b.e architecture
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墨尔本 / 澳大利亚
About USLed by directors Broderick Ely, Jonathon Boucher, and Andrew Piva, the B.E Architecture team is young, dynamic and multicultural, with a range of personal interests and specialities. Members of the firm work closely with their clients, builde...
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About US

Led by directors Broderick Ely, Jonathon Boucher, and Andrew Piva, the B.E Architecture team is young, dynamic and multicultural, with a range of personal interests and specialities. Members of the firm work closely with their clients, builders, and individual contractors to ensure that the finished building expresses the client it for whom it was built. The designs are quiet, yet strong, creating a response that is appropriate to its surroundings with attention to materiality that ensures projects will continue to improve over time. With more than 20 years of practice, B.E Architecture has amassed a notable body of work in various locations around Australia, with international commissions currently under development. Our projects are deeply grounded in understanding context and user experience so that the buildings are meaningful and continue to be relevant over time. Numerous awards have recognised our work and been published widely both in Australia and overseas. The firm’s experience in creating sophisticated, timeless architecture has earned them the respect from peers, and more importantly from our clients. B.E Architecture has a long history of excellence in architecture for residential and commercial spaces.

在董事Broderick Ely、Jonathon Boucher和Andrew Piva的带领下,B.E建筑团队是一个年轻、充满活力和多元文化的团队,拥有一系列个人兴趣和专长。公司成员与客户、建筑商和个人承包商紧密合作,以确保完成的建筑能够表达出为其建造的客户。设计是安静的,但也是强大的,创造出与周围环境相适应的反应,并关注材料,确保项目将随着时间的推移而不断改进。经过20多年的实践,B.E建筑事务所已经在澳大利亚各地积累了大量的作品,目前正在开发国际委托项目。我们的项目深深扎根于对环境和用户体验的理解,这样的建筑才是有意义的,并随着时间的推移继续发挥作用。我们的作品获得了许多奖项,并在澳大利亚和海外广泛发表。公司在创造精致、永恒的建筑方面的经验为他们赢得了同行的尊重,更重要的是赢得了客户的尊重。B.E建筑事务所在住宅和商业空间的建筑方面有着悠久的历史。

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