Polished field sharing / DAGA Architects
A historic traditional courtyard has been transformed into an attractive long-term rental apartment in Beijing
Polished field sharing / DAGA Architects
DAGA Architects

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680 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The project is located in the Hutong of the Beijing West Grinding Factory, a small courtyard originally known as Ruihua Dyestuff in the Republic of China. Architectual design by Yong Ho Chang, FCJZ, Interior Deisgn by DAGA Architects, Soft loading design by 5Lmeet. This project is designed to transform the historic traditional courtyard into an attractive long-term rental apartment in Beijing.

▼由拱形的木门进入到公寓内,enter the apartment through an arched wooden door


▼改造分析图,transformation analysis graphics


The apartment is connected by three yards, with the entrance made of an arched wooden gate leading into the courtyard, which is divided into the front reception area on the left and the central kitchen on the right. The kitchen faces the ancient trees in the courtyard. These ancient trees are deliberately kept out of the plane layout in order to keep the them intact in the courtyard, and the kitchen is separated from the courtyard with the curved glass curtain wall. Walking along down the reception area, one could find a dining room and a bar. The dining room is a flexible space that can be used either as the dining area of the apartment’s residents or a public place for gatherings. Rose-gold metal plates are used in reception, central kitchen, dining room and bar and the building’s original brick walls are retained in these public spaces, making the cool, smooth, golden metal plates stand in stark contrast to the shabby, rough, gray old brick wall. This is indeed the collision between the new and old.The smooth gray floor tile with finely textured surface is used in the interior floor, while the courtyard ground is piled by the white cobblestone, creating a different sensation of touch while walking from outside to inside.


▼中央厨房,central kitchen

▼接待区 ,reception area

▼餐厅,dining room



The long and narrow corridor on the west leads to the guest rooms. There are five or six guest rooms divided based on the original architectural structure of the building. The transparency of the glass means that it will neither block the much-desired sunshine nor impair the original look of the building, creating a visually and spatially balance in relation to the old building. Therefore, the extended part of the whole yard is built in the form of a glass box. With light flittering through and light and people moving around in it, the entire space is full of vitality. When sunlight pours through the transparent glass into the apartment, it brings warmth and energy to everything in the apartment.



▼客房庭院,courtyard of guest rooms

建筑自身是坡屋顶结构且层高较高,通过挑高的木质横梁把房间分成了上下两层的Loft结构。一层是可供工作、休闲、洗浴的区域,二层则是温馨的休憩空间。为了保证客房的空间能最大化的通透,不仅所有的客房都设置大面积的玻璃幕墙分隔室内外空间, 卫浴区也是以通透的玻璃稍加阻隔。楼梯下方的抽屉和柜子可以储存衣物以及生活杂物。

▼一层客厅和卫浴区,living room and bathroom on the first floor

▼二层卧室,bedroom on the second floor











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Published on 2023/06/30
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