Yangzhou Xinli Puyuan / Weimar Group
Light and shadow in the box
Yangzhou Xinli Puyuan / Weimar Group
Project Year
Site Area
1522 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Light and shadow in the box

引子 — 非视觉的极简主义

Introduction:non-visual minimalism

喜欢一座城,定和当地风土人情有关。扬州这座古城,之于各色人自有不同的意义。有人爱它的烟花三月,有人沉溺于它的细雨柔情,而囿于都市年轻人把它幻化为可以放慢节奏的隐匿之所… …我们所设计的场地正基于此。

If you like a city, it must have something to do with the local customs. The ancient city of Yangzhou has different meanings for all kinds of people. Some people love its fireworks in March, others indulge in its gentle rain, and some young city dwellers they turn Yangzhou into a hiding place where they can slow down the life’pace. The venue we design is based on this.


The building is only 20m in depth from the boundary of municipal road, so the narrow and long space brings some limitations to the site. In addition, the area is limited by the current situation and construction, so the first feeling of the space is "curling up in a corner of the street with a very small posture". How to lengthen the space experience in the limited depth without losing the publicity of the urban interface is the main problem to be solved in the design.

形式 — 待开启的白色盒子

From:White square box to be opend


As a display center based on the youth group, we hope to use the minimalist form white box to form a space full of insight and perception.


Cube is not only a single and pure geometric form, but also the original form of architecture after the awakening of modern rationality.


As a white box, it has the perfect two-way ability to build and be built. It can be understood as the smallest space unit, which subdivides the space by composition. In the square box, the order square symbols are multipied.






Space has an emotional impact on people

And reverse thinking

Man plays a role in the construction of spatial sequence

Limited space does not mean limited thinking

Unlimited thinking affects N ways of spatial transformation

营造 — 安静的白色透光面

Epidermis:quiet white translucent surface


People's perception of space comes from visual cognition. Light and shadow are the visual basis of perceptual space. When the light and shadow overlap, different texture presents different feelings, and the perceptual part of space becomes more abundant.


Just like the half virtual and half solid grille on one side of the pedestrian corridor and the white squares with rhythmic jumping, the light and air permeate and explore in or out.


Time flows, sprinkle a mottled ground, telling the story of light and shadow.


At the end of the corridor, a stone and a tree form a natural scene. The reflection in the mirror stone becomes a portrait. The cloistered path and the people on the way also becomes part of the picture.


White grille, white wall tiles, lush branches and leaves, and the silent flow of water, light, nature, space interaction, from the visual shackles of the venue.


Cladding is not the only cultural dependence, so it is very important to show the kernel in what form.

场所 — 存留的时间记忆

Place:time memory


We want pure tonality throughout. White is like some kind of metaphor of visual barrier, which keeps time memory.


The cohesive space is like a "blind box" opened, which is an unexpected surprise. Water and shadow interweave, cold and hot alternately, as well as distant sound and inner recollection Activate everyone's inner emotions.






The opening and closing of space is placed on the water surface

The stars reflect the wider world

Lines and light extend the space

The restricted space seems no longer small

It's about infinite possibilities


项目名称: 扬州新力•璞园

完成年份: 2020年

项目面积: 1522㎡

开发商: 扬州新舸房地产开发有限公司

项目地点: 扬州市广陵区站东路与迎宾大道交叉口

设计公司名称(景观/建筑): 上海魏玛景观规划设计有限公司

设计团队: 上海公司

建筑设计: 上海联创设计集团股份有限公司

施工单位: 江苏安易达建设发展有限公司

景观摄影: ZOOM琢墨建筑摄影

Appreciations towards Weimar Group for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/28
Editor:Lucas Lee
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