Alibaba Xixi campus -Park C / ASPECT Studios
The innovative concept of
Alibaba Xixi campus -Park C / ASPECT Studios
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unkown m²
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ASPECT Studios 在竞争激烈的阿里巴巴杭州总部第五期园区景观设计国际竞赛中拔得头筹,赢得项目。设计灵感来源于西溪湿地,作为杭州的名片,ASPECT的方案基于这种本地独特的生态肌理,重点打造了一个多层次系统相互交织联系的网络——水、生物多样性、人和文化和谐地汇聚在由丰富体验和自然美景组成的网络中,为超过30,000多名的阿里巴巴员工创造了一个富有活力、引人入胜的园区环境。

ASPECT Studios has won a hotly contested competition for Alibaba’s headquarters (Park C) campus project in Hangzhou. The design inspiration is from the Xixi Wetland, the name card of Hangzhou city. Based on the local unique ecological texture, ASPECT created a design proposal focused on an interconnected network of layered design systems. Water, biodiversity, people and culture come together in a webbed network of experience and natural beauty to create a stimulating and engaging campus environment for over 30,000 Alibaba staff.

ASPECT Studios 的设计解决方案以可持续为重点,以支持中国在2060年实现碳中和目标为核心。为实现这一目标,ASPECT设计团队对设计、施工和运营的标准常规方法进行了重新考量。 ASPECT 上海设计团队提出了 “生态巢” (BioHabiNet)的创新概念,针对该项目,通过采用基于证据的设计方法,建立一个生物多样性、受保护的自然栖息地、可持续水系统、和以社区为导向的空间的交织网络,使人们能够相互之间产生互动,并与自然亲密接触。

With a focus on sustainable solutions, the design at its core looks to support the objectives of China’s target of being carbon neutral by 2060. To achieve this, standard approaches to design, construction and operation needed to be reconsidered. For ASPECT Studios’ Shanghai team, this focus gave birth to the “BioHabiNet” concept. The BioHabiNet system is a project specific evidence-based design approach to achieve an interwoven network of biodiversity, protected natural habitat, sustainable water systems and a community-orientated framework of places for people to engage with each other and nature.


A design for people

ASPECT设计团队基于对阿里巴巴独特文化和其对社区关注的深刻理解,构想了一个以人为本的园区,其中具备支持健康积极生活方式的定义空间,同时也为园区内的员工们创造了多层面与自然接触的机会。 这些以人为本的系统是由三项主要策略所支撑—健康、社交和工作,自然与整个园区的互动技术系统相叠加,定义并充分体现了这三大策略。

Understanding the unique culture of Alibaba and its focus on community lead the team to envisage a people-oriented campus that defines a specific program to support a healthy active lifestyle, while at the same time generating opportunities for campus staff to engage with nature on multiple levels. These humanistic systems are defined by three principal strategies – health, social and work – each defined and embraced by nature overlaid with a site-wide system of interactive technology.


The new campus landscape creates a comfortable network of spaces by drawing the natural characteristics of the area into the heart of the complex. By creating a series of outdoor spaces immersed in natural beauty, ASPECT’s design reflects Alibaba’s vision of a people-oriented place that welcomes everyone.


Carbon-positive design

ASPECT Studios的获胜设计展现了设计团队对如何以低碳的方式建设和运营一个大型园区的深入思考。设计团队不断探寻, 以确保所采用的设计方法能够减少由生产、运输、安装建筑材料过程中而产生的温室气体排放。设计中广泛使用了当地的、可回收的以及可持续生产的材料,并种植大量的本地植物品种,打造出一个绿色多元的城市森林。

The winning design demonstrates deep thinking about how to build and operate a substantial campus in a carbon-positive way. ASPECT’s approach was guided by the quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that result from producing, transporting, and installing building materials. Wherever possible, local, recycled and sustainably produced materials have been used, complemented by an virous green urban forest and extensive indigenous planting schedule.


Water as a precious resource

ASPECT的设计能够最大限度的收集并可持续地管理整个场地的雨水。场地中的雨水花园和生态调节沟可将雨水收集贮存,重新使用于场地灌溉。该系统然后将水缓慢地释放到当地的地下水,从本质上将整个场地转变成一块巨大的海绵, 使更多的地区收益。

ASPECT’s design captures and sustainably manages most of the rainwater that falls across the site. With a sitewide system of rain gardens and bioswales, water will be retained and recycled to use for onsite irrigation. This system then slowly releases water into the local groundwater, essentially transforming the entire site into a giant sponge for the benefit of the wider area.


Alibaba Xixi Campus-Park C project positions the campus is as an interactive, immersive and iconic tech campus that supports Alibaba’s cutting-edge work. ASPECT’s winning proposal is under construction.

ASPECT生态巢概念:网络- 生物多样性- 栖息地-

ASPECT BioHabiNet concept: Biodiversity – Habitat – Network

网络: 连接人、空间与自然。 将一系列围绕健康、工作与自然打造相关的空间场所交织形成网络,供社区连接、社交。



Network: connect people, place and nature, interweaving a network of places for the community to connect, social, health and work and natural connective programmes

Biological: biodiversity, biophilic, biology, ecological, bioretention, indigenous species

Habitat: wilding, people, human comfort levels, passive cooling


项目名称: 阿里巴巴西溪园区五期


景观设计:ASPECT Studios

景观设计主创:Stephen Buckle(ASPECT Studios工作室总监)


Key project info

Name: Alibaba Xixi campus -Park C

Client: Alibaba

Landscape architecture: ASPECT Studios

Principal Landscape Architect: Stephen Buckle (Studio Director and Creative director of ASPECT Studios)

Design team: Ann Yang, Sam Xu, Karen Feng, Haining Feng, Cherry Lei, Jay Yang, Lemon Liao, Pigeons Chua, Honghui Zhang, Leo Ding, Yoyo Zhang

Appreciations towards ASPECT Studios for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/26
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