由Ana MilenaHernández和ChristophePenasse领导的Masquespacio工作室近完成了Egeo餐厅的设计和建造,这是他们在瓦伦西亚设计的第一家希腊餐厅。项目始于在马德里开设了2家餐厅、由Thanasis创立的souvlaki(一种希腊的肉类和蔬菜串烤类美食)连锁店,希望找到一家能够延续其现有的室内设计风格的工作室。
Masquespaciopresents Egeo, the first Greek restaurant that the studio led by Ana MilenaHernández and Christophe Penasse designed in Valencia.Counting already with 2 restaurants in Madrid, the souvlaki (Greek meat and vegetables brochettes) chain founded by Thanasis, was looking for an interior design studio that could give continuity to its already existing interior design identity.
项目最大的挑战是客户不希望在瓦伦西亚的第一间餐厅的设计上与以往发生太大变化。Christophe Penasse称:“如果你关注我们从前的项目,就会知道我们喜欢打破常规,因此这对我们来说是一个巨大的挑战,既要尊重客户想要的极简主义希腊设计,又要带来不同的设计体验。”
The biggestchallenge was although that they didn’t want a huge change in the design fortheir first space in Valencia. ChristophePenasse: “If you follow our work, you know that we like to break with theexisting for which it was a huge challenge for us to respect their minimalisticGreek design and at the same time offer a different experience.”
Initially wemaintained Egeo’s white and blue color palette, although we searched to bringthe space closer to Greece, applying the beauty of cementish materials that areso typical for the ancient Greek houses.
“我们希望在空间中体现希腊文化,而不仅仅是套用蓝白的色彩模板。”Ana Milena Hernández说道。
Ana MilenaHernández: “We tried to materialize Greece in the space, further than justusing the usual white and blue color palette.”
The walls above incorporatevolumes with organic forms as one of the most highlighting features from thespace, continuing with the search to represent the essence of Greekarchitecture. The most standing outelement from the design is although a series of Greek columns in a deterioratedstate, painted here in blue.
Ana Milena Hernández称:我们在使用这些柱体时,需要考虑到如何在希腊建筑中实现传统元素的现代化,因为这种元素在世界各地的希腊餐馆中都代表一种古典氛围。
Ana MilenaHernández: The question we asked ourselves with the introduction of the columnswas how to modernize this in Greek architecture traditional element that isrepresented in his classical state in Greek restaurants all around the world.”
For the recreationof the columns in their modern version a blue color was used, while they wereproduced with a 3D printer. At the same time led tubes were added to thestructure. The regular color was challenged, next to its production technique,making them a contemporary element produced with 21st century technology.
Last but not least,the order bar was situated in the middle of the space with the aim to recreatea bustling environment like if you were ordering your souvlaki from a mobilekiosk in the middle of a Greek market.
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Client: Egeo(https://egeosuvlakeria.com)
Instagram: @egeosuvlakeriagriega
Address: Carrer delLiteratAzorín, 8, 46006 València, Spain
Design:Masquespacio (http://www.masquespacio.com)
Instagram: @masquespacio_chris
Photography: SebastianErras
Surface: 100 m2
Opening: March 2022
Suppliers & Materials:
Construction:Instalaciones del Puerto
Furniture & CustomizedLighting:DesignMasquespacio, local production
Columns: DesignMasquespacio, production: Iberpoligraph
Microcement: Nivel 2