Lemon pool in Aranya / INSTINCT FABRICATION
a lemon refreshes your summer
Lemon pool in Aranya / INSTINCT FABRICATION
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

“一片柠檬 清凉一夏”

a lemon refreshes your summer

场地位于阿那亚海滩边的ClubMed地中海酒店南侧,随着日渐增多的人流,阿那亚社群氛围满溢,炎炎夏日里,泳池成了海边难得的水上游乐空间,传递着轻松、清凉、阳光的度假体验。With an increasing number of visitors to Aranya recent years, the beach is easily overloaded in summer. More qualitied spaces are demanded. Thus, pools at south of ClubMed Hotel are designed to cater more leisure and hospitality experience for people.

▲ 柠檬儿童泳池和无边泳池the infinite pool and lemon kids pool

▲阿那亚沙滩 aranya beach

▲场地区位 site context

在设计初期,作为未来水上中心的室外部分,我们希望这不仅仅是一处功能性景观, 而是着重生活体验,融入阿那亚磁场之中的精神场所。

At the beginning of our design process,the site is not just conceived of as a functional place but a hub with joys mingled into the spirit of Aranya.

▲如冰爽冷饮 感受夏日清凉(图片来自于网络)Feel refreshing in summer like ice and cool drink


Next to the sea, We want to bring people a touch of coolness.This slice of lemon, just like a cool drink in heated summer, with its vivid and refreshing apprearance, is able to offer people the coolness and resiliency.

THE LEMON / 海边的柠檬

▲ 总设计平面 site plan

柠檬儿童戏水池的设计和布局运用了大胆写实的手法,将一个充满汁水的“柠檬片”嵌入到场地中,黄色是色彩中明度最高的色相, 活力四溢,投入泳池便投入一个永久的拥抱,注入了夏日期待的那份清凉。

The design process of the lemon pool for children starts in a dramatic approach, embedding a "lemon slice" into the site. Yellow has very high brightness, just like a glass of juice overflowing with vitality.

▲过程模型研究 study model

在风格和表达方面除了创造更多的纯粹和生态,同时设计也保持了理性和功能,池底中央微微隆起,呈现中心高边缘低的形态,中央浅水区结合涌泉设置,高低涌动的泉水与变化的池底水深给孩子们带来有趣的戏水体验,唤起清爽和愉悦的心理反应,即便是独自一人也可以在这里找到可以互动的伙伴。In addtional to creating identical representation to lemon, the design of the pool accentuates the diverse use simultaneously. With the center of the pool higher than its edge, the lemon slants from a sheet of water to a shallow 1.5-feet water. The slight level variation makes the pool more playful and interactive.

▲泳池剖面形态 lemon pool section

▲小朋友与中央涌泉的互动 children on central fountain


In order to make best representation for "lemon slice", the pool is pixelated by crystal mosaic tiles in 3 colors - "white, light yellow and yellow". The reapeating module of 300x300mm is composed of a single mosaic tile of 25x25mm, which not only ensures the overall appearance and granular detail of "lemon slice", but also makes the construction easy and implementable.

▲水晶马赛克大样 Crystal Mosaic Paving Detail


The 3-color mosaic tiles in the water make the pool a complete graphic of lemon in distance while they're also bringing the detail richness in close-up view angles. Under the sun, the ripple of water fluctuates from center to edge animateing the lemon in a dynamic combination of yellow juice, blue water and sunshine. It's fully an enhanced experience of nature and liveness in Aranya.


▲景观视线延续至海滨The view extension to the sea


In contrast to bright yellow of the lemon pool, the neighboring pure white trellis structure is bringing you to a rectangular lap pool with an infinite edge towards the sea. The picturesque view from the lounge chair to the beach is just stunning with only white and blue in your eyes - white sand and white ceramic concrete pool deck versus blue sky and blue pool. That inclusiveness from the nature is just touching and mind-blowing.

▲无边泳池与大海之间的互望overlook from the infinite pool






in Aranya, everything comes with nature,

simple, mild and sophisticated

with a brush of the yellow,

summer in aranya is not so heated but refreshing,

and more elegant, and more vibrant.

Project Location 项目位置:aranya, Qinhuangdao, China


Design by设计:

Instinct Fabrication 本色营造

Client 业主:aranya | 阿那亚

Completed in 建成时间:2020.7


All Stages | 概念方案至施工图设计

Team 团队:Ying Lou楼颖 Wei Guo郭玮 Yikai Wang王一凯 Weixin Hu 胡炜欣 Ailin Liu刘瑷琳 Yingjia Song宋英佳 Jun Wu武军 Peng Yan闫鹏

Photos by 摄影:Holi Photography | 河狸景观摄影

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Published on 2023/12/09
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