Yoy At Milan Design Week With 5 Projects / YOY
Yoy At Milan Design Week With 5 Projects
Yoy At Milan Design Week With 5 Projects / YOY

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SUNDIAL日晷这是一个模仿日晷设计而成的时钟。日晷中的棒子是分针,它的影子是时针。影子是印在钟面上的,整体造型给人感觉棒子和影子绕着钟面在互相追逐着。A wall clock appearing to be structured as a sundial,designed with a bar for the minutes hand and itsshadow as the hour hand. The entire clock face withthe shadow imprinted on the surface turns to telltime, giving the impression that the bar and shadoware chasing each other around the clock. PAINT涂料这是一系列好似用涂料绘制而成的灯。打开开关时,画布框被一个笔画点亮。灯具配备着LED灯和透明片,掩盖了画笔笔触的细节。将不完美的笔触精准地复制到画布上。A series of lighting equipment that appear to becompositions drawn with light-made paint. Whenswitched on, a paintbrush stroke will light up onthe plain canvas frame. Equipped with LED and atransparent sheet masking the details of thepaintbrush stroke, the imperfect stroke is preciselyreproduced onto the canvas.COTODAMA LYRICSPEAKERCOTODAMA 歌词音箱COTODAMA歌词音箱代表了音响设计的趋势。它通过手机显现出歌词。它的设计理念是“用歌词装饰你的生活”。艺术家设计的艺术文字构成歌词。音响将歌词变成起居室里的一件艺术品。这是原COTODAMA歌词音响的兄弟产品。它由两个面板组成,向着墙面倾斜,像是黑胶唱片的外套一样。正面是一个显示歌词的屏幕,后面的面板是两个音箱。这个全新的款式在2018年发布。COTODAMA Lyric Speaker is the next generationspeaker. It shows song lyrics beautifully throughyour phone. Its design concept is “decorate yourlife with lyrics.” Lyric is the art of words fromartists. The speaker visualizes lyrics as an artpiece in your living room. YOY added a new lineupwhich is the brother model of the original COTODAMALyric Speaker. The brother model speaker consists oftwo boards leaned against the wall like vinyl recordjackets. Front side is a screen which displays thelyrics, and the other one located behind containstwo audio speakers. This brand new brother model ofLyric Speaker will be launched in 2018. FLOAT II漂浮II漂浮灯具系列由桌灯与落地灯组成,灯罩看起来好似悬浮在半空中。电源线的一部分实际上是由一根金属管组成的,它连接着灯罩和灯杆,创造出灯罩漂浮在灯杆之上的视觉效果。A series of a table lamp and floor lamp of which thelamp shades appear to be magically floating inmidair. A part of the electric cord is actually madeof a metal pipe that joints the shade and the pole,creating the visual effect of the shade floatingabove the pole. TRUNK树桩TRUNK是一系列看起来像树干的凳子。一个真正的树干被3D扫描后制作成树皮纹理模型。Kvadra织布被压在模具上,加上一种特殊的溶剂构造树皮纹理。这个项目是由Kvadrat在“我的画布”展览上展出的,这是与2017年伦敦设计节的参展作品之一。TRUNK is a series of stools that look like treetrunks. A real tree trunk was 3D scanned to make thebark texture mold. The textile was pressed onto themold and finished with a special solvent toconstruct the bark texture on Kvadrat’s “Canvas.”This project was presented in the exhibition “MyCanvas” held by Kvadrat in correspondence to theLondon Design Festival 2017.
Appreciations towards YOY for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/13
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