Finite-Infinite / Ballistic Architecture Machine
Finding minimalist expression for the landscape
Finite-Infinite / Ballistic Architecture Machine
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

有限/无限 花园是BAM和Peter Walker & Partners的合作项目。它由一个装置开始,创造了两个对比空间。一个简单的圆形庭院被一条小路分割开来,小路两边有两面墙,每面墙都有镜子。小路的中心是一排间隔5米的梧桐树。对于两面墙内的游客来说,小路和树木在"理发店"的效果下变成了一个无限的景观。梧桐树的线条变成了一个无限的果园,鹅卵石路成为一个基准点,无限延伸到镜面的深层空间。

The Finite/Infinite Garden is acollaboration between BAM and Peter Walker & Partners. It is defined by onedevice that creates two contrasting conditions. A simple circular parterregarden is bisected by a pathway lined with two walls, each covered with mirrorson both sides. Centered in the pathway is a line of Sycamores on a five-meterspacing. For the viewer inside the two walls the pathway and its trees aretransformed into an infinite landscape by the ‘barbershop’ effect. The line ofSycamores becomes an orchard that multiplies into infinity. The cobble pathbecomes a datum that extends endlessly into the deep space of themirrors.


The exterior of the mirror pathpresents an opposing condition to the expansive infinity of the interior. Theparterres, half-circles in plan, are completed as tranquil and uninterruptedcircles in the mirror. A viewer rounding the parterres reaches a final gesture:two rows of slender Poplars create a secondary axis perpendicular to theSycamores. In the mirror walls a puzzling alley forms across the circles of theparterre. The treetops of the opposite parterre mysteriously complete theimages of the trunks in the mirror.


The Finite/Infinite Garden recalls PeterWalker’s early landscape experimentations, aimed at finding minimalistexpression for the landscape. Finite/Infinite is at once more grand, moreglobal, and more cerebral. Walker workshopped with BAM in our Beijing studiousing mirrors and model trees to outline fundamentals of the design. BAMcarried the design forward through further model studies, detail mock-ups,construction drawings, and construction.

▽项目草模 Skech model

▽平面图 Plan

Project name: Finite/Infinite -Beijing Garden Expo

Deisgn firm: BAM +Peter Walker & Partners

Location: Beijing Garden Expo,Beijing, China

Construction: 2013

Site Area: 3500 m2

Client: Ministry of Housing andUrban-Rural Development

Appreciations towards Ballistic Architecture Machine for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/04
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