The Gustav / KCAP
The project aims to create high-quality open spaces on different levels considered of particular importance in a densely built area like Amsterdam Zuidas
The Gustav / KCAP
Project Year
Site Area
10750 m²
Text description provided by the architects

Gustav是一个由两栋独立建筑组成的住宅区,为年轻专业人士和创业者提供不同类型的住房,现已完工。该项目由KCAP委托Zuidschans CV设计,由开发商BPD和AM合作完成,重点关注居民的福祉。这些建筑在不同楼层都有高质量的户外空间,是阿姆斯特丹Zuidas地区的重要资产。

TheGustav, a residential ensemble of two individual buildings with various housing types for young professionals and starters, is completed. The project, designed by KCAP in commission ofZuidschans CV, a collaboration between developers BPD and AM, focuses on the well-being of the residents. With high-quality outdoor spaces on different levels, the buildings are a much appreciated asset in Amsterdam's Zuidas area.


The Gustav adds two new buildings to the Gershwin area in Amsterdam Zuidas. As the city's financial district, Zuidas is home of the World Trade Center Amsterdam and the Dutch hub for many international businesses. Fitting to the young target group, dwellers at the beginning of their housing career, the buildings' material range is light and modern. Both volumes are composed of continuous horizontal bands filled with structured brick panels in a warm whitetone: an architectural solution that adds luminosity to the street.

大窗户创造了从内部到周围环境和绿色外部空间的巨大视觉联系,客户和建筑师认为这是室内的宝贵延伸。"该项目旨在创造不同层次的高质量开放空间,在阿姆斯特丹Zuidas这样的密集建筑区被认为是特别重要的。在密集的城市中,人们需要更多的绿色和室外空间来放松和聚会",KCAP前合伙人Han van den Born。

Large windows create agreatvisual connection from the inside to the surroundings and the green exterior spaces that the client and the architects consider asa valuable extensionof the interiors. "The project aims to create high-quality open spaces on different levels considered of particular importance in a densely built area like Amsterdam Zuidas. In dense cities, people need more green and outside space to relax and meet", comments Han van den Born, former partner of KCAP.


The northern building, along the more urban and business-oriented Mahlerlaan, comprises 96 studios and communal spaces on each level. KCAP has carefully designed the generous rooftop terrace on top of the building to create a peaceful oasis, a hideaway from the city. Technical installations, often dominant in roofscapes, have been integrated into a subtly undulating heather grass landscape. The chosen plants invite insects and birds to share the space with those who want to enjoy the panorama or relax in the open air, transforming the rooftop into a biotope. Sunken areas offer secluded, intimate spaces and protection from the wind and the ideal setting for social interaction and a community feeling among the residents.

在底层,一个透明的空间向周围的城市生活开放。一家咖啡馆邀请您去享受两栋建筑之间覆盖停车场的半公共绿色庭院。KCAP将庭院概念发展为 "花园空间",这意味着第二个绿色客厅。在这里,居民和游客可以在阳光明媚的露台上喝咖啡,与朋友聚会,待在户外,看孩子们玩耍。庭院被设计成紧凑版的白桦栎林,营造出温馨亲切的氛围。一条白色的混凝土带,与明亮的外立面有关,在花园中变成了一个长长的建筑家具元素。作为景观的多功能补充构思,它定义了庭院,并使人们以多种方式活跃地占据空间。它可以作为酒吧、座椅和餐桌使用,并促进使用者之间的融洽。

On the ground floor, a transparent plinth opens to the surrounding city life. A café invites you to enjoy the semi-public green courtyard covering the parking garage in between the two buildings. KCAP has developed the courtyard concept as "garden space", which means a second and green living room. Here residents and visitors can have a coffee on the sunny terrace, meet with friends, stay outdoors, watch the children play. The courtyard is designed as a compact version of a birch-oak forest, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. A white concrete band, related to the bright facades, is transformed into one long architectural furniture element in the garden. Conceived as a versatile addition to the landscape, it defines the courtyard and animates people to occupy the space in multiple ways. It can be used as a bar, seat, and dining table and fosters togetherness between the users.


The terraced building on the southern edge of the plot combines 19 small studios on the lower levels with 29 more generous apartments on the upper floors. Private gardens, large balconies, and roof terraces enrich the dwellings with additional exterior space. The landscape concept adopted for these spaces follows the green courtyard. White concrete elements on the ground level unify the project's overall visual impact.


In response to the high demands for affordable housing, The Gustav explores a new way of living. Compact residential units offer indoor and outdoor communal spaces for collective use as an extension of your private living realm. The rooftop terrace, the garden, the communal rooms, and the ground floor café are places that enrich the quality of everyday urban living, foster social interaction and provide informal space for home working during Covid times.

Gustav总面积为10.750平方米,提供144套公寓,面积从32平方米到137平方米不等,490平方米的零售空间,一个可容纳48辆汽车和22辆摩托车的地下停车库,以及通过自动带的楼梯进入的自行车库。Gustav是KCAP在阿姆斯特丹Zuidas的第三个项目,此外还有酒店和办公楼2Amsterdam以及住宅区Django。与这两个项目一样,The Gustav具有强烈的材料驱动特征,同时也呈现出三个项目精心设计的花园。

The Gustav counts 10.750 m² in total and offers 144 apartments that vary between 32 and 137 m² of size, 490 m² retail space, an underground parking garage for 48 cars and 22 scooters, and bike storage accessible via a stair with an automatic band. The Gustav is the third project of KCAP in Amsterdam Zuidas alongside the hotel and office building 2Amsterdam and the residential block Django. With both, The Gustav shares a strong material driven identity as well present all three projects well-designed gardens.

Project: The Gustav

Architect:KCAP Architects&Planners

Client:Zuidschans CV, Haarlem (a collaboration of BPD and AM)

Program:10.750 m2 including 144 apartments/studios, 490 m2 retail, 48 underground parking places, bike storage

Time:2015 - 2020

Photographs:©Ossip van Duivenbode


Appreciations towards KCAP for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/17
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