White Orchid Pavilion / Urban Fabric
White Orchid Pavilion / Urban Fabric
Urban Fabric

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Project Year
Site Area
1800 m²
* Text Description Provided By The Architects


An everyday living aesthetic gallery is, at its essence, a brand experience for real estate developers. It is a type of exhibition building, in which the goods displayed are the houses, property, and services to be sold by developers. We approached this project as if it was an enlarged exhibit booth, with White Orchid Pavilion as a particularly unique display space. When visitors walk by the “booth”, the functionality aspect of the building is weakened, and they perceive the abstract blocks on the booth; that is, the exhibit items we want to present.

▼ 曲线围合形态使参观者沉浸其中

▼ 弱化建筑功能,抽象体块犹如放大的展台


Yuyao City is rich in orchids. The “booth’s” appearance and color happen to coincide with the orchid’s sense of elegance and purity, hence the name White Orchid Pavilion. White often brings about active imaginations in people because of its simplicity. In the design, simple colors are matched with simple shapes, and a sense of distance is deliberately created between people and daily life, guiding people to recover their original feelings toward the exhibits.  

▼ 简洁的白色与抽象的形体,引导参观者体验空间

▼ 纯粹的白色,激发人们的想象

▼ 展台的造型与色彩,呼应白兰的高雅纯洁之感

▼ 深色水景与白色建筑交织的视觉印象


The “booth” is a curved, inwardly structured space. One of the reasons for this is due to the site’s cluttered surroundings and its proximity to the expressway. The curvature elements give the building a low-profile external perspective. Another reason is that the enclosed form allows for greater immersion by visitors. When soft lines are drawn into the interior, the central courtyard instantly creates a unique tension and sensory experience. Walking around the water courtyard, the dark-colored waterscape and white buildings form an unforgettable visual impression. With the passing of time, the shadows of light and water give the façade a rich expression. This booth is not only about exhibits, but also about time and nature.

▼ 内向型曲线空间,隔绝周围杂乱环境
▼ 柔和曲线强化中心庭院的空间张力

▼ 曲线创造内向型空间,使视线围绕中心庭院


The choice of materials and construction methods was limited by the short construction timeframe and strict budget. After several rounds of technical discussion, we chose a light steel structure, with a cast-in-place roof that has removable formwork. To ensure the purity of the building’s exterior, the floor is made of white microcement, which has a fast construction cycle and provides a uniform and seamless look.

▼ 白色微水泥与轻钢结构,保证建筑的纯粹性,实现短工期

▼ 光影与水影使纯净立面变幻出丰富的表情

▼ 白兰之馆_平面总图 Plan

▼ 白兰之馆_细部 Detail







Design Team:

Design Creator: Ouyang Zhixi, Wang Xin

Design Team: Yijie Xu, Ying Zeng

Project Address: Yuyao, Zhejiang Province

Photography Copyright: Dachou Space Photography

Client: Yuyao Kaitou Lancheng Construction Development Co.

Appreciations towards Urban Fabric for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/09/04
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