Chongqing Vanke The Forest Park / A&N Shangyuan
Chongqing Vanke Forest Park is located at the southeast corner of the Central Park, and
Chongqing Vanke The Forest Park / A&N Shangyuan
Project Year
Site Area
13000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Dream Forest, Only To Return To Life


重庆万科·森林公园位于中央公园东南角, “为城市沙漠造森林绿洲”成为此项目的核心理念。此次设计建筑、景观、室内三位一体,“消失的建筑”以全镜面玻璃打造,在反射与透视中将自然以另一种方式映于建筑之上,实现周围环境的融合;景观则以一片约5000㎡的水杉林,将建筑隐于其中,形成林中小屋的整体思路;而室内,呈现出来更生活化的自然气息,窗外的风景尽收眼底。最终,三位一体的整体设计以谦逊姿态,回归初心,森林之中,诗意栖居。

【Project Brief Introduction】

Chongqing Vanke·The Forest Park is located in the southeast corner of Central Park. The big idea of this design is to make an urban forest oasis for urban desert. The design is a marriage between architecture, landscape architecture and interior design. The architecture is composed of glasses, the nature is reflected onto the glass and achieve the integration of the surrounding environment. The planting design is composed of 5000m2 dawn redwood where the building is hiding in between. So it appears to grow out of a forest. When view from indoor, the scenery is breath taking combined with the warmth of the interior.


In order to find a balance between environment and ecology, the designer integrates architecture and nature. "Creating a forest oasis for the urban desert" has become the concept of this project, which interprets our sincere persistence and modesty with warm language.


The Forest Park is located in the southeast corner of central park. Such scene cannot help arousing stylist heart to nature, halcyon desire, also be a kind of life complex that urbanite longs to return to nature.

面对这片热土,设计师不止一次次地自问,我们将如何惜爱这片土地?生态、自然、绿色、原始……这一系列关键词成了未来生活的代名词。而这些词汇引向一个内心深处的呼唤,答案呼之欲出 ——“森林”,浮现在了设计团队的脑海里。

Faced with this land, designers have asked themselves over and over again, how will we cherish this land? Ecology, nature, green, primitive... This series of key words become the pronoun of future life. These words lead to a deep call, and the answer, "forest", emerges in the mind of the design team.


At the beginning of the design, it took more than a month to pull out the mountains, wade into the water, travel to the southwest, in order to find a forest that fits the local humanistic feelings of Chongqing, and this time, only to find the forest that I yearn for in my heart.


The harvest of this trip is recorded in the design, just like finding the key to open the forest door, jumping out of the paper and drawing the forest in my heart. This forest, without too much whitewash, only needs sincere narration, which is moving enough.


A 5,000-inch Metasequoia forest, is that we have the answer to the forest


The Forest Park selects 1000 metasequoia glyptostroboides forest to restore to make, besides outstanding forest temperament one side, its purpose still depends on metasequoia glyptostrobostroboides to have the change of four seasons, different season is a kind of beauty. The Metasequoia forest of the project is planted according to the combination of the shape of the Chinese character "一" and the Chinese character "品"., forming an array layout of about 2m horizontally and 2.5-4m laterally, effectively narrowing and enlarging the space, guiding people to enter and exit different Spaces with appropriate tree spacing, so that people can get a well-arranged landscape experience in the process of moving.

置身其中,感知森林的温暖In it, feel the warmth of the forest

建筑的高反光玻璃,将空间无限延伸High Reflective Glass Building, Infinite Extension Space

窗外的风景,给人无限的遐想The scenery outside the window gives people limitless reverie


"Disappearing architecture" conveys the harmonious conception of coexistence with nature

森林是底色, 这座“消失的建筑”提供了一个原汁原味的隐居环境。它以全镜面玻璃与全透玻璃打造,在反射与透视中将自然以另一种方式映于建筑之上,实现与周围环境的融合。当你靠近时,甚至很难区分室内和室外,仿佛它消失于森林内。而你、树木、建筑,就这样和谐共生。

The forest is the background color, and this "lost building" provides an authentic seclusion. It is made of full mirror glass and full transparent glass, which reflects nature onto the building in another way in reflection and perspective, realizing the integration with the surrounding environment. When you get close, it's hard to even tell the difference between indoors and outdoors, as if it's lost in the forest. You, the trees, the buildings, live in harmony.


Light and shadow, enjoy the beauty of flexibility and change


The dynamic light and shadow effect formed by sunlight transmitted through metasequoia in different time periods also creates a magnificent and mysterious atmosphere. Shuttle among them, also can bring in the light of three-dimensional space, dynamic appreciate another kind of natural fun.

性本丘山,谦隐于世。栖居之地,寻梦森林。每个人心中都有属于自己的一片林,在这里,让我们自然栖息,欣然相遇。用谦逊之态,回归初心,把生活谱成一首诗,在属于自己角落,有诗意的巡行 。

The nature of this hill, modest hidden in the world. A place to live, a forest to dream. Everyone has their own heart of a forest, here, let us natural habitat, readily meet. With humility, return to the original heart, the life into a poem, in their own corner, poetic tour.

林下漫步,转角处的小憩Walking under the woods, napping around the corner


"Breathe with the forest", back into the deep forest, back to the moss


The poetry of the forest is a picture of life. Walking through the veranda, sitting on the side of the water, overlooking the time under the trees, picturesque, life is so graceful. Accidental encounter forest cabin, let go of complicated thoughts, in the mottled light and shadow, listen to insects and birds chirping, feel the refreshing breeze breeze leaves, .At this moment, expectations for natural life arise spontaneously..

夜间的林中水带,通往自然的生活之地Water Belt in Forest at Night Leads to Natural Living Place
















Project name: chongqing · vanke · forest park

Client: Vanke (chongqing)

Location: west gate of Central Park, Liangjiang new district, Chongqing, China

Project design & completion year: 2018.05-2018.11

Landscape area: 13,000 square meters

Landscape Design: Chongqing Advo-nature Architecture & Landscape Design Co.,Ltd.

Leader designer: Zou Yuda; Wang Xiaoli

Design team: Dai Taizhong, Zhang Zhichao, Tang Yuyao, Chen Xihao, Wang Xiuquan, Li Nan

Architectural design: LWK + PARTNERS

Architectural construction drawing design: ARCH·AGE DESIGN

Interior design: ENJOY DESIGN

Curtain wall design consultant: Chengdu Anweixin Architectural decoration design co., LTD

Sculpture supplier: Chongqing Yadi landscape sculpture co., LTD

Construction company: Sichuan SOHAN Ecological Environment co., LTD. Chongqing branch

Photos: XUEER Space Photography – Tang Xi; Photographer – Chen Guanhong

Appreciations towards A&N Shangyuan for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/04/16
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