Club Med 授权佰筑设计其在上海的新办公室。参与这个项目设计的还有产品设计师Diego Fuertes。
100 architects was commissioned by Club Med to design their new office space in Shanghai. This project was in collaboration with the product designer Diego Fuertes.
The French company was moving its Asia-Pacific Headquarter to the recently finished Bund Financial Center, at The Bund, designed by Foster + Partners & Heatherwick Studio.
Club Med 专注于策划各种大型假日活动市场, 主要是一些乡村主题的假期或者是其他主题的活动。活动的选址不仅有趣,新奇并且遍布全球。
Club Med is specialized in the market of all-inclusive holidays, with many vacation villages and resorts in the most exotic and breathtaking destinations around the World.
在我们与Club Med共同参与第一次会议后, 他们表明Club Med并非是一个传统意义上的公司,所以十分明确地指出对于我们设计的期望就是希望这个新办公室可以成为一个展示他们公司雄厚资金实力的平台,同时可以反映出他们是一个年轻有活力的公司。在之后的头脑风暴会议中我们提出最初的想法是:我们将会设计一个办公室具有可以体现假期元素,并且充斥着愉快气息,最重要的是让人仿佛置身于一个阳光明媚的海滩。
From the very first meetings with them, they state very clearly that Club Med is an unconventional company, and their new office should reflect extravagancy, presenting themselves as a young & fresh company. Therefore, when brainstorming about the concept idea, the first thought in which we all agreed was to design an office that inspires vacations, holidays, and reflects the happiness that one feels when arriving at a new sunny destination at the sea.
即使这个项目包括了整个办公室的设计,Club Med 特别强调zhe两个主要区域的设计: 标志性的大厅需要给客人和来访者带来很好的第一印象; 还有茶水间区域。茶水间可以被看作是一个给员工社交的环境, 而不只是一个给员工享用早餐和咖啡的地方。 这些非正式的聚集活动目的是给员工们提供一个沟通的场所,从而使员工与员工之间更好的沟通和协助。
Although the scope of work included the design of the entire office, Club Med specifically requested to have special accent in 2 main areas: the signature Lobby, which would be the space in charge of offering a very good first impression to clients and visitors alike; and the Pantry, which should be understood as a social space for employees, rather than just a pantry to have coffee or breakfast. Informal gatherings and team building activities were intended to take place in the social Pantry.
Based on a Mediterranean feelings of holidays, which is swimming, the Lobby was conceptualized to mimic a swimming pool, in which visitors would be submerged under water.
为了制造这种幻境,一条深蓝色的吊顶管道环绕着整个大厅并且将大厅分成其他不同的小的区域。同时管道的形状映射到地面上从而增强了视觉上的区域划分。 地面上的管道形状主要有两种不同的材料组成: 蓝色PVC的地毯比拟游泳池的水, 木饰面的PVC地板比拟游泳池的夹板。
To create this illusion, a deep blue elevated pipe was designed to be hanging overheads, looping around the lobby defining different mini-areas within the lobby area. The shape of the pipe is at the same time projected onto the floor, in order to enhance the virtual subdivision of the space, having 2 different materials on both sides of the projected pipe: blue PVC carpet as the pool water, and PVC Wood flooring as the deck around the pool.
我们的设计宗旨是创造一个多功能性的(同时视觉上划分的区域)空间, 如同一个个的环形区域,这些小区域都进一步细化的定义了多功能区域的范围, 例如前台,会议室,等待区域,非正式的会议区域,手机通话区域等等……
The result is a multifunctional (but virtually subdivided) space in which each loop offers a mini-function, such as a reception desk, meeting room, waiting area, informal meeting spaces, hanging phone booths, etc…
茶水间的设计宗旨是尽可能的多功能的利用此空间, 类似于多功能空间的利用特性,长条形的黄色厨房的可以实现所有的需求例如烹饪,储藏,调制咖啡等等。另外在同样的区域里,当办公室有一些公共的活动或者是演讲的时候,一个小型的木制圆形的小剧场位于这个空间的最尽头可以给观众提供足够的休息区域。
The Pantry was designed to be as functional as possible having into account the diversity of activities that it would host. As main features, a long yellow kitchen was designed to solve all the practical needs of cooking, storing, coffee making, etc, in the same space, while a wooden mini-amphitheatre was located at the end of the space in order to provide enough seating areas for hosting communal activities or public speeches.
The working areas where solved with an open office typology, in order to foster relationships among employees and directors. Functionally efficient, working spaces count not only with long communal working tables but also with private offices with glass partitions, enhancing transparency and bringing natural light to all corners. Hanging greenery has been also included as a good mood generator.
Special mention for the 2 pieces of signature furniture designed for the open office in order to provide platforms for interactions among employees. Their morphology defines other mini-functions such as team briefings, small workshops, informal meetings, etc…
项目名称 The Underwater offices, ClubMed SH HQ
景观设计 佰筑 + 产品设计师 Diego Fuertes" "100architects + product designer Diego Fuertes
开发商 ClubMed
项目摄影 Amey Kandalgaonkar
项目地址 中国上海 BFC 外滩金融中心" "BFC tower (Bund Financial Center) Shanghai, China