Yimeng Read & Rest Hotel / Greyspace Atelier
Natural regeneration and co-existence surrounded by the chestnut trees
Yimeng Read & Rest Hotel / Greyspace Atelier
Greyspace Atelier

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Project Year
Site Area
1422 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The project is located in a residential house along the street in Baihuayu, a tourist area in Mengshan, Shandong Province. The original site consists of two single-entry traditional residential compounds, one of which is the home of the local village head. The owner wanted to build a new guest house within the boundaries of the original residential building, while preserving a separate living space for the village head.

▲ 项目概览 Project Overview


The original site are wrapped by a cluster of large chestnut trees, which has brought a very characteristic natural landscape to the base. In the front yard, there is a wooden tree house built by the village head, which is simple but interesting, many art students often meet here and conduct life-sketching activities. The whole design is therefore considered from three perspectives: preservation of the current chestnut grove, reproduction of the spontaneous and simple living scene, and evolution of the spatial typology of the residential space.

▲ 原始场地(航拍和树屋)Original site (Aerial view & Tree house)

前院、刺槐与书屋 Forecourt,Robinia pseudoacacia and Study


The design preserves the triangular area of the front yard as the entrance landscape area of the project. Meanwhile, all the chestnut trees are well-preserved. We repaired and renewed the village head's tree house as a retention of the site memory.

▲ 鸟瞰 Aerial view

▲ 保留的板栗树与紫藤 Preserved chestnut tree and wisteria

▲ 保留的板栗树与景观平台 Preserved chestnut tree with landscape platform

▲ 树屋的更新 Renewed tree house


The irregular triangular courtyard has been raised so that the roof terrace at the top of the entrance building is more closely related to the trees. At the same time, three separate terrace areas are created within the site, adding to the richness of the landscape and outdoor scenes.

▲ 前院台地空间 Front yard terrace space


The elongated volume at the entry extends the architectural boundaries of the original site, separating the front yard from the guest spaces at the back. It carries the functions of reception, lounge and breakfast area for the entire guest house, and also serves as an independently operated bookstore. We hope that it exists in a more open manner, and still provides a place for art students and passing tourists to stay.

▲ 书屋夜景 Night view of the bookstore

▲ 书屋夜景 Night view of the bookstore


The facade of the bookstore is made of locally sourced natural waste material, Robinia pseudoacacia branches. The idea came from an unexpected discovery during our first research four years ago, we accidentally came across local villagers and discovered these pruned robinia pseudoacacia branches which were piling up by the roadside. The design hopes that the facade of the bookstore will change with time and light, while maintaining a low profile within the site and integrating better with the surrounding trees.

▲ 书屋立面与入口 Bookstore facade and entry

▲ 书屋立面与休憩平台 Bookstore facade and resting platform

▲ 书屋内部 Interior of bookstore

树影与内院 Shadows and inner court


The inner courtyard retains the enclosed form of traditional residential house. The guest room space at the back is a two-story volume, with the ground floor and the bookstore encircling a sunken inner courtyard with a shallow pool. At the same time, parts of the first-floor guest rooms that near the pool are able to interacts with the sunken courtyard through corner windows.

▲ 下沉庭院 Sunken courtyard

▲ 底部角窗与庭院 Corner window and courtyard

▲ 下沉庭院细部 Sunken courtyard detail


The second-floor exterior terrace in the guest area forms a continuous wrap-around terrace space with the top of the bookstore, and the entire roof interface is surrounded by exterior chestnut trees.

▲ 书屋屋顶露台与板栗树 Bookstore roof terrace and chestnut tree

▲ 客房外露台空间 Terrace space outside guest room


The original height difference and chestnut trees of the site has been retained at the back of the courtyard , which creates an interesting and ever-changing scene of light and shadow between the sloped skylight and the trees' shadows.

▲ 客房与板栗树 Guest room and chestnut tree

▲ 屋顶天窗 Rooftop skylight

整个建筑与周边环境的关系是相对内向的,客房通过角窗在可观察到景观的位置向自然环境打开, 与山野和庭院对话。

The relationship between the building and its surroundings is relatively inward-looking, the guest rooms open up to the natural environment through corner windows, conversing with the mountains and courtyard.

▲ 室内角窗 Interior corner window

▲ 室内角窗 Interior corner window

艺术与居所 Art and Interior


From the perspective of the art sketching cultural and future operation strategy of the project site, we placed eleven art themes as the starting point for creating special atmosphere of the indoor space. The choice of colors and art installations creates a certain interest and theme between the indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as the architectural form.

▲ 室内空间与艺术主题 Interior space and art theme

▲ 室内空间与艺术主题 Interior space and art theme

▲ 室内空间与艺术主题 Interior space and art theme

▲ 室内空间与艺术主题 Interior space and art theme

设计图纸 Design drawings

▲ 一层平面图 First floor plan

▲ 二层平面图 Second floor plan

▲ 节点图 Detail


Project Name: Shandong Yimeng Read & Rest Hotel


Project Type: Architecture, Landscape, Interior


Location: Mengshan Baihuayu, Shandong


Architects: Greyspace Architects


Principle Architects: SU Peng, LIU Moyan


Design Team: JU Anqi, YING Shijiao, YAO Jingjie, MO Xian, LI Yuanyuan, LI Jiachen


Client: Shandong Yimeng Mangu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Project Status: Construction completed

设计时间: 2019 年4 月- 2023 年 2月

Design Time: 04/2019 - 02/2023

建成时间:2023年4 月

Build Time: 04/2023


Building Area: 1422㎡


Total Floor Area: 751㎡


Construction Consultant: MA Haiqing

施工: 杭州归乡宅院科技有限公司

Constructor: Hangzhou Homecoming Homestead Technology Co., Ltd.


Material: Robinia pseudoacacia, Steel plate, Wood


Photograph: CHEN Yang

Appreciations towards Greyspace Atelier for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/10
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