The Commons / Department of ARCHITECTURE
For Bangkok, or any modern international city, living conditions and spatial forms are constantly evolving. The outdoor living space most desired by Bangkok residents today should be one that can effectively cope with tropical heat and dense living condit
The Commons / Department of ARCHITECTURE
Project Year
Site Area
5000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

对于曼谷或任何国际现代都市来说,生活条件和空间形式都在不断演变。曼谷的居民当前最渴望的户外生活空间,应该是可以有效地应对热带的高温和密集的居住条件的空间。“The Commons”是城市中心的一个小型的商业项目,它试图创造一个新的活跃的户外空间,人们可以在一年中的任何时间舒适地享受它。

For Bangkok, or any other modern-day cosmopolitan cities, living conditions and spatial form continue to evolve. Bangkokians are now yearning for new possibilities of outdoor living space that can effectively answer to the tropical heat and its dense living condition where there is not much space for the outdoor. ‘The Commons’, a small retail development in the city center, is an attempt to create a new active outdoor space where people can comfortably enjoy it at anytime of the year.

“The Commons”提出了一个垂直的露天公共空间,向上折叠作为建筑的概念。它从“地面”开始,地面是由台阶和坡道组成的景观,与平台、座位、植物和小亭子融为一体。该区域被三楼和四楼的空间遮挡,让整个公共空间不受恶劣天气的影响。“地面”通过上层的大空隙垂直打开,连接到一个大型的公共露天区域,此区域占据了第三层和第四层近30%的空间。垂直和水平的空间排向便于空气流通,虽然自然风可以很好的贯穿整个建筑,但还是在天窗下方的天花板上加装了两组很大的工业风扇,一组将热空气向上抽出,另一组则是将风向下吹,有效地加强了在炎热的天气时空气的流动。这个通风的半室外空间与所有层次的花园很好地结合在一起,它成为一个活跃的城市公共生活区域,它是一个可以在任何时间、任何季节散步和放松的地方。

‘The Commons’ proposes a vertical open-air public space folding upward as a backbone of the building. It starts with ‘the Ground’ which is a landscape of steps and ramps integrated with platforms, seatings, planting and small kiosks. The area is well shaded by the third and the fourth floor structure above protecting the entire space from the sun and the rain. ‘The Ground’ vertically opens up through large voids on the upper floors, connecting to a large public open-air area occupying nearly thirty percent of each of the third and the fourth floor plate. The space vertically and horizontally flows in and out the entire building and allows for natural ventilation throughout. Two sets of industrial fans are incorporated into the ceiling screen below the skylight. One set draws hot air upward and out; the other set blows the wind downward to effectively increase the air movement in extra hot days. This airy semi-outdoor space is well incorporated with gardens on all levels. It becomes an active vertical urban living area. It is a place for strolling and relaxing at any time and in any seasons.

“The Commons”还提供了一个以应对多层零售建筑的普遍问题的解决方案,即如何将人们吸引到上层。宽阔的“地面”,一系列台阶和平台将街道与二楼连接起来,自然吸引人们从容不迫地向上走。三楼和四楼的一系列开口进一步增强了垂直空间的连续性,从“地面”的不同角度可以清楚地看到上层的商店,人们十分轻松的就能到达每一层楼。

‘The Commons’ also provides a solution answering to a classic challenge of a multi-storey retail building on how to draw people upward to the upper levels. The wide ‘Ground’ with its gradual series of steps and platforms connecting the street level to the second floor naturally draws people to walk up leisurely. A series of openings in the third and the fourth floor further enhance a continuity of the vertical space. Shops on the upper levels are clearly seen from different angles from ‘the Ground’. People flow to every floor effortlessly.


A building skin on the upper floors answers to another challenge. While the project wants to open up the facade for a through ventilation, the different identities of various shops on the façade would have made the building appear to be fragmented. The project applies a thin sheer steel mesh over the façade to partially mask off the differences among the shops providing a unified surface while allowing for visual transparency from the inside, a through ventilation, and the lightness appearance from the outside.


The ceiling of ‘the Ground’ is carefully up-lighted creating a floating effect to the mass above and give a cozy atmosphere to the area. The exterior light on the meshed façade fades in and out slowly. With light, the surface of the building skin comes into presence, while when the light fades away, the façade becomes transparent and briefly reveals what is inside. It feels as if the walls could breathe and the building itself is alive.











设计单位:Department of ARCHITECTURE Co., Ltd.

业主: The Commons Co., Ltd.

负责人:Amata Luphaiboon






景观设计师:Wabi-Sabi Studio Co., Ltd

灯光设计师:Accent Studio

结构工程师: Jet Structural

机电工程师: EEC Engineering Network

环境图示: be>our>friend studio

身份设计: TNOP Design

施工管理: International Project Administration Co., Ltd. (InterPAC)

总包方: NL Development Public Co., Ltd.

外立面承包商: SC Glazing Co., Ltd.

项目地点: Thonglor 17, Bangkok, Thailand




摄影师: W Workspace, KetsireeWongwan

















Owner : The Commons Co., Ltd.

Architect : Department of ARCHITECTURE Co., Ltd.

Principals : Amata Luphaiboon


Design Team : ChaiyapatMirasena




Landscape Architect : Wabi-Sabi Studio Co., Ltd.

Lighting Designer : Accent Studio

Structural Engineer : Jet Structural

M&E Engineer : EEC Engineering Network

Environmental Graphic : be>our>friend studio

Identity design : TNOP Design

Construction Management : International Project Administration Co., Ltd. (InterPAC)

Main Contractor : NL Development Public Co., Ltd.

Façade Contractor : SC Glazing Co., Ltd.

Project Location : Thonglor 17, Bangkok, Thailand

Area : 5,000 m2

Construction Cost : 180 Million THB (USD 5,200,000)

Construction Period : 2013-2016

Photographer : W Workspace, KetsireeWongwan

Awards -Gold Medal Award in Architectural Design 2015-2016

From the Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA)

- Highly Commended, The World Architecture Festival 2016 Award in Shopping category

From The World Architectural Festival, Germany

-Winner, Best Retail Architectural Design

From Thailand Property Awards 2016

- Commended, Blueprint Award for Best Public-Use Project (Privately Funded)

From Blueprint Magazine, United Kingdom

- Winner, Best Retail Architectural Design

Appreciations towards Department of ARCHITECTURE for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/14
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