Hidden Garden House / RAD+ar
alternating overlapping garden spaces
Hidden Garden House / RAD+ar
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


The house is located in Menteng area, the most prestigious heritage residential area surrounded by 360 dense mix used business district. The challenge was to rethinking the status quo and needs for a typical stereotyping - glamorous and arrogant Menteng houses. On the process of responding to this quest, architect breaks the scale of internal massing and the composition of empty spaces in between, the roof is divided into parallel bands of open sky garden in an alternating sequence overlapped mezzanine to create a diagonal loop of sky circulations.

这座占地1500平方米的房屋是RAD+ar项目中"城市热带住宅实验"的最新延伸项目之一。"我们决定行使创造多个花园和多个社区体验的权利,使一个家庭能够更像一个基础设施或对周围超高密度居民开放的小公园。" - 安东尼乌斯·理查德。

This 1500sqm house is one of the latest variations of the serial house from RAD+ar project for ‘urban tropical house experimental’. “We decided to exercises the right to create multiple garden and multiple neighborhoods’ experiences in a single home. It should acted more like an infrastructure or a pocket park open to the surrounding ultra-dense neighbors.” – Antonius Richard.


The ground floor is open and completely transparent, without any dividing wall, giving a visual connection across the whole house. Swimming pool is acted as a visual light reflective line while at the same time acted as skylight for the basement under. From each passing of storey, residents can have multiple different views of the multilevel stacking gardens above and underneath them, giving the space its openness and elegance. Gently sloped, roof-landscape is visually connected to the surrounded Jakarta Cityscape of hi rise buildings. Amongst nature, the residents can enjoy multiple chances of interactions in their daily activities while enjoying cityscape views.


This modern tropical house was never aiming to be beautiful, but instead to be humble whilst also incredibly energy efficient, with the application of 5 basic passive building approaches and also active building features such as high-efficiency HVAC systems that minimize energy, solar panels on the rooftop and many smart house systems. It was to answer the quest from a humble young family that is looking for a unique way to explore the playful layout of multiple mezzanine garden in a simple two storey appearance façade, this overlapping compact house seamlessly blends indoor outdoor experience a warm and inviting atmosphere was created while maintaining a sleek and contemporary design.

▽底层平面图,Ground plan.

▽二层平面图,Second Floor Plan.

▽夹层平面图,Mezzanine Plan.

▽天空甲板平面图,Sky Deck Plan.

▽地下室平面图,Basement Plan.



Project Name: Hidden Garden House

Office Name: RAD+ar

Office Website:

Social Media Accounts: @radarchitects

Contact email:

Firm Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Completion Year: 2023

Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 1500sqm

Project Location: Menteng, Central Jakarta

Program / Use / Building Function: Mix Used House

Lead Architects: Antonius Richard

Lead Architects e-mail:


Photo Credits: William Sutanto

Photographer’s Website:

Photographer’s e-mail:

Appreciations towards RAD+ar for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/01
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