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About USWe design narrative spaces. Spaces that inspire, move you and stay with you. We design for cultural institutions, public space and companies. Creating a spatial experience involves a lot more than a design alone. From strategy to production:...
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About US

We design narrative spaces. Spaces that inspire, move you and stay with you. We design for cultural institutions, public space and companies. Creating a spatial experience involves a lot more than a design alone. From strategy to production: at Kossmanndejong, we control the entire process. We tackle the project holistically. Everything is interconnected and that contributes to the quality of the result. We are all-round thinkers and all-round creators with infectious enthusiasm. We bring together the right expertise for each assignment; from our own firm, the client, and the field. We create a three-dimensional narrative that touches visitors and sparks their imagination; that provokes thoughts. They start a journey of discovery, in the space and within themselves. The story becomes their story. Because no person is the same, we build each narrative in layers, so everyone is engaged. Each time this requires a unique mix of collection, installations, multimedia, interactivity, sound, light, text and art. Form and content are attuned to each other in such a way that everything, down to the smallest detail, is interconnected. An exhibition is not a static arrangement of objects to us. Space is not the scenery – the space is the theatre play itself. An immersive experience.

我们设计叙述性的空间。这些空间能激发你的灵感,打动你并让你留恋。我们为文化机构、公共空间和公司设计。 创造一个空间体验所涉及的内容比单纯的设计多得多。从战略到生产:在Kossmanndejong,我们控制整个过程。我们从整体上处理项目。一切都是相互关联的,这有助于提高结果的质量。 我们是全方位的思考者和全方位的创造者,具有感染力的热情。我们为每项任务汇集正确的专业知识;来自我们自己的公司、客户和这个领域。 我们创造了一个三维的叙事,触动了游客,激发了他们的想象力;引发了思考。他们在空间和自己的内心开始了探索之旅。这个故事成为他们的故事。因为没有人是相同的,所以我们分层建立每个叙事,让每个人都参与其中。每一次,这都需要收集、装置、多媒体、互动性、声音、灯光、文本和艺术的独特组合。 形式和内容以这样一种方式相互调和,所有的东西,直到最小的细节,都是相互联系的。一个展览对我们来说不是一个静态的物体排列。空间不是布景--空间就是戏剧表演本身。一种身临其境的体验。

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