Elio Del Nest – The natural air-filtration residences / Redland-Scape
Integrates a new modern living with great concern for the environment and residents’ health
Elio Del Nest – The natural air-filtration residences / Redland-Scape
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

过去几年,在空气污染监测应用 "Air Visual"的排行上,曼谷一直位居全球空气质量最差城市的榜首。根据数据显示,曼谷的PM2.5值在2020年12月曾经达到118微克/立方米。PM2.5在曼谷并不是最近才存在的危机,根据IQAir的数据,2020年,在曼谷由于空气污染造成的死亡人数估计为9500人,造成的经济损失达37亿美元。显然,这是一个需要迫切关注的严重问题。

In the last few years, Bangkok has topped the lists of cities with the worst air quality in the world on Air Visual, a famous air pollution monitoring app. According to the data, with the highest peak of 118 μg/m3 in December,2020. The Fine Particulate Matters (PM 2.5) crisis is not a new phenomenon. In 2020, according to IQAir, air pollution caused an estimate of 9,500 deaths in Bangkok and US$3.7 billion in damage. Obviously, this is a severe problem that needs urgent attention.

针对城市未来的发展,项目Elio Del Nest倡导以"过滤城市空气"概念为核心的研究型设计,将全新的现代生活与对环境和居民健康的高度关注融为一体。

In response to the city’s future development, Elio Del Nest promotes a research-based design centered on the concept of Urban Air-Filtration, that integrates a new modern living with great concern for the environment and residents’ health.


Starting from the arrangement of residential buildings. The residential buildings are divided into seven units that stack upwards, mimicking the formation of mountains. The final scheme reduces building footprints and maximizes outdoor green spaces which is up to 67% of the total areas.

绿地面积增加Increase outdoor green space


The landscape team worked closely with experts to tackle air pollution problems, approach that focuses on reducing the exposure of PM2.5, CO, CO2 and VOCs in order to alleviate air pollution. After the study, the air-filtration strategy was proposed at an appropriate location on the site. PM2.5 absorption zone is located at the entry plaza acting as the first layer of collecting fine particles. Carbon absorption zone aims to reduce Carbon from vehicle emissions along the corridor and parking lots. VOCs absorption zone is in the North West area of the site to reduce VOCs released from the nearby industries. we extensively examined plant capabilities and functions that absorb PM2.5, Carbon, VOCs and release O and chose groupings of local planting species appropriately to complement the purpose in each zone.

空气过滤策略Air filtration strategy

种植设计 Planting


Moreover, we proposed a nature-mimicry concept of urban forest to construct a natural environment that enhances human and urban creatures' qualities of living. In the blissful urban forest, birds and their habitats would appear as an indication of abundance and exuberant bloom. The landscape team explored a bird nest as a muse for this concept. The nest's essential characteristics inspired the main design concept of this project to symbolize sanctuary, safety, and natural fertility.


The design form reflects the dynamic movements of nature hence bringing balance to softscape and hardscape spaces. The green spaces integrated with various outdoor activities, dividing into three layers, The Oxygen Valley, The Green Hike and The Pinnacle Forest welcome the residents. The layers interlace maximizing the utilization of outdoor spaces. The Oxygen Valley offers them the choice to jog or walk on the loop underneath the green canopies and the green hike with 1.5Km. per round.

空间结构 Program

因应城市的未来发展,项目Elio Del Nest以对环境和居民健康的高度关注融入了全新的现代生活,它的目标是为小区、为区域、为城市,甚至为后代减轻空气污染。

In response to the city’s future development, Elio Del Nest integrates a new modern living with great concern for the environment and residents’ health. It targets to mitigate air pollution for the neighborhood’s areas, for the city and even for generations to come.

平面图 Plan

Project name: Elio Del Nest – The natural air-filtration residences

Company name: Redland-scape.Ltd.


Contact e-mail:

Project location: Udomsuk, Bangkok, Thailand

Completion Year: 2020

Building area (m²): 16,052 sqm. / Landscape area of 10,177 sqm.

Other participants: Ananda Development

Photo credits: Rungkit Charoenwat

Appreciations towards Redland-Scape for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/01
Editor:Lucas Lee
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