PARK BLOCK / nendo
Focus on reshaping the origin of life, committed to bring the most comfortable living environment for users
PARK BLOCK / nendo

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Project Year
Site Area
17840 m²
Text description provided by the architects


In the Park Block project, Ningbo, we aim to amplify the beauty of nature, and integrate the natural elements with the project. We have always live aside with nature, and the most comfortable living environment should be as close as it can to be connected with nature. Nowadays, the urban living has less and less connection to the natural environment. As a result, human is receiving less benefit from the nature. Thus, the Park Block project has a strong vision to reflect the origin of the living environment in order to introduce the most comfortable living landscape for the residents.


Main entrance

Outdoor space in front of sales gallery building


Landscape of Park Block is a public plaza located among the residential buildings. The site is relatively flat. The space for landscape design is constrained by the layout of the buildings on the site. Since the public plaza is located diagonally on the bigger plot of land and the buildings are arranged perpendicularly on plan, the resulting area for landscape design is irregular in shape.


Site surrounding


Despite of this constraint, our team has taken it as a design opportunity and proposed to use triangular geometry to create functioning spaces in order to maximize the usage of land. The triangular geometry has three major design advantages for the project. First, the triangular layout on land effectively utilized all corner space between buildings. It is a flexible geometry that can easily break into smaller pieces and fit in the irregular space. Second, the triangular setting of space allows higher accessibility from one place to another, enhance the efficiency of circulation. Third, the shape of triangle creates longer parameter and more sides of a geometry. Hence, it provides more opportunities for people to enjoy and interact with the landscape.


Concept diagram

The triangular symbol in this project also represents the mountains in nature, which is the origin of the natural elements, giving flows to the water, climate and vegetation connecting to the living of the lower ground. Park Block, as an urban residential project has been designed to link with this natural environment and the symbol of triangle to connect modern living back to the origin of nature. The triangular layout, planters and water features echo with the sales office building, giving a strong design language for the project. These triangular elements are three dimensional, they could be raised, sunken or tilted at an angle. This variation resulted in a complex yet exciting landscape.

根据自然界的“山”、“水”、“林”地貌特征,将“山”简化为三角状“The Triangle” 。三角状也是大自然的本源,并把水、气候、植物的流动带到低地中。而万科·海潮映月作为都市的住宅项目,也同样用三角形的设计语言让现代生活跟大自然的生活本源连贯起来。作为场地的布局语言,与三角状售楼处建筑统一,应用在整个项目,这些三角被摆放在合理的区域,同时有压,有分以及抬起这些三角的角落,使其自然变化且丰富有趣。



Great number of trees are planted on the site, they are the symbol of forest in nature, which are bonding the building, landscape and the users. All together they formed a bigger piece of forest, unifying and enriching the entire space of Park Block. Looking out from each building within the Park Block, people will see the design of mountains, water and forest that give the feeling of living in nature.


The symbolic combination of mountains, water and forest

Different combination among water features, berms and planting have mimicked different ecosystems in nature and be introduced into the project. The triangular islands of green plants connect the hardscape and the water elements. The entire picturesque landscape is harmonious.


Peaceful and harmonious landscape

The landscape in Park Block can be divided into three major zones—Public & Recreation Zone (First Phase), Forest Zone (Second Phase), and Kids & Sub Entrance Zone (Second Phase).



Public & Recreation Zone(constructed) 公共休闲区(已建)

The Public & Recreation Zone is thefirst phase of project that has already been constructed. It is public welcoming plaza in front of the gallery and café. Passing through the weaving water and planting areas, people will enter a broader piece of water feature. The unique triangular architecture is reflected on the water, contrasting with the organic form of the tree canopies silhouette. The café has simple and clean European style outdoor seating area, overlooking at the tranquil reflection and green islands in the water. In order to connect the indoor and outdoor space seamlessly, we have carefully studied the design language of the signature sales office/ café building. Seeing that a feature tree has been planted indoor at the center of the glass building, we have planted feature trees outdoor in the water feature correspondingly to link up the design between architecture and landscape.


