Build your house on the cliff
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Clifton Terraces公寓由SAOTA设计,位于开普敦维多利亚路,坐落在引人注目的悬崖边上。项目从街道向后退让,形成一座阶梯式的建筑、外接露台,露台沿着场地的自然轮廓建造,享有大西洋和当地地标风景的全貌,如桌山和克利夫顿的避风海滩。

Clifton Terraces apartments on Victoria Road,Cape Town, designed by SAOTA, makes a striking but sensitively integratedarchitectural statement in thearea’s distinctive cliff sidesetting. The development recedes from the street in aseries of stepped,articulatedterraces that follow the site's natural contours, boastingpanoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and local landmarks such as TableMountain and Clifton’s series of sheltered beaches.


Clifton Terraces 可容纳 10 套公寓,包括四层并排的单层公寓,再加上一层复式公寓和一对位于私人花园后面的顶层公寓。停车场分为三层:一层地下室,一层在街道层,一层在上方。接待区包括顶级艺术家 Marcus Neustetter的大型特定场地艺术品,赋予了独特的地域感,为开项目环境增添了一层创造性。

Clifton Terraces accommodates ten apartments, including fourlevels of side-by-side simplexes, plus a level of duplexes above them and apair of five-level penthouses set back behind private gardens. Parking isaccommodated on three levels: one basement, one at street level and one above. Thereception area includes a large-scale site-specific artwork by top-tier artist MarcusNeustetter, which imparts a unique sense of place and adds a layer of creativeengagement with the development’s setting.


A central spine of greenery divides the tieredlevelsvertically, allowing each side of the building to pivot independently of theother as the levels step back, making for a dynamic architectural expression ofthe building’s form.

该场地位于狮头高地的核心位置,合并了三个相邻的房产,两个面向街道,一个位于街道后面的内陆地块。它的位置相当独特,自然和建筑环境、维多利亚路沿线风景优美,最重要的是考虑到邻近房产的景观和隐私。场地后面是一条公共空间绿化带,就在 Kloof 路沿线风景优美的车道下方,这些景观必须受到保护。

The site, which occupies a prime elevatedposition on Lion’s Head, consolidated three adjacent properties, two facing thestreet and one landlocked site behind it. Its position was considered sensitivein terms of the grain of its natural and architectural context, the scenicdrive along Victoria Road, and, perhaps most of all, consideration for theviews and privacy of neighbouring properties. Behind the siteis a protectedgreen belt of public space justbelow the scenic drive along Kloof Road, withviewsit was imperative to preserve.

SAOTA 积极与调查城市和周边的建筑物,分析项目的开发对每处房产的前景的影响,并确保他们在建筑物正面的横向景观不会受到影响。多数时候设法改进了现状。该建筑的倾斜露台和连贯形式源于这些考虑,最终将多种限制转化为真实的、可行性高的设计解决方案的基础。

SAOTA actively engaged with the city and thebuilding’s neighbours, analysing the impact of the development on the outlookof each of their properties and ensuring that theirlateral views across thefront of the building would be unaffected. In most instances, SAOTA managed toimprovethem. The building’s raked-back terraces and articulated form has its genesisin these considerations, ultimately transforming multiple constraints into thebasis of an authentic, highly motivated design solution.


The plinth of the building contributes to thepublic domain. From a pedestrian perspective at street level, the building’sproportions have been carefully integrated with the existing streetscape, harmonisingwith the scale of the adjacent buildings. The plinth’s sandstone finish is anod to the natural colour and texture of the decomposing granite boulder thatprotrudes from the basement onto the sidewalk, preserving the historical andgeological character of the scenic thoroughfare. (The fact that the boulder wasdecomposing meantsignificant feats of engineering were required to preserve it.)



On the residential levels, the retreatinglayers of the stacked facadearedeliberately unimposing even as it creates adistinctive and visually pleasing architectural identity for the development. The pivoting faces of theterraces and deep overhangs create protected outdoor living spaces for eachapartment with spectacular views. At the same time, frosted glass lateral finwalls have been angled to maximise ocean views andmaintain the privacy ofresidents and neighbours.

立面的精致细节、对比鲜明的白色水平线和深色的片状凉棚(与开窗的深色带互补),不仅为整体美学水平增色,同时也打破了建筑的体量限制。内敛的材料色彩与美丽的自然环境融为一体,每一层的种植梯田软化了建筑的边缘并与自然环境融为一体,沿着开发项目的垂直长度的树木“脊柱”也是如此。发展项目保留了场地上的 25 棵现有树木,并增加了 101 棵大树(加上 3 000 多棵小植物和灌木)。两侧的原生绿化景观带缓和了建筑与公共大道的关系,例如 Biskop步道,这是一条广受欢迎的慢跑者和步行者训练路线。

The refined detailing of the façade,contrasting crisp white horizontal lines with dark, blade-like pergolas (whichin turn complement the dark bands of fenestration), fragments the building’smass while providing moments of interest within a holistic aesthetic. Therestrained natural palette of materials blends in with the beautiful naturalsurroundings while planted terraces on each level soften the building’s edgesand blend in with the natural environment, as does the treed ‘spine’ runningthe vertical length of the development. The development retained 25 existing trees on thesite and added 101 large trees (plus over 3000 small plants and shrubs).Generouslandscaped bands of indigenous greenery on either side of the property softenits relation to the public thoroughfares on either side, such as the BiskopSteps, a popular training route for joggers and walkers.

Clifton Terraces项目在2018年SAPOA住宅开发类别中获得了创新卓越奖。

Clifton Terraces won the SAPOA Award forInnovative Excellence in the residential developments category 2018.

ProjectName: CliftonTerraces

ProjectLocation: Clifton,Cape Town,South Africa

Architects: SAOTA

SAOTA Project Team: Philip Olmesdahl,Mark Bullivant, Edward Peinke, Jo Nel, Christian Liebenberg, Melissa deFreitas, Peter Harel & Lichumile Monakali

Developer: TaupoHoldings (Pty) Ltd

Project Manager: SIPProject Managers (Pty) Ltd

Contractor: Haw& Inglis

Structural& Civil Engineer: JGAfrika

Electrical& Mechanical Engineer: SutherlandEngineers

QuantitySurveyor: DeLeeuw

PoolConsultant: AllRound Pools

Landscape Architect: SquareOne

Interior Design: ARRCC

Bespoke Furniture: OKHA

Photographer: Adam Letch &NielVosloo

Copy by: Graham Wood

Appreciations towards SAOTA for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/01
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