Guangfo Modern Industrial Park / Metro Studio
China Green headquarters is located in Nanhai District, Foshan city, Guangdong Province, covering a total area of 300,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 500,000 square meters
Guangfo Modern Industrial Park / Metro Studio
Project Year
Site Area
59894 m²
Text description provided by the architects

中企绿色总部位于广东佛山南海区,总占地30万平方米,总建筑面积50万平方米; 由企业独栋花园总部商务区和八大顶级服务配套:国际会议会展中心、商务酒店、酒店式公寓、交流中心、中央公园、风情商业街、会所等组成,项目是珠三角首个独立产权和独立办公的绿色商务园区。中央公园景观面积51800m2

China Ecological Office District is located at Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong, covering an area of 300,000m2 and the construction area of 500,000 m2. It includes one headquarters business district and eight service buildings: an international conference center, a business hotel, a serviced apartments building, an exchange center, a central park, a shopping street, clubs, etc. It is the first green business district in Pearl River Delta with the independent property and separated offices. The landscape design area of the Central Park is 51,800 m2


Inspired by the song of the natural forest, extract the essence of the forest leaves, the concept of green leaf cells.The cell structure is injected into the Landscape and architectural design to build an ecological and recreational business park image.


Follow the concept of the green leaf cells, the architectural design evolves the cells into a three-dimensional effect through extruding, pressing and inclining. The five cells facing to the central waterscape plaza are set as five different functional areas, organically connecting the central plaza as a whole. Based on the Theory of the Five Elements in China, the five functional areas are given the different cultural connotation: the conference center represents the “metal”, the coffee shop/tea club represents the “wood”, the dining room represents “water”, the branding operation center represents the “fire”, the exhibition hall represents the “earth”. The single buildings with the unique interior space, green roof and yards, surrounding the central plaza, provide a business communication platform of leisure and activity.


设计面积:59894 m2


CLIENT: Guangfo Modern Industrial Park Development & Construction Company

DESIGN AREA: 59894m2

LOCATION: Foshan, Guangdong

Appreciations towards Metro Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/05
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