jiuwei Decoration Engineering Co.,LTDLighting:Hangzhou JIO Light Design OfficeCurtain supply: Ningbo Zhipinju· Rouran soft outfitPlant layout: Quye Erdan PlantStudioInteriorFurniture: LOST & FOUNDMain materials: handmade brick,natural wind fossil, old wood,inorganicterrazzoSpacephoto: Hei Shui, Chen Hao, Tang Tang, Wang Fei

Appreciations towards GTD for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/30
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