Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island Pocket Park Landscape Design / Antao
Let the park temperature and life fireworks gas at your fingertips
Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island Pocket Park Landscape Design / Antao
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


In 2020, Sino-Singapore NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland officially launched the "Pocket Park Plan". The "Pocket Park Plan" is positioned on Xingyao Jiangxin Island, based on the sustainable development of NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland, gives play to the landscape characteristics of Jiangxin Island, takes "galaxy" as the theme, and scattered 30 urban green spaces on the island in series, takes "Community Living Room" as the starting point, inspires the vitality of the blocks, and makes the park temperature and life fireworks within touch.


Nowadays, as the first pocket park launched by NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland Pocket Park plan, "Xingying Vitality Theatre" is silently providing much-needed nutrients to the city, and actively responding to many public issues such as public space, shared blocks, and urban water treatment.


From an agricultural island to an ecological technology island


More than a decade ago, Jiangxin Island was an isolated island in the Yangtze River, with inconvenient transportation and backward supporting facilities. It was filled with countryside paths criscrised with buildings, vineyards, vegetable fields and old houses, but it was only a bridge away from the bustling Hexi CBD.


Fast-developing NanjingEcoHign-techIsland


In May 2009, under the promotion of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, the foundation stone was laid for NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland project, which kicked off the development and construction of the whole island. Jiangxin Island was transformed into NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland, and its natural geographical advantages made it a future city model jointly built by the Chinese and Singaporean governments.


The whole island takes "passenger-vehicle diversion" as the core, builds a green transportation system based on "pedestrian-centered" and "bus + slow slow down", constantly improves the construction of the road network, and there are Jiajiang Bridge, cross-river tunnel, pedestrian bridge, Jiangxin Island Bridge, and subway to connect the island inside and outside, and promote the "island" to accelerate integration into the main city.


Current construction of the central core area of ecological Science and Technology Island


Like a fortress of ecological health, NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland is surrounded by a complete ecological green ring, several large parks constitute the ecological green lung of Jiangxin Island, and 30 pocket green Spaces scattered on the NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland rebuild community connections and find the lost "nearby".


Pocket parks scattered on NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland-planning analysis map

02. 小尺度的公共空间为何越来越重要

The Importance Of Small Scale Public Space

Vest Pocket就是“内衣口袋”的意思。我们平常不太注意到口袋,只是在冬天,当我们把手插进口袋时就会感到温暖,并且我们有时也在口袋里放硬币或贵重的东西。口袋是一个能使我们感受到体温、安全感和秘密感的空间。——日本教授·藤本信义

Vest Pocket means “underwear pocket”. We do not usually pay much attention to our pockets. It is only in winter that we feel warm when we put our hands in them, and we sometimes put coins or valuable things in our pockets. The pocket is a space where we feel warm, safe and secret."-- Japanese professor · Nobuyoshi Fujimoto

历史上首个真正意义上的口袋公园Paley Park

The first true pocket Park in history, Paley Park

“口袋公园”也称袖珍公园(Minipark/Vest-Pocket Park),是指规模很小的城市开放空间,它们常呈斑块状散落或隐藏在城市结构中,直接为当地居民服务。

“Pocket Park”, also named Minipark or Vest-Pocket park, is a small urban open space, often scattered in patches or hidden within the urban fabric, serving local residents directly.

Paley Park手绘图

Hand-drawn picture of Paley Park


In August 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice to promote the construction of "pocket parks" and promote the construction of no less than 1,000 urban "pocket parks" across the country in 2022.


The reason why pocket parks are playing an increasingly important role in cities is that their emergence has redefined the relationship between parks, people and cities - not only revitalizing some abandoned open Spaces in cities, but also meeting People's Daily recreational needs and promoting the formation of community relations, and becoming a solution to residents' leisure needs in high-density cities.



Pocket parks that play different roles in the city

Function schematic of NanjingEcoHigh-techIsland pocket park


The First Pocket Park Of Nanjing Eco High-tech Island


Only by returning to the needs of urban residents can the greater value of pocket parks be realized.


Xingying Vitality Theater has five major life theaters, carrying the rest and activities of different people at different times. It is a full-time and all-age community theater, aiming at creating a life stage that co-exists with functionality and ecology, and becoming a vibrant, natural and sustainable green place.


Relying on the height difference characteristics of the original terrain of the plot, Xingying Vitality Theater continues and retains the site feeling of metasequoia forest. Based on the concept of sponge city and combined with the smart park system, the Star Shadow Vitality Theater will become a dynamic, natural and sustainable water-friendly community park by connecting the city streets with the park naturally in the way of "shared streets".


We want to compare this place to a pocket, and users can easily fit their life into this warm street pocket.


Metasequoia Grove Theater






The serene atmosphere created by the metasequoia forest,

provide island residents with leisure places to roam and relax,

Hidden in the metasequoia forest is a small stage,

and a rooftop viewing space,

Together form the metasequoia grove theater activity venue.


Starry River Theater





The square enclosed by the corridor is a place for the residents of Island to relax and talk.

The starlight under the porch and the "ripple" pavement on the ground,

Round seating provides a unique and dynamic atmosphere to the venue,

It creates an atmosphere surrounded by stars.


Oxygen Theater








The water park is hidden in the middle of a circular rain garden,

Surrounded by grassy slopes and vegetation,

The ripples in the water park are

the trail left by the wind blowing through the park,

The water spraying device is

the "plants" that "grow" out of the park,

dance and enjoy with the residents.


Neighbor Theater





The neighbor theater is the core of shared interaction among residents,

Connecting all the functional blocks,

The theater formed by the surrounding steps and the planted green island is a stage for the infinite life of the residents.


Children’s Exploration Theater





Changing terrain with abundant plant space

Provides children with the pleasure of exploring cognition,

This is a collection of micro-nature,

It is also a place for children to explore and communicate.




Only a space with both material and spiritual attributes can constitute a place, and it is a humanized and warm space where people can find a sense of direction, obtain a sense of identity, and generate a sense of belonging.-- Norwegian urban architect · Norberg-Schulz


To a certain extent, pocket parks meet the needs of urban renewal at the micro level. Taking the "Pocket Park Plan" as an opportunity to make public space become a theater of urban life, let people and space have positive interaction, and continue to promote the renewal and growth of public space, which is our initial intention.


We also believe that these tiny Spaces will not only become the highlights of the city, but also become an indispensable part of the life of the citizens.

Appreciations towards Antao for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/17
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