Escales découvertes / Civiliti
Integrate a pleasant and engaging experience into the environment
Escales découvertes / Civiliti
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


"A delightful and engaging experience integrated gracefully into theenvironment" comments the jury.


Montreal, celebrated for its historicalarchitecture and its vibrant urban life, is also recognized for its uniquesetting on the St. Lawrence River and for its small, but highly emblematic,mountain rising from the downtown core. Mount Royal, as it is known, is ayear-long destination for Montrealers and has always been a magnet forvisitors.

Frederick Law Olmsted在19世纪将495英亩的土地改造成公园,是1850英亩领土的一部分,被指定为皇家山遗产地,包含三座山峰,五座墓地,两座大学校园和许多重要的历史建筑。与蒙特利尔老城区一样,该遗产地是该市最受保护的区域之一。

The 495-acre area transformed into a parkin the 19th century byFrederick Law Olmstedis part of a larger andlesser-known 1850-acre territory, designated as theMount-Royal HeritageSite. It encompasses three distinct summits, 5 cemeteries, 2 universitycampuses and significant historical buildings. Along with Old Montreal, thisheritage site is one of the city’s most ‘protected’ sectors.

2017年,在举办第67届世博会50年后,蒙特利尔通过一系列城市干预措施来庆祝其375周年诞辰。这个名为Escales decouvertes(Discovery Halts)的项目是为皇家山遗址设计的,它与其他融入技术手段的纪念项目形成鲜明对比,项目是关于连接,发现和互动的,从一开始就谨慎而大胆,旨在为游客提供全新的体验,并更清楚地了解这座山的自然和历史特征。

In 2017, fifty years after hosting Expo 67,Montreal set out to celebrate its 375th anniversary with a series of urban interventions.This project calledEscales decouvertes(Discovery Halts) wasdesigned for the Mount Royal site and it stands in sharp contrast with othermore technologically savvy commemorative projects. It is about connecting,discovering and interacting. Discreet yet audacious, it was intended from thestart to provide visitors with an entirely new experience and a clearerunderstanding of the mountain’s natural and historical features.


与传统的线性小径、方向标牌或纪念标等导向设计不同,由Civiliti和Julie Margot设计组成的设计团队选择了一种开放式方法,使用大多数自然特征作为导向设计。根据该遗址的特殊遗产地位的特点,开发了一系列导向元素,并以花岗岩和青铜制造,安装在整个公园及其周边地区,旨在吸引游客对场地进行感官上更加直观的感受。在接受SEGD网站编辑的采访时,Civiliti的Peter Soland解释说:“人们将直接与这些标识对话,而不是被引导。出现在景观中的元素将是神秘的,并吸引人们前往查看。

Staying away from traditional wayfindingoptions, such as linear trails, directional signage or commemorative markings,the design team made up ofcivilitiandJulie Margotdesignopted instead for an open-ended approach using mostly naturalfeatures as wayfinding clues. A family of objects was developed in keeping withrequirements deriving from the site’s special heritage status. Designed ingranite and bronze, these were installed throughout the park and its immediatesurroundings. They are meant to engage visitors in a sensorial and intuitivediscovery of the site’s features. Interviewed by theSEGD website'seditors, civiliti's Peter Soland explained: "We started talking aboutobjects, rather than signage. Objects appearing in the landscape would beenigmatic and attract people to them."


Three types of objects were created:tridimensional maps designed as orientation devices, low conical stones servingas place-markers in the landscape, and larger belvedere-like halts. The bronzemaps, each set on a granite base, were strategically placed at twelve accesspoints. Each map clearly identifies Mount Royal’s three distinct summits,rising above the city grid, and three built landmarks. Together they providevisitors with a visual and tactile understanding of the mountain’s geographicalidentity.



The conical place-markers, clustered ingroups of two or three, vary in size, some as small as stepping-stones, otherslarge enough to sit or lean on. With their bronze inscriptions, they provideclues to the more intimate characteristics of the mountain’s historical andnatural features such as notable rock formations, prairies, the trace of anow-buried river or a vanished ski slope. Twenty-five of these granite conesclusters were initially planned for the project.




The last segment of this family of objectsconsists in a series of ten landscaped belvedere-like halts. Each one is eitheranchored in the ground or projecting from a cliff. It is also defined by agranite border featuring a verse written specifically for the location by anassigned Montreal poet. The halts, at times curvilinear, at times angular, allwith built-in seating, are located in strategic locations with privileged viewsof Mount Royal’s interior landscapes.


"Wayfinding and interpretation suggestedwithout imposing"comments the jury.

这些导向标的位置设置均来自严格的场地和景观分析,其中包括四季摄影调查。每个拟议的地点都提交给了由各利益攸关方组成的委员会。设计师还要确保这些标识在整个场地中的协调性,以确保充分欣赏这座山。在SEGD网站采访中,该项目的首席视觉设计师Julie Margot解释了这个设计概念是如何演变的:“我们希望摆脱'方向'和'指导'等词汇的限制,鼓励创造不同空间和地点的直观体验。

Locations for each intervention derivedfrom rigorous site and landscape analyses, which included four-seasonphotographic surveys.Each of the proposed sites was submitted to acommittee composed of various stakeholders. An additional challenge consistedin making sure the objects were positionedthroughout the entire site toensure full appreciation of the mountain. In theSEGD websiteinterview,Julie Margot, the project's lead visual designer, explains how the conceptevolved: "We wanted to move away from ‘direction’ and ‘directing’and encourage an intuitive experience of the different spaces and places."

Client:Ville de Montréal, Service desgrands parcs, du verdissement et du Mont-Royal

Design Team


Julie Margot design

Vlan paysages

Luu Nguyen, landscape architect


Civil engineers: Les Services Exp

Industrial designers: Messier Designers

Sculptor: Jules Lasalle


General Contractor: Aménagement Côté Jardin

Manufacturer, Bronze Letters: Pontbriand

Manufacturer, Bronze Map: Artcast

Granite Quarry: Rock of Ages

Stone Engravers: Premier Jet

Appreciations towards Civiliti for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/22
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