Sunkwan·YueLi- Rowing Wharf Square(Phase one) / Honing-studio
Close to nature and life of community business body
Sunkwan·YueLi- Rowing Wharf Square(Phase one) / Honing-studio
Project Year
Site Area
4128 m²
Text description provided by the architects





Landscape Design:Honing Studio

Project location:Shanghai, China

Landscape Area: 4128㎡(phase 1)

Completion Year:2021

樾里一期 - 赛艇码头广场

Yueli phase 1- Rowing Wharf Square


The site is located in the Yueshan community in Songjiang, Shanghai. It is one of the urban new middle-class settlements in the Sheshan area in the lots 6-8 . It is necessary to provide a public space close to nature for the residents. The landscape combines the architectural layout and the concept of nature blending to proposes the Yueshan Qing community, transforming the values of a clear life, pro-nature, and less social into a landscape strategy. We focus on "QING" as color, sound, light, shadow, nature, and the landscape concept of life. Natural elements such as light, shadow, water and stone are taken as the landscape theme. The rowing wharf square is the first commercial area in Yueli. The landscape chooses "water" and "stone" as the landscape concept to build the Yueli Phase I Rowing Wharf Square into a warm and natural Yueshan community square.







广场 - 弧形草坡、台阶

Square- grass slope、steps


Shaping wave grass slope through artistic method in municipal green area where outside red line. The curves intend to connect surrounding greening with architecture space, in the same time, wave grass slope provides fun space for children to run. Similarly, the steps between the site and the municipal pedestrian way are treated by curve, visually continuing the corrugated shape of the grass slope, and you can feel the experience of the rhythm in the step.




广场 - 林下空间

Square-forest space


Planting Nata Oak trees between square space and municipal green space. Heishan stone were combined under tree area, which provide playing, rest and social area. It also as boundary for grass slope and square pavement.





Choosing gradual black pavement as the visual continuation of the grass slope. Comparing the changes in form and color with the “heavy and quiet” of the stone bench , also with the “light and active” of the pavement , which form interesting and contrasts.






广场 - 亲水空间

Square- Water Interactive space


The water feature is facing stone bench space under the Nata Oak trees, providing a visual node for the people resting under the trees. Meanwhile, the water feature defines the activity area and the spill out area which increases the interactive of landscape and retail interface. Water curtains are regularly opened over the water feature at night, and the colour interaction highlights the squares and buildings in the night.




广场 - 光影水幕

Square-Digital Waterfall


In the evening, digital waterfall pours down from three floor of building, which connects vertical space from roof and square. Meanwhile, it creates a theme landscape node for surrounding residents to interact and enjoy in square.





滨水区 - 赛艇码头

Waterfront Area-Rowing Wharf


A rowing club is set up on the ground floor, which is open to rowing enthusiasts. The rowing pier is a part of the outdoor facilities. The waterfront area is designed a rowing hub and a floating platform as a place for daily training and technical guidance.













景观设计:Honing Studio 珩竖景观建筑事务所




业主团队:李宁 、马莉


Project Name: Sunkwan·YueLi- Rowing Wharf Square(Phase one)

Project Location: Sheshan, Shanghai

Landscape Design: Honing Studio

Design Team: Bian Shaohao,Zhao Yong,Yi Huixian,Cai Jiangang,Huang Fuming,Zhang Lirui,Wang Mengfei,Wu Jinzhao,Zhang Minjie,Li Mingfeng,Jin Lei

Architect:Scenic Architecture Office

Client:Sunkwan Group

Client Team:Li Ning,Ma Li

Photo Credit: Bian Shaohao

Appreciations towards Honing-studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/28
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