Sandi Jinyu Zhangzhou / Weimar Group
Architecture becomes more complete through landscape.Landscape releases itself through
Sandi Jinyu Zhangzhou / Weimar Group
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Architecture becomes more complete through landscape.Landscape releases itself through architecture.They are independent and interactive.They are mutually successful and arrogant.We try to make the landscape cross-border architecture, integrate and continue with each other to find a balance and relaxation about the life in the site.


Memories about The Earth Building


When we first encountered the architectural scheme, the building in the site were divided blocks with a distance of 27m. If we followed the marketing design idea, we will set a ceremonial gate tower at the entrance and design a corridor and waterscape in the inner field…however, it seems reasonable but unable to touch the heart. Therefore, we retraced the site to explore the local cultural genes, and tried to explore the relationship between architectural ontology from the perspective of architecture.Compared with the design with heavy artificial taste, those living scenes with the smell of life and worldliness seem to be able to bring the site closer to people.


Landscape、Architecture and Culture


In order to put the local culture in the site, we extracted the most representative elements of the Tulou in Hakka culture for modern and artist treatment. By simulating the structure of the earth building structure, the originally separated building blocks are connected in series to achieve the integration of architecture, landscape and interior, bring a touch of warmth to the cold and torn building.The modern bionic structure has broken people’s stereotypes of the earthen building, giving the new earthen building a more concise shape, level, and texture.


The vitality of gray tiles


Tile, a historical and traditional building material. To regain the old historical memory and give it new vitality with modern design techniques. The stacked tiles here are not only the landscape of architecture, but also the architecture of landscape, such as the continuous overlapping of mountains, low-key but also Chinese flavor. The clumps of Sapium in the corner “activate” the tiles, bringing a trace of vitality and playfulness, just like breaking out from the corner of grey tiles.


Feelings about The Earth Building


The center corridor reshapes the spatial structure of the earth building. With the core of the sky-round place, the roof dripping combined with the water curtain technology. The rain water slides down the eaves, the rain falls between the ridges and falls into the pool, undulating layers of ripples. Rainy season scene brings a sense of rhythm. When the rain is slightly bigger, it will collide with the ground pebbles and mirror water, creating a “big pearl and small pearl falling on the jade plate” mood in traditional culture, a double enjoyment of sight and hearing.


Life with worldliness


Following the sound of water, walking into the atrium space, the waterfall cascaded down.


Sky light and water light echoed far and wide. Between the light and shadow atrium enclosed by the building, the water mist drifted up. Stone, plant, and sculpture form their own artistic conception. Jiang Taigong is fishing on the waterspace and the child is playing on one side.Jiang Taigong fished on Bixi, and the boy is frolicking on the side.Between the natural landscape and the secular world, felling the beauty of life and also the unpretentious life.


Background story



The earth building of Fujian is the most cordial hometown memory of Fujian people. When we first came to the site, standing at a highway crossing, where we could see the earth building hidden among the mountains. Only the grey rubble roof could be seen faintly, as if it had some kind of vitality, telling an eternal and old story.This is why we used the grey rubble wall as a form for the main extension of the entrance to the exhibition area. We hope to convey this first impression through the design and site, and to remind people of the old memory.

Compared with the design with heavy artificial taste, those living scenes with the smell of life and worldliness seem to be able to bring the site closer to people.When we actually walked into the earth building, the deep, warm sense of history surrounded us.When you look up, you can’t help but following the arc of the ridge. The sky beyond the building is distant and peaceful. The space inside the building is also surprisingly bright and open, which may be the magic of the earth building itself.Therefore, in terms of landscape design, we inherit the architectural noumenal space of earth building, and integrate the most exquisite curved roof line into our space to create a landscape space with local memory.








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Published on 2023/04/28
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