Weisses Kreuz / noa*
Rendezvous with Mozart
Weisses Kreuz / noa*

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老房子,新辉煌。位于因斯布鲁克市中心的Altstadthotel Weisses Kreuz酒店邀请其客人沉浸在48间新的客房和套房的清新和多彩的时间旅程中,noa*为其创造了完美的环境。在这里看不到直角:位于Herzog-Friedrich-Straße的古老的房子可以追溯到1460年代,是因斯布鲁克历史街道上的一座建筑,其建筑风格融合了各种历史时期的建筑元素,经历了不断的转变。然而,每个时期的独特特征以永恒的方式凝聚在一起,形成了城市主义的共生体。为了与几个世纪以来的变化节奏保持一致,Weisses Kreuz酒店符合这种模式,为noa*提供了一个独特的有吸引力的建筑挑战。

Old house, new splendour. The Altstadthotel Weisses Kreuz in Innsbruck's city centre invites its guests to indulge in a refreshing and colourful journey through time with 48 new rooms and suites, where noa* has created the perfect setting. No right angles in sight here: the venerable house in Herzog-Friedrich-Straße, which dates from the 1460s, is a building in Innsbruck's historic streets whose architecture is inflected with architectural elements from a wide range of historical eras, having undergone constant transformation. Yet the distinct features of each period coalesce in timeless fashion to form a symbiosis of urbanism. In keeping with the rhythm of change over the centuries, the Hotel Weisses Kreuz fits into this pattern, providing a uniquely appealing architectural challenge for noa*.

离著名的Goldenes Dachl(金色屋顶)不远,Altstadthotel一直是著名旅行者和历史名人的热门目的地,其中包括莫扎特,他在1769年13岁时就住在这里。这座建筑的后部狭窄而修长,其正面的拱廊与城市的历史结构完美融合。在重新设计过程中,在现有的六层楼的基础上增加了一个阁楼层,在尊重保护规则的前提下,以精致和专业的手法进行了扩展。新的阁楼是经过精心编排的:一方面,它通过保留原有的面向街道的正面坡度,保持了对社区和城市景观的活力,但在后面,它的高度上升,通过六个玻璃立方体开放,提供了城市天际线的美妙景色。从这里,客人可以欣赏到独特的全景,包括Pulverturm、滑雪跳台和Nordkette。

Not far from the famous Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof), the Altstadthotel has always been a popular destination for famous travellers and historical celebrities, among them Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who stayed there as a 13-year-old in 1769. The building is narrow and elongated towards the rear, its front-facing arcade blends perfectly with the historical fabric of the city. During the redesign, a loft level was added to the existing six storeys, which have been extended with delicacy and professional finesse, while respecting the conservation rules. The new loft is meticulously choreographed: on the one hand, it remains alive to the neighbourhood and cityscape by retaining its original slope towards the street-facing front elevation, but at the rear it rises in height and opens up through six glass cubes offering wonderful views over the city skyline. From here, guests can enjoy a unique panorama, taking in the Pulverturm, ski jump and Nordkette.


客人被邀请在一楼开始他们的时间之旅:通过一条长长的走廊进入电梯,其中有两个 "镜子锁"。客人看到自己被反射出来,但同时,任何界限都被镜面墙和天花板消解了,建筑也不复存在。从入口处开始,客人就被带离了他们自己的时间感。电梯将他们直接带到全新的六楼,那里有一个热情的欢迎仪式在等着他们。在那里,他们首先会注意到长长的房间里的一件主要家具:一张13米长的定制铜桌,上面有巴洛克式的装饰。这张桌子是一个多功能的接待处、自助早餐、酒吧和晚上的休闲聚会场所,也向非酒店客人开放。熏制的橡木地板进一步增强了桌子的效果,黄铜与房间里饱和的温暖的深蓝色形成了一种高贵的对比。蓝色也是这个标志性场所的名称的特点。"Zur blauen Brigitte"[蓝色碧姬],以建筑的两位业主之一命名。


