CANOPY RINGS / 100 architect
CANOPY RINGS is a proposal for a large waterfront pedestrian promenade in Dubai’s Creek, with the aim of merging together the lifestyle by the beach and the lifestyle in the forest, beautifying the public promenade while making it suitable for outdoor lif
CANOPY RINGS / 100 architect
Project Year
Site Area
10000 m²
Text description provided by the architects


CANOPY RINGS is a proposal for a large waterfront pedestrian promenade in Dubai’s Creek, with the aim of merging together the lifestyle by the beach and the lifestyle in the forest, beautifying the public promenade while making it suitable for outdoor lifestyle under the harsh weather conditions in the Emirates.


For that task, we proposed a promenade full of lush nature combined with a system of colorful canopies in different sizes and heights, as a mixed strategy to provide a significant amount of shadows and fresh areas over the large paved promenade.


Besides the shadowing strategy, our common ambition with the client was to achieve the creation of a new hotspot in Dubai, a referent landmark along the creek.


Therefore, the colorful canopies were an unusual response to create a recognizable and vibrant public space that would call the attention of passersby and boat riders.


The combination of natural landscape and the artificial system of canopies generates a colorful forest on the bank of the creek, providing entertaining functions and activities for kids and adults alike along the pedestrian promenade.


As featured space within the proposal, a very funky football field was designed floating on the creek, following with the circular approach of the canopies.


A multifunctional space not only for playing football, but also for hosting events, to be used as playground or even as gathering point.


The canopies are a simple yet effective system of circular rings interconnected to each other, creating an eye-catching solution in which bigger canopies host those functions beneath them while smaller canopies host the lighting features enhancing the proposal at night time, using neon colorful LED lights within other circular bars.



设计团队:Marcial Jesús, Javier González,Lara Broglio, Mónica Páez, Keith Gong, Cosima Jiang



面积: 10,000 m2

Project name: CANOPY RINGS

Designer: 100 Architects

Design team: Marcial Jesús, Javier González, Lara Broglio, Mónica Páez, Keith Gong, Cosima Jiang

Client: Emaar Properties

Location: Dubai (UAE)

Size: 10,000 m2

Appreciations towards 100 architect for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/22
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