Tij observatory is part of a large scale landscaping plan where people can experience the Scheelhoek nature reserve in a walk from the car parking area to the Ei. Walking along the path, visitors can view several types of bird biotope favoured by sand mar
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Tij is the biggest and most striking of a series of objects designed to celebrate the opening of the Haringvliet sluices in November 2018. The sluices were opened in order to improve water quality and biodiversity, while also stimulating fish migration from the North Sea to the river delta system of Maas and Rhine in the Netherlands. This will create a new, salt-resistant and salt-loving natural environment. The biodiversity in the surrounding nature reserves will increase and a more robust, healthier ecosystem will develop in the coming years. To let people experience and explore these changes, a series of bird observatories have been designed in the Haringvliet area.

Tij 的外形接近鸟类的蛋,位于舍尔胡克,一个靠近荷兰斯坦伦丹附近的哈林夫利特水闸的自然保护区,保护区由沿海防御工事内部的大芦苇床和外围的一些平沙岛屿组成,这些岛屿是几种鸟类的繁殖地和觅食地,比如普通燕鸥、琵鹭以及这个地区的标志性物种——白嘴端燕鸥。

Tij is an egg-shaped bird hide situated in Scheelhoek, a nature reserve close to the Haringvliet sluice near Stellendam, the Netherlands. The reserve consists of large reed beds on the inside of the coastal defences and some flat sand islands outside. These islands are breeding and feeding grounds for several species of birds like the common tern, spoonbill, and the icon of this area, the sandwich tern.

Tij 观鸟台是大型景观规划的一部分,人们可以从停车场步行到观鸟台,体验舍尔胡克自然保护区的美景,走在小路上,游客欣赏到看到沙燕、涉禽和燕鸥等几种鸟类的生活区。

Tij observatory is part of a large scale landscaping plan where people can experience the Scheelhoek nature reserve in a walk from the car parking area to the Ei. Walking along the path, visitors can view several types of bird biotope favoured by sand martins, several kind of waders and, of course, terns.


To prevent the birds from being disturbed, the last section of the path is actually a tunnel made of re-used mooring posts and second-hand azobe planks which were once used in the brick industry. The tunnel is covered in sand to provide habitat for terns or waders. The outside of the tunnel provides artificial nesting holes for sand martins. The end point of the walking route is the egg-shaped bird hide from where you can view hatching Terns and all the other species that live in and around the water.

观鸟台的原型是一个白嘴端燕鸥蛋,它坐在一窝沙子上,就像燕鸥平时会在沙子上下的蛋一样,观鸟台的“巢”由栗树杆、芦苇和小沙丘组成。为了实现外形的良好比例,保证结构的完整性,项目使用了参数化设计,一个名为 Zollinger 的工厂接收了我们的图纸,提供了相对较大的跨度和较小的木材部件。

The egg itself is modelled on a sandwich tern egg, and sits on a nest of sand, much like a tern would have done it herself. The nest of the egg consists of vertical ‘feathers’ of chestnut poles, reeds and small sand dunes. The egg itself is parametrically designed to achieve a good ratio between form, structural integrity, size of the timber, and size of the openings. The structure has been constructed as a File-to-Factory Zollinger to provide relatively big spans with small timber parts.


The lower part of the egg, which floods a few times a year, is made of accoya. The upper part, which stays dry all year, is made of pine. The upper part is thatched with local reed, harvested from the inside of the sea defences. The thatched roof stops just above the highest possible water line. The floor inside the egg is a hybrid wood (CLT)- concrete floor which acts as a structural stabiliser and from where there is a beautiful view of the surrounding islands, the Haringvliet sluices and the water.

Tij 是用当地的芦苇做的茅草屋顶,木结构是完全由工厂生产的402个零件,已经在现场组装完成,它可以完全隐入环境中,其可重用性、模块化、材料和对自然环境的亲和,它几乎是完全可循环和可持续的。

Tij is thatched with local reed and has a timber structure which has been completely File-to-Factory produced in 402 parts and has been assembled at the site. It can be completely dissembled. Through its re-usability, its modularity, its materials and its contribution to the nature environment, it is almost completely circular and sustainable.


Reflecting the transitory nature of all things, it must also be noted that the Bird-EI is also temporary and will be taken apart at some point in the future. At that time, it may be reused or recycled without detrimental effects to nature or man.


In this way, we have created an (eco)system where man and nature can come closer together and be a part of each other’s world.


▼总平面图 / 立面图



设计单位:RO&AD+ Bergen op Zoom + RAU Architecte

设计团队:Ad Kil, Ro Koster, Martin van Overveld, Athina Andreadou, Loyse Rebord, Rodrigo Altamirano

设计团队RAU: Thomas RAU, Michel Tombal, Jochem Alferink

Opdrachtgever / 政府专员 :Vogelbescherming & natuurenten

建筑工程师/主要结构工程师:BreedID, Den Haag



Landschap / Landscape: H+N+S Landschaps Architectuur, Amersfoort

承包商:Van Hese Infra, Middelburg

Rietdekker/茅草屋顶:Elg Rietdekkers, Schoonebeek

摄影:Katja Effting,无人机摄影:Merijn Koelink

地点:荷兰,斯特伦丹,natuurgede Scheelhoek

启动-结束建设:10-2018 - 03-2019


Architect: RO&AD Architecten, Bergen op Zoom - RAU Architecten, Amsterdam

Design team RO&AD: Ad Kil, Ro Koster, Martin van Overveld, Athina Andreadou, Loyse Rebord, Rodrigo Altamirano

Design team RAU: Thomas Rau, Michel Tombal, Jochem Alferink

Opdrachtgever / Commissioner: Vogelbescherming & Natuurmonumenten

Hoofdconstructeur/ main structural engineer : BreedID, Den Haag

Houtconstructeur / Structural engineer wood: Aalto University Finland

Hout engineering / Wood engineering: Geometria, Finland

Landschap / Landscape: H+N+S Landschaps Architectuur, Amersfoort

Aannemer / Contractor: Van Hese Infra, Middelburg

Rietdekker/ Thatched roof: Elg Rietdekkers, Schoonebeek

Fotografie / photography: Katja Effting, drone photograph: Merijn Koelink

Locatie / location: natuurgebied De Scheelhoek, Stellendam, Nederland

Start-End construction: 10-2018 - 03-2019

Functie / Function: Vogelobservatorium / Bird hide, bird observatory

Appreciations towards RO&AD for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/30
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