Educational Complex in Nur-Sultan / Atrium Studio
A comfortable setting for children and teachers
Educational Complex in Nur-Sultan / Atrium Studio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


The Educational Complex in Nur-Sultan is acomfortable setting for children and teachers, the purpose of which is not onlyeducational, but also inspirational. The projected buildings of the educationalschool and kindergarten create a unique environment for education andupbringing through the development of moral and spiritual values, based on thesynthesis of Kazakh and world culture and art. The use of natural materialsemphasizes the ecological orientation of the formed environment, and individualsolutions make it possible to render the designed objects unique.


The project is based on a combination ofthe relief of the site, the wishes of the client, technical specifications, andthe surrounding buildings. The school and preschool educational institutionbuilding was designed as a single compound, volume clad with metal perforatedpanels as a reinterpretation of local patterns. The building takes a spiralform based on parallelepipeds. The southeast block houses the school's sportsfunctions, and the west block houses the first floor of the preschooleducational institution. The elementary school occupies part of the first twofloors, and the rest is is dedicated to the high school.




The central core serves as the main"square" of the building. This space serves as a lobby and a forum,as well as a place for recreational activities, and the area allows for the placementof stands for organized exhibitions of student creativity.


建筑的造型灵感来源于Vastu符号(Vastu Symbols),一个螺旋形的十字标志:卐,建筑的中心设有一座宽敞的庭院。该建筑位于场地的西南部,在努尔苏丹市的盛行风方向下创造了一层屏障。

The prototype of form embraced by thecomplex is that of Vastu Symbols, a spiral with outgoing rays forming aswastika, with a spacious, protected courtyard at the centre of the building. Thebuilding sits in the southwestern part of the site, creating a barrier toprevailing winds in the city of Nur-Sultan.





Technical sheet

Location: Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Project: 2020

Site area: 6,25 Ha

Total area: 17 000 m2

Number of students: 530

Project team: Anton Nadtochy, Vera Butko,Alimov Petr, Galutkina Anastasia, Sizyuk Andrey, Azarenkov Vasily, KhorevRoman, Ivanchenko Julia, Ranneva Yulia, Zvereva Ekaterina, KomissarovAlexander, Zurina Natalia, Metelskaya Anastasia, Haykaz Papertyan, SokolskikhTatyana,

Tretyakova Anastasia, Makarova Svetlana,Pilyugaev Ilya, Naumov Matvey, Zykova Margarita, Kotlova Ekaterina, SilantyevaAlisa, Ivanov Alexander, Khakimulin Adel, Khripkov Ivan, Dietrich Alexander

Appreciations towards Atrium Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/09
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