Chao Phraya Sky Park / LANDPROCESS
An air bridge linking Bangkok's past and present
Chao Phraya Sky Park / LANDPROCESS
Project Year
Site Area
3800 m²
Text description provided by the architects


Amidst the pandemic, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration opened its remarkable public space, the Chao Phraya Sky Park (CPSP). Left abandoned for almost 40 years, the halted infrastructure project has now been given a second life as the newest Bangkok landmark, and the nation's first pedestrian bridge park spanning a river.

▽从空旷到充满活力 From Vacant to Vibrant


Finishing the unfinished dream


In 1984, Bangkokians anticipated a hopeful milestone: being the first nation to establish a sky train in Southeast Asia. The railway would share its load with two existing roadways of the Phrapokklao Bridge in a gap of 8.5 meters wide and 280 meters long.

由于其结构不完整并无法进入铁路,曼谷人将废弃的基础设施命名为“Saphan Duan”,或“截肢桥”。这座被遗弃了40年的铁路,成为这座城市未完成的梦想。

Due to its incompleteness and inaccessibility, Bangkokians named the abandoned infrastructure "Saphan Duan", or "amputated bridge."The 40-year failed mega infrastructure stood abandoned as the city's unfinished dream。


Bridging the past to the present


Merging juxtaposed sides of Bangkok two existing parks, the CPSP creates the first pedestrian bridge across the river for the nation, enabling dwellers to traverse on foot. Once inaccessible, the wasted infrastructure now links Bangkok’s significant cultural and historical landmarks.

▽一目了然地连接曼谷的过去和现在Bridging Bangkok’s past and present at a glance


The CPSP is located next to the nation's most important monument: the Memorial Bridge, the new structure of CPSP humbly emulates the curves of its predecessor weaves the slopes of its counterpart to adorn the city’s landscape in unison.

▽不是竞争,而是尊重 Not competing, but respect

在360度全景的方位,行人可以欣赏纪念桥的前景,俯瞰曼谷的历史明信片。CPSP 展示了从废弃到场所营造的未来可能性,以提高城市居民的健康。

With a 360-degree view, pedestrians can enjoy a foreground view with the Memorial Bridge, overlooking Bangkok’s historical postcard destinations. CPSP has shown the future possibilities from abandonment to placemaking for increasing the health of the citizens and their city.

▽纪念桥第一次在画面中占据了一席之地 For the first time, the Memorial Bridge has been given its place in the frame


Widening spaces, while lengthening experiences


Squeezed between heavy traffic with just 8.5 meters, The CPSP made rooms out of the narrowness by splitting the space into two interweaving pathways. Elevating all park structures, the CPSP reduces the disruptions caused by traffic visual, noise, and pollution.

▽通过狭窄来延长体验 Lengthening experiences through the narrowness


The waterfront in central Bangkok was often occupied by informal settlements or luxurious hotels, why not create a new public green space over the river?


Once inaccessible, the wasted ruins are now whole, linking significant cultural destinations.

▽曼谷河上的新公共绿地 Bangkok’s new public green space over the river

280 米的铁路是横跨河流最短的一段,在视觉距离上显得直截了当。为了延长用户的体验感,CSPS在日出和日落景观形成时,通过抬高相互交织的人行道来隐藏两端的视觉焦点。

Cutting across the shortest section of the river, the 280-meter appears straightforward in the visual distance. To lengthen the users’experience, CSPS hides its visual endpoints on both ends by raising intertwining walkways while forming Sunrise and Sunset Outlooks.

▽纵横交错的步道形成日出日落景观 Forming Sunrise and Sunset Outlook by intertwining walkways


CPSP shows the importance of walkability, creating low carbon-emission construction from adaptive reuse while restoring its citizens' physical and mental health with greenery. These natural gradients promote urban biodiversity, providing a microclimate and green corridor for pollinators and insects.

▽桥梁不仅连接人,还连接野生动物 Bridging not just people but also wildlife


At the Chao Phraya Sky Park’s hill curve midpoint. The two divided pathways merged at Sky Park’s midpoint, where the topography is raised as a hilltop curve, formed by small cascading steps that carve out a sitting area and a performance stage for special occasions.


The project is a big step forward in collaboration and reimagination, solving the city's most pressing issues in a low-carbon context, increasing green space, and walkability, reducing emissions and pollution, or enhancing public health and enhance climate resilience city.

▽将人们与各种速度和活动的情绪联系起来 Connecting people with various moods of speeds and activities


The crisscross design of the varying elevations of paths ensures safe visibility, where all visitors can see and be seen. The interweaving design also opens up new Bangkok unique outlooks to admire the sunrise and sunset over the river.

▽小径交织,形成桥梁公园的功能空间 Interweaving pathways, forming functional spaces for bridge park


Design with Limitation


Building an entire park on an abandoned, 40-year-old inaccessible Sky rail infrastructure is no easy feat. As part of their on-site investigation, the architect team needed to estimate all dimensions and to experience then as if they were walking on the amputated structure. Furthermore, with weight limitations, the soil depth and the additional existing structure were critical considerations during the design process.


With space and time constraints, the bridge park wall structures are made of precast GRC, saving construction time, material and cost. Forming walls of diverse topographies, planter, railing, seating, framing the walking, and driving experience inside out and outside in.

▽湄南河空中公园的类型 The Chao Phraya Sky Park’s typology


From Vacant to Vibrant

CPSK 在曼谷新冠封锁期间开放,这提醒着我们已经迫不及待地采取行动来解决我们的公共绿地、公共卫生和气候危机以及建设有弹性的城市。

Opened during the pandemic lockdown in Bangkok, the CPSK reminds us that we could not wait any longer to take action in addressing our public green space, public health, and climate crises and in building resilient cities.

▽我们比以往任何时候都更需要公共空间 We are more in need of public space than ever


By repurposing the useless and rethinking the conventional. We can move forward to create a better city with creative use of what we have and countless future unused infrastructure that should not be left behind.

▽在旁观者眼中的可能性 Possibility is in eyes of beholders

▽从废弃的基础设施中连接人们。Connecting people from the abandoned infrastructure

Technical sheet

Completion Date: 10 June 2020

Project Type: Public Park Across The River

Project Area: 3,800 sq.m.

Project Owner: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)

Project Leader: City Planning and Urban Development Department (BMA) Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University

Urban Designer: Urban Design Development Center (UDDC), Chulalongkorn University

Landscape Architect: LANDPROCESS

Architect: Chakdao Navacharoen

Civil Engineer: Pisitsak Serklin, Sukkawich Thepchana

Structural Engineer: Thummanuun Susumphao, Ph.D.

Project Contractor: SGR Enterprise Company Limited

Community Participation: Cultural Tourism Community Kadi Chin- Klong San

Appreciations towards LANDPROCESS for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/02/04
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