Grand Cabin / Hello Wood
A gathering place away from the hustle and bustle
Grand Cabin / Hello Wood
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

如何在小木屋里创造多人空间?Grand Cabin不是一个孤立的隐居空间,而是一个坐落在森林中的、非常适合社交、与朋友共进晚餐甚至家庭聚会的居所。

How can you create space for lots of people in asmall wooden cabin? The Grand Cabin is not a lonely retreat, but a placenestled in the forest which is perfect for socialising, dinners with friends oreven house parties.

建筑物的形状让人想起与朋友一起玩棋盘游戏的舒适夜晚。Grand Cabin以中欧地区捷克风格的山间小屋为灵感,采用了A 字的造型,给人一种怀旧的感觉。另外,小屋弥补了古典形式的一些缺点。它是使用预制的、定制的木板建造的,巨大的玻璃窗可以欣赏到周围乡村的壮丽景色。

Already the shape of the building makes you think ofcosy evenings playing board games with friends. Its A-shape gives it anostalgic feel, especially for Central Europeans familiar with the Czech-stylemountain lodges which inspired its design. The Grand Cabin compensates for someof the downsides of classical forms. It was built using pre-fabricated,made-to-measure wooden panels and its huge glass windows offer magnificentviews of the surrounding countryside.

在保持舒适的前提下,小屋内部可轻易容纳八人,最多则可以容纳二十人。为了实现这种可能,建筑内部没有将中央空间与墙壁或地板分开。并且将两间卧室和浴室置于小屋两侧额外的方形空间中,使其可以从内部进入,同时与外部相连。与内部连通的房间和开阔的公共空间,共同展现出Hello Wood的标志风格:即模糊公共与私人区域之间的界限。

The cabin can comfortably accommodate eight people,but as many as twenty people could fit inside for a party. This was madepossible because the builders did not separate the central space with walls orfloors. What’s more, the two bedrooms and the bathroom are in ‘boxes’ which areaccessible from inside but actually joined on to the outside of the cabin.These sleeping boxes, which open onto the interior of the cabin, and the largecommon space evoke one of the critical aspects of the Hello Wood camps - theblurring of boundaries between community and private areas.



Users will be able to make use of similarenvironmentally-friendly cabins in the future thanks to the technology behindthis contemporary Hungarian pre-fabricated house.

未来,这些可移动、宜居且独特的小木屋甚至可能会成为周末热门去处,或是作为精品住宿的原型。Hello Wood是小屋运动的欧洲分支,它制造的小屋让城市居民能够暂时远离尘嚣,获得片刻宁静。

In the future, these moveable, liveable and uniquewooden cabins could even become prototypes for boutique accommodation inpopular weekend destinations. Hello Wood is a European offshoot of the TinyHouse Movement and makes cabins that give urban dwellers the chance to get awayfrom it all for a while.

Project name: GrandCabin

Company name:Hello Wood




Completion Year:2018

Building area (m²):32 m2 + capsules

Other participants:

Designed & Built byHello Wood

Creative Idea: AndrásHuszár, Péter Pozsár, Dávid Ráday, Krisztián Tóth (Hello Wood)

Photo credits:Tamás Bujnovszky

Appreciations towards Hello Wood for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/28
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