Three Waves / Tonkin Liu
The creation of three new bespoke, site-specific sculptural waves brings a new interactive dynamism to the esplanade
Three Waves / Tonkin Liu
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

多佛的滨海大道已经被Tonkin Liu进行了彻底的改造。该项目被构思为三件艺术作品,分别是Lifting Wave、Resting Wave、Lighting Wave,它们的成长源于其社会和环境背景以及它们的建造方式。该方案是景观研究所代表多佛港务局、多佛区议会、肯特郡议会、SEEDA和英国遗产组织的设计竞赛的获奖作品。

Dover's Esplanade has been given a radical overhaul by Tonkin Liu. The project has been conceived as three artworks, Lifting Wave, Resting Wave, Lighting Wave, that have grown out of their social and environmental context and the way they are constructed. The scheme was the winning entry in a design competition organised by the Landscape Institute on behalf of Dover Harbour Board, Dover District Council, Kent County Council, SEEDA and English Heritage.


The Dover Esplanade project was conceived as three artworks grown out of their socialand environmental context. The Esplanade harnesses the architectural language ofDover’s identity; the gentle nature of waves on the sheltered beach, the rhythmicalsweep of the Georgian Seafront Terrace and the undulating topography of the WhiteCliffs of Dover. The creation of three new bespoke, site-specific sculptural waves bringsa new interactive dynamism to the esplanade.



The Lifting Wave

The Lifting Waveis a repeated formation of ramps and staircases made of pre-cast whiteconcrete that rise and fall to connect the Esplanade to the lower shingle beach. Layeredminiature steps are arrayed like a fan of cards to create a light-catching textured surface.



The Resting Wave

The Resting Waveis a retaining wall that runs the length of the Esplanade, providing bayspaces with seating sheltered from the wind. The shifting system of precast white concreteblocks tilt back and forth in convex and concave forms, creating a textured surface similarto that of the sedimentary strata layers of Dover’s White Cliffs.



The Lighting Wave

The Lighting Waveis a line of white columns with artwork that complements the sweeping form of the sea wall. Along the length of the Esplanade the columns rise and fall like thefroth on the bubbling crest of a wave. The interactive low-energy LED lights create adynamic wave movement, bringing a sense of delight to the seafront.

Project: Three Waves

Architectural & Lighting Designer: Tonkin Liu

Client: Kent County & Dover District Council, DHB

Location: Dover, UK

Status: Completed 2011

Structural Engineer: Rodrigues Associates & Jacob’s

Lighting: Tonkin Liu

Concrete: Thorpe Pre-Cast

Size: 10,000 sqm

Budget: £2 million

Photo credit: Mike Tonkin

Appreciations towards Tonkin Liu for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/06
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