Quzhou Park 258 / Metro Studio
Huayuan 258 project is located in the geographical and economic center of the western district of Quzhou, which is a light industrial textile factory in the 1980s
Quzhou Park 258 / Metro Studio
Project Year
Site Area
76296 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Quzhou Park 258


Park 258, formerly as light industrial textile plant in the 1980s, is located in the center of geographic and economic of western Quzhou. The design aimed to preserve and reform the old factory and build an innovative, sustainable employment base, build garden-like work and life style.


Architectural & Planning

原有的建筑风格为BAUHAUS 风格建筑;整体结构完整,立面造型、线条、比例协调统一,独具美感。设计采用置换与填充的规划思路,将现在巨大的封闭厂房适度开放,在旧建筑中加入多个容纳公共艺术空间的新建筑,由内而外一步一步添加和改造。设计无意于界定清晰的边界,而是试图建立一种动态的、交互式的、灵活的框架,以使其自身不断适应城市所产生的新状况。


The original architectural style is Bauhaus; the overall structure is still in its integrity and its facade lines, and proportions are still harmonious and unified with its unique aesthetic feelings. With the design idea of replacement and filling, we moderately open some of the huge closed factories and add new buildings as public art spaces, step by step adding and reforming from the inside to out. We have no intention to define clear boundary but try to build a dynamic, interactive, flexible framework, in order to make its own constantly adapt to new needs of the city.

The planning aims at creating a low carbon ecological park with high-efficient linkage, to form “one axis, one ring, four groups and two points ", "one axis" is the north-south central axis; "One ring" is the green landscape ring; "Four zones" are E-business office group, the cultural creativity and information software group, comprehensive service group and the park green space group; the "two points" are the south and the north entrances.



Themed in New Pass & New Future, reproduce cotton culture, add the new feelings of the city and combine history and modern, creating the center of Quzhou Smart City. Use internet innovation and cultural creativity R&D as the core, meanwhile, keep the site memory, and create energetic open city park and new e-commerce industrial park. The design fully refines the cotton as the language and the spindles and threads formerly used in the cotton factory are reused as the decoration of the park.


规划、建筑、景观、室内一体化设计:Metrostudio 迈丘设计


用地面积:10万 ㎡





Owner :Quzhou Linken Network Technology Co., Ltd

Planning Design Consultant: Metrostudio

Architectural Design Consultant: Metrostudio

Landscape Design Consultant: Metrostudio

Interior Design Consultant: Metrostudio

Project Location:Quzhou, Zhejiang

Site Area:100,000 sqm

Landscape Area: 76296.25 sqm

Date of Design:Sept. 2015- May. 2017

Principal:Lyon Tan

Team Member of Designer:Grubby Lee, Xuejie Yang, Seeven Guo, Joanna Jiang, Charles Chan, Vina Wu, Ivy Yang, etc.

Appreciations towards Metro Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/11
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