Green Garden / Druzhba Bureau
Take a fresh look to the irrationally spaces of school yards
Green Garden / Druzhba Bureau
Project Year
Site Area
4234 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The Green Garden at the Pavlovsk Gymnasiumis the first implemented case of Druzhba methodology for reformatting of theschool environment together with Children as Co-Authors community. Thistechnique changes not only the environment, but also relationships within theschool: teachers get new tools to include the child's opinions in decision-making.This is an opportunity to take a fresh look to the irrationally spaces ofschool yards.


The green garden is a place of interactionwith nature, observing cycles of nature, combining a walk with lessons andhomework, going outside the office, thematic meetings in the warm season. Thisproject is the first stage of large-scale changes that had taking place in oneof the leading schools in Russia - the Pavlovsk Gymnasium, under the influenceof the educational system evolution and due to the active participation of thecommunity of teachers, parents andstudents. The project at the intersection of architecture and education is alsoinnovative in terms of approaches and methodology.


The garden is full of active play,educational, relaxing areas. Children, teachers, parents can choose how tospend time depending on pedagogical tasks and mood. The territory is dividedinto quiet and active zones, located along two routes - main and alternative,which allows you to maintain a balance of privacy and publicity: to see whereand what is happening, but not to interfere with others.


Project name:Green Garden

Location: Yard of the Pavlovsk GymnasiumMoscow region, st. Picturesque, 13b


Year: Design period: 2019 - 2020

Realization period: 2020


Customer:Pavlovsk Gymnasium (Pavlovskschool)

Project team: Bureau partners: BellaFilatova, Alexandra Chertkova, Anna Rodionova, Anastasia Rychkova.

Lead architect: Alina Rakhmatullina.

Architects: Olga Paramonova, EvgeniaSablina, Alena Yarmolchuk.

General plan: Maria Mironenko. GUI:Violetta Larionova.

Constructors: Yuri Sereda, Igor Kurdyumov.

Lighting: Culture ofLight

Landscaping project (greenery)t: Il Bosc

Project website:

Appreciations towards Druzhba Bureau for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/17
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