Henning Larsen
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哥本哈根 / 丹麦
About USRooted in the Scandinavian design tradition, merging aesthetic, social, and intellectual design features, we develop vibrant, sustainable architecture that extends beyond itself and provides lasting value to the users and local context.We wer...
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About US

Rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition, merging aesthetic, social, and intellectual design features, we develop vibrant, sustainable architecture that extends beyond itself and provides lasting value to the users and local context.We were founded in 1959 by Danish architect Henning Larsen, whose name we are proud to carry today. Our architectural approach is based on curiosity and artistic audacity, resting on a solid foundation of knowledge-based design and attention to detail. We design our projects as generous gestures, reaching out to their audience and allowing them to experience the unexpected.Our projects are born out of a non-hierarchical work environment and strong local presence. We are based in Copenhagen, with local offices in New York, Munich, Hong Kong, Riyadh, Oslo, and the Faroe Islands.We challenge, shape, and transform the physical space – from architectural landmarks to master plans and interior design. The objective is always to achieve social spaces that encourage human activity and interaction. Our expertise lies in identity-creating cultural buildings, educational institutions, headquarters, and urban planning. Our approach is scientific and evidence-based. We professionally carry out all phases of complex construction processes. We take responsibility and never compromise on quality.Our field of work is defined by people, daylight, and space. The solution is living architecture, designed for people. We bring ample daylight into all our buildings, believing that daylight creates life and joy. As architects, well-defined spaces are the foundation of our work; we design spatial programs that continuously push the boundaries of what is possible.

我们植根于斯堪的纳维亚设计传统,融合了美学、社会和知识的设计特点,开发出充满活力的、可持续发展的建筑,超越自身,为用户和当地环境提供持久的价值。我们由丹麦建筑师Henning Larsen于1959年创立,今天我们很自豪地继承了他的名字。我们的建筑方法是基于好奇心和艺术上的大胆,建立在以知识为基础的设计和对细节的关注的坚实基础上。我们把我们的项目设计成慷慨的姿态,接触他们的观众,让他们体验到意想不到的东西。我们的项目诞生于一个非等级化的工作环境和强大的本地存在。我们的总部设在哥本哈根,并在纽约、慕尼黑、香港、利雅得、奥斯陆和法罗群岛设有当地办事处。我们挑战、塑造和改造物理空间--从建筑地标到总体规划和室内设计。我们的目标始终是要实现鼓励人类活动和互动的社会空间。我们的专长在于创造身份的文化建筑、教育机构、总部和城市规划。我们的方法是科学和基于证据的。我们专业地执行复杂的施工过程的所有阶段。我们承担责任,从不在质量上妥协。我们的工作领域是由人、日光和空间定义的。我们的解决方案是活的建筑,为人而设计。我们将充足的日光带入我们所有的建筑,相信日光能创造生命和欢乐。作为建筑师,定义明确的空间是我们工作的基础;我们设计的空间方案不断突破可能的界限。

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