MASU Planning
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MASU Planning actively promotes a holistic design philosophy with attention to site and identity in the landscapes we create. Proud of our Scandinavian heritage, we draw inspiration from the Nordic design tradition, which values simplicity, functiona...
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MASU Planning actively promotes a holistic design philosophy with attention to site and identity in the landscapes we create. Proud of our Scandinavian heritage, we draw inspiration from the Nordic design tradition, which values simplicity, functionality, and emphasizes the connection to nature. Our innovative and notable architectural approach reflects these values, and we strive to create solutions that are both timeless and address the specific needs of each project.
As the climate continues to get out of hand with cloud bursts, floods and record-high temperatures, action is needed to meet the climate challenges, as well as the increasing biodiversity crisis and the increased social inequality.
At MASU Planning, we believe that landscape architects – in close cooperation with the other stakeholders in the AEC industry – have a decisive role in the ongoing green transition and climate adaptation. Thus, we incorporate climate-friendly and green solutions in all our projects. Double programming, where we simultaneously create value on several different parameters with one overall approach, is an inherent part of our approach. Double programming and the resulting multifunctional solutions also ensure that we use the financial and material resources most wisely.
We aim to create new landscape narratives by combining honesty, sturdiness, stimulating experiences and inclusive qualities. We value creating opportunities for sports, active leisure, and play, as well as calmer spaces with room to sense and contemplate one’s surroundings.
MASU Planning is engaged in all types of landscape architecture, ranging from large-scale planning and concept development to strategic design, detailing and project management. Our primary focus is on master planning, urban spaces, city development, cultural institutions, and residential and educational environments that cater to individuals of all ages.
With a rich tapestry of international experience spanning various climate zones, from Greenland to Saudi Arabia, we approach each project with an open mind. Our aim is to transform existing landscapes, unlock local potential, and create strong connections to the surrounding environment.
Our commitment to sustainability transcends conventional boundaries as we actively integrate climate adaptation, life-cycle assessment of materials, as well as economic and social considerations to our landscape designs. Supported by various skills and knowledge, we create multifunctional spaces that seamlessly incorporate rainwater management, plants, architecture, design, and building techniques to promote sustainability and resilience.
MASU Planning was founded in 2007 by landscape architects Malin Blomqvist and Sune Oslev. In 2013, the company established a subsidiary office in Helsinki. Today, the dynamic collaboration between the two offices forms a versatile team with a strengthened bond fuelled by a shared passion for landscape architecture.

MASU Planning积极倡导整体设计理念,注重景观中的场地和特征。 我们以斯堪的纳维亚传统为荣,从北欧设计传统中汲取灵感,重视 简约、功能,强调与自然的联系。我们创新且卓越的建筑方法 体现了这些价值观,我们努力创造既永恒又满足每个项目特定需求的解决方案。
随着气候持续失控,暴雨、洪水和创纪录的高温频发,我们需要采取行动 应对气候挑战,以及日益严重的生物多样性危机和社会不平等现象。
在MASU Planning,我们相信景观设计师——与AEC 行业的其他利益相关者密切合作——在当前的绿色转型和气候适应中发挥着决定性的作用。因此,我们将 气候友好型和绿色解决方案纳入所有项目。双重规划,即我们同时以一种整体方法 在几个不同参数上创造价值,是我们方法中不可或缺的一部分。双重规划以及 由此产生的多功能解决方案还确保我们最明智地利用财务和物质资源。
我们的目标是创造新的景观叙事,将诚实、坚固、刺激的体验和包容 的品质相结合。我们重视为运动、休闲和娱乐创造机会,也重视创造宁静的空间,让人们 能够感知和思考周围的环境。
MASU Planning 从事各种景观设计,从大型规划和概念 开发到战略设计、细节处理和项目管理。我们的主要重点是总体规划、城市 空间、城市发展、文化机构以及满足 各个年龄段人群需求的住宅和教育环境。
凭借从格陵兰岛到沙特阿拉伯等气候带丰富的国际经验,我们 以开放的心态对待每个项目。我们的目标是改造现有景观,释放当地潜力,并创造 与周围环境的紧密联系。
我们对可持续发展的承诺超越了传统的界限,因为我们积极地将气候适应、 材料生命周期评估以及经济和社会因素纳入景观设计中。在 各种技能和知识的支持下,我们创建了多功能空间,将雨水管理、植物、 建筑、设计和建筑技术无缝整合在一起,以促进可持续性和适应性。
MASU Planning由景观设计师Malin Blomqvist和Sune Oslev于2007年创立。2013年,公司 在赫尔辛基设立了子公司。如今,两个办公室之间的动态合作形成了一支 多才多艺的团队,对景观建筑的共同热情使团队成员之间的联系更加紧密。

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