Fuzhou Party Life / BALANCE DESIGN
meet the nature 30 years ago
Fuzhou Party Life / BALANCE DESIGN
Project Year
Site Area
2600 m²
Text description provided by the architects


"Comparedwith breaking away from the original temperament of space and pursuing only the 'avant-garde' design that shines before people's eyes, we hope that under the premise of respect, we will continue the original state of space given by nature and time and give it stronger vitality. No matter how popular and aesthetic preferences change in the future, it is all because of itssincerity and simplicity."



The predecessor of Party Life is a local residential house, which is more than 30 years old.The main body of the building is constructed of stones and stonestrips. After the baptism of time, there are traces of time under the moss . Since it is located on Guling, itreally impresses peoplewitha senseof"Shangri-la".


To better understand the building, the designer brought camping equipment and computers and stayed in the restaurant for four days and three nights.Even though the hostel has been open for more than a year now, he still clearly remembers one morning during that time, wearing slippers and holding a tooth-cup, squatting in the yard to brush his teeth“Looking up, the fog seemed to be right in front of me, and I could see it floating by. In thedistance, there are terraces and unprepared meadows, and the green ground is hidden in the mist, reminiscent of theverses'green hills reflect the fog, green water pulls the wind'. "


Time and nature endow the building with beauty and temperament that people cannot bear to destroy. Therefore, when making a plan, the designer decides to fully respect the original aura of the space and the unique conditions given by nature, and make a continuation and dialogue in time. "



This original intention will eventually be felt by people as soon as they step into the coffee shop through the entrance.With the greatest patience, timetouches the stone pillars and walls in the hall day after day, and thirty years is enough to make it charming.


”Theycaptured the heart of the designer from the beginning. "when you see these two stone pillars, you can imagine that the workers 30 years ago did not have advanced cutting tools and tried very hard to cut them straight." At that time, people always did things with suchpersistence, seriousness, andcare. "


The traces ofthree different layers of stone blocks on the stone wall also contain the tenacity of the eldergenerationwho builttheir houses 30 years ago. "Make effort accordingtoyourstrength, and build the house bit by bit." even if the material is scarce, that generation has always worked hard to makealiving.In the face of such a rich connotation of the structure, the designerchose to retain. Before finding a suitable worker, he would changeit, andeven thoughtthat if therighter workercannotbefound, hewouldnevermake do with it butkeep it as it is for the time being.Fortunately, "fate" is wonderful.When the project entered the middle and later stage, in the face of wallinlack of functionality, the designer was on the verge of despair and thecourtyard ushered in a wandering uncle.During the conversation, he was surprised to learn that the uncle builtthe stone wall 30 years ago, which made himso excited and immediatelyinvited the retired uncle to "come out again" to complete the mending of the stone wall.


When we have been talking about respect and reservation, it is no longer an illusory definition, but a 30-year space-time link in practice.Also because of the specific, all this has become more moving.



From the coffee shop to the inner courtyard, the transformation of the courtyard was designed to respect the stone walls, and only made a choice for the green plants in the courtyard. Thetallsweet-scented osmanthus trees arekept, disorganized weeds arecleanedup, and slates and grass are pavedin the courtyard.The intention is that the green in the courtyard is actually the link that runs through all the functional spaces of the project, such as coffee shops, gathering areas, guest rooms, restaurants, swimming pools, outdoor camping areas.Overlooking, these independent spaces surround it, connecting harmoniously and forming a whole.


As a daily contracting building operation, it can be used as a space for company group building and gathering of friends and family,Such connection is also intended to "wrap" people in space.Whether people chatting in the sunken hearth area of the coffee shop by twos and threes, or eating in the warm restaurant, or playing in the courtyard...... It's a place where you can see people everywhere. The same sense of security they give you every dayas like as design thinking.


The clever design of the courtyard still lies inthe details, such as the big stone under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.The usual plan is to put tables and chairs in the courtyard for people to rest, but in this case, the designer thinks that in such an environment, people will prefer to sit under the trees, wait for the breeze, and watch the fallen leaves.What can match the old wall and the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree is the bouldermade by nature overalongperiodoftime.


So, in those days, thedesignerand the ownerdrove cars and took workers tosearch boulders all over the mountains.It turns out that everythingcomes to him who waits, and nature never disappoints him.



Like the big stone under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, in addition to respect and continuation, thiscase also containsthe designer's independent feeling and understanding of life.When walking from insidecourtyard to the outer courtyard, walkingunder the sun, and feeling the charm of architecture and the grandeur of Guling,Theseremindedthe designeraboutthe memories of traveling and camping in the past.It was a moment of great relaxation and freedom for him to leave behind the burdens of life and enjoy nature. He wants to bring that comfort to the this space.


People are always immediately attracted by the huge swimming pool in the outer courtyardwhen they inter Leshan party life. It is in the surrounding tall lush trees, echoing the natural environment, green and bright, shimmering. Even before you get into the pool, you're already relaxing.


Plants and running water always bring soothing comfort to ourheart.When summer is gone and winter is coming, the designer believes that people can't resist the warmth brought bywarmfire. This is the idea aboutthe campfire area, which is arranging by the designer throughout the year.


In order to ensure a happy and carefree warm time, the designer first solved the safety problem of the bonfire.The firewood-burning area is concentrated in the middle, and the extension is isolated and protected by a frame. Hehopesthat such a comprehensive design willallow everyone to sit together and enjoy a warm bonfire.He believes that at that moment, people will not just want to take pictures of moments, but really calm down, put down their phones and feel the moment.



Lin Yutang once said, "all the problems in art are questions of rhythm." Whether it is painting, sculpture, architecture or music, every art form has an implicit rhythm. "

所以自樂山party life开门迎客这段时间内,人们常说她就像一曲老歌新编。她有过去能引人共鸣的旧旋律,有设计师自己的情绪,亦是当下人们熟悉的调调。若再细听,拐角处又常能遇见一个又一个令人惊喜的悦耳音符。

Therefore, since Party Life opened the door to guests, people often say that she is like a newlymadeold song.She has an old melody that can resonate with people in the past, contains thedesigner's own mood, and a tone that people are familiar with today.However, ifyou listen carefully, you willmeet one pleasant note after another around the corner.


Theconsiderate and warmdesign in the guest room.


The stone seats on the roof are distributed forpeople to enjoy the broad beauty of Guling.


Walking deep from the camping area,people may not expect that there are hotspringsoup ponds hidden there.Even if it is the flower arrangementdecorationin the coffee shop,thedesignerspeciallyrecommends to usethenatural plants of Guling.


"Wedecorate Party Lifeastimeand nature decorateGuling."


As the original intention of this case,it meetsthenature30 years ago.

▽ 庭院平面

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Published on 2023/06/07
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