JKMM Architects
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赫尔辛基 / 芬兰
About USJKMM’s architecture and design has social responsibility at its core. We design buildings and spaces, which can help to increase happiness in society. Finland is the world’s happiest country, but what is the basis for this phenomenon? As ...
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About US

JKMM’s architecture and design has social responsibility at its core. We design buildings and spaces, which can help to increase happiness in society. Finland is the world’s happiest country, but what is the basis for this phenomenon? As we see it, a well-functioning society relies on advanced technology, a sound economy, and fairness amongst its people. The members of such a society thrive if they can also enjoy culture, knowledge, and a sense of wellbeing. The most noble model for a sustainable society is a happy one. This can only be achieved if all the afore-mentioned factors are in place. Architects have had a critical role to play in shaping a well-functioning society in Finland. JKMM Architects has been creating the infrastructure for happiness as embodied in the next generation of Finnish design nearly 25 years. We want to bring stakeholders, our end-users and our clients as well as town and city planners, local authorities and investors all together to work towards a shared vision. What matters for us is the quality of the end result, when the visitor walks in. We are passionate about details and in everything ranging from acoustics to building technology to landscape design. For us, the quality stems from a holistic design approach that unites architecture, interior architecture, urban design, furniture design, graphic design and art. Architecture We design buildings that enhance a sense of solidarity within an open city; buildings that focus on the essentials and that resolve complex challenges with cleverly conceived simple solutions. We respect craftsmanship, detailing and expertise in working with materials. In our architecture, empathy goes hand in hand with the care we take in the management of the building process and the quality of the built work. Interior Arcitecture From the very beginning, we have designed interior design concepts and spaces as an extension of the architecture. JKMM Interiors, our interior architects have a special role to play in realising our holistic design ethos. We are experienced in designing interiors for many different sectors, ranging from cultural, civic and hybrid spaces to interiors for educational and office environments, which we also design as independent interior projects. All of our works are completed to a high standard that is user-friendly. We favour timeless solutions reflecting a profound appreciation of design. Urban Design Our projects often begin through masterplanning exercises or feasibility studies. We are well-versed in understanding planning policy and architectural history. We enjoy introducing new interventions into the existing building fabric in a way that is inspiring and sensitive. We like to be innovative and to promote wellbeing and are interested in how sustainable urban living can be promoted by responding to different communities’ needs. Furniture Design In our work we respect the internationally renowned tradition of Finnish furniture making. The seamless collaboration between our architects and interior designers makes it possible to introduce beautifully integrated fitted furniture proposals that, above all else, lead to a sense of cohesive and coherent spaces. Graphic Design Graphic design supports architecture and subtly aids orientation. Our designers’ innovative approach strengthens the identity of our spaces and improves wayfinding. We also collaborate with gifted graphic designers; and just now you are reading our very own font: JKMM Grotesk. Art We are proud that in our buildings it is difficult to know where the architecture ends and the interior design, or art, begins. Works of art can be independent and bold or an integral part of the overall spatial experience: the façade; the ceiling; the acoustic design; the lighting. We coordinate and curate artworks so that they are at one with our architecture.

JKMM的建筑和设计以社会责任为核心。我们设计的建筑和空间,可以帮助增加社会的幸福感。 芬兰是世界上最幸福的国家,但这种现象的基础是什么? 在我们看来,一个运作良好的社会依赖于先进的技术,健全的经济,以及人民之间的公平。如果这样一个社会的成员还能享受文化、知识和幸福感,那么他们就会茁壮成长。一个可持续发展的社会最崇高的模式是一个幸福的社会。只有在上述所有因素都到位的情况下,才能实现这一目标。 建筑师在芬兰塑造一个功能完善的社会中发挥了关键作用。JKMM建筑事务所近25年来一直在为幸福创造基础设施,这体现在下一代的芬兰设计中。 我们希望将利益相关者,我们的最终用户和客户,以及城镇和城市规划者,地方当局和投资者都聚集在一起,为共同的愿景而努力。 对我们来说,重要的是最终结果的质量,当游客走进去的时候。我们热衷于细节,从声学、建筑技术到景观设计,无所不包。 对我们来说,质量源于一种整体的设计方法,将建筑、室内建筑、城市设计、家具设计、平面设计和艺术结合起来。 建筑 我们设计的建筑能在一个开放的城市中增强团结感;建筑注重本质,以巧妙构思的简单解决方案解决复杂的挑战。我们尊重手工艺、细节设计和使用材料的专业知识。在我们的建筑中,同理心与我们对建筑过程的管理和建筑作品的质量的关注是相辅相成的。 室内建筑学 从一开始,我们就把室内设计概念和空间作为建筑的延伸来设计。JKMM Interiors,我们的室内建筑师在实现我们的整体设计理念方面发挥着特殊作用。我们在为许多不同的领域进行室内设计方面经验丰富,从文化、市政和混合空间到教育和办公环境的室内设计,我们也作为独立的室内项目进行设计。我们所有的作品都以高标准完成,方便用户使用。我们赞成永恒的解决方案,反映了对设计的深刻理解。 城市设计 我们的项目通常从总体规划工作或可行性研究开始。我们熟知规划政策和建筑历史。我们喜欢在现有的建筑结构中引入新的干预措施,使之具有启发性和敏感性。我们喜欢创新和促进健康,对如何通过回应不同社区的需求来促进可持续的城市生活感兴趣。家具设计 在我们的工作中,我们尊重国际知名的芬兰家具制造传统。我们的建筑师和室内设计师之间的无缝合作,使我们有可能推出精美的集成安装家具方案,首先是导致一种凝聚力和连贯性的空间感。 平面设计 平面设计支持建筑并巧妙地帮助定位。我们设计师的创新方法加强了我们空间的识别性,并改善了路标。我们还与有天赋的平面设计师合作;而现在你正在阅读我们自己的字体: JKMM Grotesk。 艺术 我们感到自豪的是,在我们的建筑中,很难知道建筑在哪里结束,室内设计或艺术在哪里开始。艺术作品可以是独立而大胆的,也可以是整体空间体验的一个组成部分:外墙;天花板;声学设计;照明。我们协调和策划艺术作品,使它们与我们的建筑融为一体。

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