Nanjing Yaxi Gaochun Pine Pillow Hotel / BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists)
dis-integrated guest houses
Nanjing Yaxi Gaochun Pine Pillow Hotel / BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists)
Project Year
Site Area
3700 m²
Text description provided by the architects

项目位置 location


This small guest house project is located in countryside 35km from Nanjing. The district is a member of the Citta-Slow movement founded in Italy in 1999. The movement seeks to protect the environment, cultivate the uniqueness of place and provide inspiration for healthier lifestyles. The project sits within a lakeside pine forest in a temperate climate zone with extremely hot humid summers and winters that produce occasional snowfalls.

顺应地景 responding to site


The architectural response to the dense forest lakeside landscape is to dis-integrate the potentially large-scale guest-houses into smaller components. Each room of each house has become a separate pavilion.


Communal pavilions housing a small restaurant, a yoga health centre, a reception office and a services centre have been located on the lake, while the guest-house pavilions have been located in the forest to provide private and secluded retreats. All pavilions have been precisely located to avoid existing trees. This highly responsive approach has led to a relaxed assemblage of elements that formally and spatially present as an informal village.


The village will soon appear to have been on this site for generations, with a sense that trees have grown between the buildings, not the other way around.

建筑归属感 belonging to place


Each pavilion treats the site gently. Floating free from the topography reduces the impact of the project on all the existing natural systems on site: from drainage to small-animal habitat corridors, to the protection of tree roots.


Timber cladding suggests the pavilions have been made form the very trees that surround them. The cladding vertical geometry mirrors the verticality of the forest. These buildings enhance the spirit of this place.


Each guest-house assemblage is a unique response to the location of trees on its particular site, consequently each guest-house has a unique spatial organization with mature trees becoming part of the architecture. The pavilion enables excellent cross ventilation in the hot and humid summer months. The simple pitched roof forms, which are generously expressed in the internal spaces, enable snow to slide off and framing to remain light.


Although not the expected traditional white washed masonry walls with grey tiled roofs these buildings belong to this place.

谦于环境 it’s all about spirit of place


The project is sited responsively and with an understanding of the climate, is formally minimal, spatially complex and aesthetically abstract. It presents an architecture that is subservient to its beautiful place.

项目信息 Project Data


Project Status: Completed 2016


Location: Citta-Slow, Yaxi, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China


Year: 2012-2016


Client: Nanjing Gaochun Yaxi Citta-Slow Construction and Development Co., Ltd.


Construction Area: 3700㎡


Typology: Hotel




Hotel: 17 hotel villas, restaurant, meeting hall, gym, spa, reception + support


Awards: 2017 AIA Australian Institute of Architects International commendation award in the Commercial category


BAU Project Team:

建筑:James Brearley,Manuel Sanchez Vera,窦义年,吴佳

Architecture: James Brearley, Manuel Sanchez Vera, Dou Yinian, Wu Jia

景观:Alexander Abke,熊娟,王粲,王晨磊,方旭杰,陈燕玲

Landscape: Alexander Abke, Xiong Juan, Wang Can, Wang Chenlei, Fang Xujie, Chen Yanlin


Contractor: Shanghai SKF Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Huanmao Construction Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.


Engineer + Architectural Documentation: Shanghai SKF: Ge Ping

Nanjing Higrade Architecture & Landscape Design Research Institute Co., Ltd


Photographer: Shu He, SKF, Zeng Jianghe

Appreciations towards BAU (Brearley Architects & Urbanists) for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/25
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