Helios restaurant / K-studio
This project is located in Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel, in the Nafsika Hotel pool area, with part of it positioned in front of the hotel building, parallel to the pool and looking to the sea, and the other placed perpendicular to it, in an L-shape cor
Helios restaurant / K-studio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

该项目位于 Four Seasons Astir Palace酒店的泳池区内,部分位于酒店建筑前面,与泳池平行,朝向大海,另一部分与泳池垂直,呈 L形,使泳池弯曲,更靠近大海。首层与酒店最接近的是餐厅和酒吧,客户要求为其提供180个座位,分别安排在休息区,低餐区和标准餐区。客户想让这里同时成为餐馆和酒吧,以及休闲场所。

This project is located in Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel, in the Nafsika Hotel pool area, with part of it positioned in front of the hotel building, parallel to the pool and looking to the sea, and the other placed perpendicular to it, in an L-shape cornering the pool and closer to the sea. The first structure, closest to the hotel, is the restaurant and bar for which we were asked to provide seating for 180 covers arranged in zones of lounge, low dining and standard dining. Four Seasons’ operators wanted this place to be as much a place of relaxation as it would be a restaurant and bar.


We wanted the identity of the spaces to be a continuation of the modernist architecture of the existing hotel building, an emblematic building with a strong orthogonal grid. We used this grid as a guide to zoning the spaces and extended it within our building, placing a pergola on top of it to create free-flowing space below and alongside the pool, and avoiding any competition with the building behind it. The white aluminium pergola respects the grid and integrates with the linear, orthogonal identity of the building. Making the pergola of aluminium allows it to withstand the abrasive seafront environment but also means it is visually a lot lighter than the building, like a sketch over it. This pergola quickly became a sequence of pergolas with varied heights to allow a distinction between each and creating the opportunity to create zones beneath them.

▼项目概念 Concept


We established two cores: a food bar and a drinks bar. These two attraction points have different types of seating either side of them and a free-flowing circulation and visual connection between them, showcasing the artful creation and presentation of food and drink that is a signature of the Four Seasons brand.


The floor divides the grid of the pergolas in half, creating smaller areas at varying heights to allow for cosiness within the openness. So whilst the pergola connects space, the floor separates it. A sequence of hanging curtains creates an ephemeral boundary between the zones, adds playful animation to the spaces and a soft sense of privacy. At the cocktail bar and its surrounding lounge area, the floor breaks up and spills out onto the beach in front, creating small areas of laid-back seating with fire pits, for even more casual gatherings. Extra care has been taken to incorporate the existing trees and rock formations thus integrating the building well into the site. The pergola is woven around and between them and allows them to push up through it in ‘stitching moments’.


The overall impression is of an elegant white structure that celebrates the design, character and ethos of the adjacent building, extending its formalistic architecture into a more diagrammatic space, filled with light and movement.

项目名称:Helios restaurant



项目地点:希腊 雅典

设计团队:Giorgos Mitrogiorgis,Alexis Chortogiannis,Christos Spetseris,Vassilis Eleftheriadis,Dimitra Pavlakou,Nantia Karampini,Eleni Aroni,Meni Gentimi,Thodoris Kantarelis,Stavros Kotsikas,Lila Simou





规划顾问:Periklis Konstantinidis / AETER

结构工程师:Helliniki Meletitiki

机械工程师:LDK顾问Nektarios Kampanos,Spyros Kostopoulos,Themistoklis Alexakis



景观设计:doxiadis +(Thomas Doxiadis,Aggeliki Mathiudaki)

厨房顾问:Humble Arnold Associated


金属制品:Georgios Mitras

椅子和凳子:Mia Collection



照片来源:©Peter Lander

Name: Helios restaurant

Code: 262_1

Type: Restaurant

Location: Astir Palace, Vouliagmeni Athens

Status: Completed 2019

Area (m²): 1700m2 Taverna, 710m2 Helios restaurant, 410m2 Helios bar 

K-Studio Design Team: Giorgos Mitrogiorgis, Alexis Chortogiannis,Christos Spetseris, Vassilis Eleftheriadis, Dimitra Pavlakou,Nantia Karampini, Eleni Aroni, Meni Gentimi, Thodoris Kantarelis, Stavros Kotsikas, Lila Simou

3D Visualisation: k-studio

Surveyor: Topoanalysis

Planning Consultant: Periklis Konstantinidis / AETER

Structural Engineer: Helliniki Meletitiki

Mechanical Engineer: LDK Consultants Nektarios Kampanos, Spyros Kostopoulos, Themistoklis Alexakis

Lighting Designer: LDG

Sound Consultant: Timagenis

Landscape Architecture: doxiadis+ (Thomas Doxiadis, Aggeliki Mathiudaki)

Kitchen Consultant: Humble Arnold Associated

Main Contactor: AKTOR

Metal works: Georgios Mitras

Chairs and Stools: Mia Collection

Fibres: Caneplex

Kitchen: Xenex

Photographer:©Peter Landers

Appreciations towards K-studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/10
Editor:Lucas Lee
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