Guests are invited to begin their journey through time on the ground floor: the lift is accessed via a long corridor punctuated by two "mirror locks". Guests see themselves reflected, but at the same time any boundaries are dissolved by the mirrored walls and ceiling and the architecture ceases to exist. From the entrance itself, guests are transported away from their own sense of time. The lift takes them straight to the brand new sixth floor, where a warm welcome awaits. There, the first thing they will notice is a dominant piece of furniture in the long room: a 13-metre-long, custom-made brass table with baroque ornamentation. The table is a multifunctional reception, breakfast buffet, bar, and convivial meeting place in the evening, which is open to non hotel guests as well. The table is further enhanced by the smoked oak floor, and the brass provides a regal contrast with the warm dark blue saturating the room. Blue also features in the name of this iconic venue: “Zur blauen Brigitte” [Blue Brigitte], named after one of the building’s two owners.

蓝色的阁楼,有凸窗、玻璃凹槽和令人窒息的景色,与 "冰冷的气氛"恰恰相反。各种带有不寻常的扶手椅和盖茨比风格的照明的座位区提供了一种不拘一格的氛围,其中浅粉色和赭黄色的迷人装饰与富丽堂皇的黄铜相得益彰。来自各种风格时期的元素共同作用,模糊了任何时间感。这个项目的副线--"巴洛克式的时尚冲击"--从其不同的和奇特的特点中可以看出。极简主义和白色空间在这里是一种耻辱:所有的东西都是色彩协调的,直到技术细节。这种活泼的精神反映在每一个细微之处,并唤起了建筑的动态历史,现在正在书写新的篇章。

The blue loft, with its bay windows, glass alcoves and breath-taking views, is the opposite of "a cold atmosphere". Various seating areas with unusual armchairs and Gatsby-style lighting offer an eclectic ambience, where charming accents in light pink and ochre yellow tie in with opulent brass. Elements from a wide variety of stylistic periods conspire to blur any sense of time. The project's by-line – “Baroque Chic Shock“ – is evident by its varied and peculiar characteristics. Minimalism and white spaces are anathema here: everything has been colour-coordinated, right down to the technical details. This lively spirit is reflected in every nuance and evokes the building’s dynamic history, of which a new chapter is now being written.


新的房间和套房,或业主亲切地称之为 "房间",都位于下面的楼层。尽管这些现有楼层的建筑不规则,有哥特式的天花板、拱门和不同的房间高度,noa*还是成功地给疯狂的人们带来了某种平静。面向街道的客房让您只需从窗户向外看,就能参与到因斯布鲁克老城区的喧嚣之中,而面向内院的客房则以内部的天井或阳台来创造一个隐蔽的田园风光。对于建筑的无窗中央部分,noa*设计了一个特别巧妙的方法来利用这里的空间,同时让这些房间接受自然光。它们通过一楼和六楼之间的内部庭院采光,并有一个小型的私人景观露台。


The new rooms and suites – or “chambers”, as the owners affectionately call them – are located on the floors below. Despite the architectural irregularity of these existing floors, with their gothic ceilings, arches and varying room heights, noa* has succeeded in bringing some kind of calm to the madness. The guest rooms facing the street allow you to engage in the hustle and bustle of Innsbruck's old town just by looking out of the window, while those facing the inner courtyard delight with an internal patio or balcony creating a secluded idyll. For the windowless central part of the building, noa* has devised a particularly ingenious way to make use of the space here while allowing these rooms to receive natural light. They are lit via an internal courtyard between the first and sixth floors and have a small private, landscaped terrace.

房间本身有一致的颜色代码。每个房间都沉浸在一种单色中,成为巴洛克元素的背景。颜色是客人踏上的时间之旅的一部分。每种色调都表明了各自房间的配置。与浅蓝色的房间相比,红色的房间稍显宽敞,深蓝色的房间有一个阳台,绿色的房间有一个俯瞰庭院的露台,而灰色的房间都是双床的。所有的家具都与颜色相一致:从地毯和瓷砖到墙面颜色、窗帘和家具。巴洛克风格的主题体现在一些特殊的细节上,例如,洗脸台或抽屉柜的一条腿总是 "巴洛克式 "的,但它也在其他配件中闪现。一组特别制作的穿着华丽的女士的照片进一步强调了巴洛克风格的触感,她们通过异想天开的配饰抓住了 "巴洛克时尚冲击 "的主题思想。

