Bento House / FCstudio
Like a metallic container placed above exposed concrete walls
Bento House / FCstudio
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Like ametallic container placed above exposed concrete walls, this house establishestwo types of relationship with the surroundings. The upper floor can be closed100% to block sunlight, guarantee privacy and acoustically isolate intimatespaces. But, if chosen, the facade opens at strategic points for lighting andventilation.



The groundfloor, in the opposite way, opens up to the garden a fluid way. The notion ofinside and outside is weakened by the large glass openings, while the furnitureestablishes a harmonious dialogue between architecture and the Brazilian designof the pieces. We designed some of them, such as the Brasilia coffee table, theEnsamble dining table, the Box side table and the Move bench.





The lowerfloor supports the ground floor and is in the basement so as not to block theview of the perimeter gardens. The project is a contemporary urban residencefor a young couple with two young daughters. So functionality is essential.







Thematerials are sincere, unadorned. Steel, wood and concrete are shown as theyare and the natural wear of each of them serves as a very welcometestimonywithin the concept adopted. From the public street, the Bento house isshy, discreet. The folded metal sheet of the upper floor and the gate creates avisual barrier so that, after crossing it, the visitor can perceive that theground floor is integrated with the garden and represents an oasis in the midstof the urban fabric of São Paulo.



Project Name: Bento House

Year: 2022

Location: JardimPaulista, SP, Brazil

Built area: 424m²

Lot area: 367m²

Architectural, interior and lighting design:FCstudio

Photos:André Mortatti

Construction company:Lock Engenharia

Air conditioning: Logitec

Curtains: Uniflex

Windows: Esquadralum

Sanitaryware and metals: Deca

Lamps: Maneco Quinderé, Casual Móveis,Lumini

Lighting: Lumini

Carpentry: Creatto

Marble: Arthus, Di Mármore

Furniture (designers): Claudia MoreiraSalles, Sérgio Rodrigues, Guilherme Wentz, FCstudio, Antonio Citterio,Jean‐Marie Massaud, Charles & Ray Eames, Indio da Costa

Furniture (stores): Casual Móveis, CasualExteriores, Dpot, Mezas, Wentz Design, Líder Interiores

Vertical garden: Sergio Medeiros Paisagismo

Fire pit and benches (manufacturer): Coppermax

Wood floor (upper floor): Tauna

Cement floor (ground floor): Braston

Porcelain tile floor (bathrooms): Portinari

Electrical and hydraulic project: Engeplot

Estructural project: Praxis Engenharia

Rugs: By Kamy, Tapetah

Appreciations towards FCstudio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/06
Editor:Lucas Lee
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