Rain Bow Gate / Tonkin Liu
Rainbow experience under light and shadow
Rain Bow Gate / Tonkin Liu
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects


Rain Bow Gate is a corrugated vaulted shell structure supported on three inclined columns. Constructed from 3mm stainless steel spanning 7 metres, the single surface structure gives this arched sculpture its strength.


Three perforate arches form a gate that welcomes people from three directions, where three routes converge. A strong three-dimensional form constructed from flat, laser-cut, 3mm steel sheets, the geometrically-stiff, ultra-light structure minimises weight and wastage, demonstrating the Shell Lace Structure’s principles pioneered by Tonkin Liu and engineers at Arup. With beams of sunlight, 133 glass prism inserts cast rainbow-coloured light, whilst projecting coloured light into the mist at night. Rain Bow Gate embraces cutting-edge digital design, engineering, and fabrication tools, appropriately sited here in front of a sixth form college in Burnley, the centre of excellence in advanced manufacturing.

Project: Rain Bow Gate

Architect: Tonkin Liu

Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom

Project size: 61 m2

Completion date:2012

Fabricator: Mike Smith Studio

Structural Engineer: ARUP

Photo Credit: Tonkin Liu, Greg Storrar

Appreciations towards Tonkin Liu for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/06
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