Characteristic architecture being reflected on the water feature

Green islands are planted inside water feature

The sales gallery will turn into book store and café in the near future

This zone features with a larger triangular pond and layers of triangular berms. The trees of Zelkova serrata, which changes in colors throughout the year to intensify the sense of seasonal changes, interweave with the undulating landscape, forming simple yet pleasant scenery. In the future when the entire project is completed, people will pass by a book store and café (the sales gallery building) along their way to home. They could enjoy a peaceful landscape with the delightful sounds of water flow and children playing. It is a tranquil place among the mountains, water and forest, setting people away from the hectic urban life outside.


The triangular building and nature are reflected on the water surface

Play equipment for children

Multifunctional planter that support recreational activities

Triangular planting areas symbolizing the mountains

Play equipment for children

Kids zone with mountain-like berm

Forest Zone(planning stage) 森林区(规划设计阶段)

The Forest Zone has a denser plantation to create the atmosphere of forest landscape. Mixtures of evergreen and deciduous native and wild flowers will be planted to create unique ecosystem under the urban setting. Since the Forest Zone is located at the middle of the site, people will not discover the Forest Zone until they walk into the site. Therefore, the Forest Zone is akin to a hidden landscape feature, awaiting discovery by visitors. However, residents will have the chance to enjoy the lush green forest when viewing from the condominium above.


Along the Forest Zone has some covered walkways to guide the circulation. The covered walkway has the layout as the branches of a forest tree and the cover is meticulously designed with the triangular pattern to echo with the overall concept. In addition, at the north eastern corner of the Forest Zone will be the signature triangular forest pavilion hidden inside the forest, where people can have some rest and enjoy the forest scenery.


Hidden forest

People will feel close to nature along the path to the special triangular pavilion, with different kinds of water features.

Kids & Sub Entrance Zone(planning stage) 幼童和次入口区(规划设计阶段)

Towards the southern side of the site is the Kids & Sub Entrance Zone, where a kindergarten locates. The design idea is to let the atmosphere of the Forest Zone sprawl into this area, in order to create a comfortable environment for this zone. Red and warm color tone has been used in this zone to symbolize the energetic atmosphere of children, while all elements, such as paving, seating, and play equipment are designed in triangular form to reach consistency with the overall design concept. Colorful running lane and a running bridge have been provided within the kindergarten to encourage outdoor exercise. Moreover, planting scheme in this zone will be colorful with flowering species to brighten up the playful atmosphere of the landscape.


Exciting play elements encourage

Energetic color design of elements for the kids zone

Security gate to kindergarten


Park Block demonstrates a flexible modern living space, where quality urban life is blended with a pleasant mixture of garden and landscape. Landscape becomes part of their daily life, providing highly accessible facilities and privacy and healthy natural environment for the residents.


Mountain, water and forest are the origin of living that brings the peace to everyone’s heart. The concept of introducing natural elements into the project has been fully understood and applied. And more importantly, the high quality of livable landscape for urban living in this project will link the present with the past, by reconnecting human with nature.

“山”、“水”、“林” 的地貌特征森林是人类生活的本源。项目引用了大量的自然元素到,更重要的是,透过把过去、现在、未来连结,把人们跟大自然牢牢连结在一起,能让我们可以设计出一个高品质的城市居住环境。

Project linking the past to present through plentiful natural elements

A quality green living space

Language of design has been applied to lighting element

Project Name: PARK BLOCK

Area: 17,840.49m2

Location: Ningbo, China

Landscape Design: TK STUDIO

Chief Designer: Mr. Tawatchai Kobkaikit

Designers: Naratip Bundi, Kamonkorn Chamchoy, Chattip Aphibanpoonpon

Construction Design: Ningbo Anlan Landscape Design Co., Ltd.

Construction: Hangzhou Tianqin Landscape Engineering Corporation

Client: Ningbo Vanke

Photographer: Shrimp Studio

Design Year: October 2019 – January 2020

Construction Year: April 2020 – May 2020 (Phase 1); Present (Phase 2)


面积 : 17,840.49m2

项目地点 : 中国宁波

方案设计单位:泰国TK STUDIO

主创设计师 : Mr. Tawatchai Kobkaikit

设计团队 : Naratip Bundi, Kamonkorn Chamchoy, Chattip Aphibanpoonpon





设计年份 : 2019年10月 - 2020年1月

施工年份 : 2020年4月 - 2020年5月 (一期); 进行中(二期)

Appreciations towards nendo for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/09
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