The rooms themselves have consistent colour codes. Each is immersed in a monochrome colour and becomes the setting for the baroque elements. Colour is part of the journey through time that the guest embarks on. Each hue gives an indication of the configuration of the respective room. When compared to the light blue rooms, the red rooms are slightly more spacious, the dark blue rooms have a balcony, and the green rooms have a terrace overlooking the courtyard, while the grey rooms are all twin-bedded. All the furnishings are in keeping with the colour: from carpet and tiles to wall colour, curtains and furniture. The baroque theme is reflected in particular details, for example, one leg of the washstand or a chest of drawers is always “baroquefied”, but it also shines through in other accessories. The baroque touch is further accentuated by a specially created series of photographs of opulently dressed ladies who pick up on the leitmotif of “Baroque Chic Shock” through whimsical accessories.


一楼的六个房间已经延伸到院子里,创造了一种独特的影响。所有的房间都有一个架空的玻璃露台和一个宽敞的户外区域。这层楼的亮点是 "Superpatio "房间,其绿色丛林的装饰,是一个小的绿色绿洲,有古董家具和一个不寻常的床。再往上一层,即二楼,是 "莫扎特套房",这是一个宽敞的休养所,莫扎特曾经在这里安息。在这里,红色和金色的华丽元素比比皆是。为了向这位热衷于赌博的著名作曲家致敬,房间里摆放着一张台球桌。在三楼还可以找到另一个奇怪的地方:一个 "扫帚柜",这是酒店里最小的房间,完全没有完工。它的墙壁没有抹灰,是一个精心设计的标志性酒店的 "非风格化"中心。作为一个完整的一次性产品,一个著名的温布尔登冠军的签名网球拍装饰在墙上。四楼延伸到邻近的建筑--弗兰克楼--那里还有10个房间。这层楼是 "金屋顶 "房间,拥有富丽堂皇的镀金家具。它的名字来源于从窗台可以看到的金色屋顶。


The first floor, which has been extended into the courtyard by six rooms, create a unique impact. All the rooms have an overhead glazed terrace and a spacious outdoor area. The highlight of this floor is the “Superpatio” room with its green jungle decor, a small green oasis with antique furniture and an unusual bed. Up one floor, on the second floor, is the “Mozart Suite”, a spacious retreat where Mozart once lay to rest. Here, grandiose elements abound in red and gold. As a tribute to the famous composer, who was a keen gambler, a billiard table graces the room. A further curiosity can be found on the third floor: a “broom cupboard”, the smallest room in the hotel, which remains completely unfinished. With its unplastered walls, it is the “unstyled” centre of an otherwise meticulously designed iconic hotel. As a complete one-off, the signed tennis racket of a famous Wimbledon champion adorns the wall. The fourth floor extends into the neighbouring building – the Frank House – which has a further 10 rooms. On this floor is the “Golden Roof” room, with its opulent gilded furnishings. It was named after the Golden Roof, which can be seen from the bay window.


唤起历史的不仅是不规则的形式。在项目中发现的壁画讲述了作者仍不为人知的故事。Weisses Kreuz以一个新的概念重新开始,同时它也充满了惊喜和秘密。过去的梦想和轶事一直延伸到阁楼,阁楼的玻璃开口使星空触手可及。


It is not only irregular forms that evoke history. Murals discovered during the project tell stories whose authors remain unknown. The Weisses Kreuz is making a fresh start with a new concept, and at the same time it is full to the brim with surprises and secrets. The dreams and anecdotes of times gone by extend all the way to the loft, whose glass openings put the starry sky within reach.

Project name: Weisses Kreuz

Typology: Hotel

Location: Innsbruck, Tyrol (Austria)

Client: Altstadthotel Weisses Kreuz

Architecture: noa* network of architecture

Interior Design: noa* network of architecture

Construction start: January 2020

Completion: April 2021

Volume: 10.152 m3

Surface area: 3.163 m2

Text: Barbara Jahn-Rösel

Translations: Landoor

Photographs: Alex Filz

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Published on 2023/08/22
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