Koji Saryo Produced by UonumaJozo / Transit Branding Studio™
Warm drinking space alone
Koji Saryo Produced by UonumaJozo / Transit Branding Studio™
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Koji Saryo位于日本三重县的某豪华度假村与购物中心内,是一家由米酒酿造商Uonuma Jozo经营的咖啡馆,主要售卖甜发酵曲酒和其他米酒产品。咖啡馆的材料、颜色和形式的灵感来自位于日本北部的家乡鱼沼的传统建筑,那里的冬天积雪可以达到 3 米多高。

Located inside aluxury resort and shoppingcenterin Mie Prefecture,this café operatedby rice-koji makerUonumaJozo offersamazake, asweetfermented koji drink, andotherkoji products. Thematerials,colors, and formsofthe café wereinspiredbythe heatofkojifermentation and thetraditional architectureofUonuma,the company’s hometowninnorthern Japan,wheresnow can pile upover three meters highin winter.


During the process ofmaking koji,heat isreleased when microorganisms consumeorganicmatter—which is tosay,thewarmth offermentation isavital,livingwarmththat changessecondbysecond.Thisspace was designed with a similar mindset.Forinstance, theflushed redfixture surrounded bybenchesinthe center of the roomis intentionallyloweredto eye levelto create a strikingcontrast in hue when viewed fromoutside. Whenguests sit on the bench and view thegreeneryoutside,their perception ofthe colorsgradually changes.



Inaddition,theredplasterflooradds to theruddy lightthatreflects offthefaces of peoplein thecafé.Thissequence of colortransformationsisintended toexpress the living warmth offermentation.


Project Name:

Koji Saryo Produced by UonumaJozo

Project Location :

San Sebastian St.8, Taki-cho Vison 672-1, Taki District, Mie Prefecture519-2170, Japan

Date of Completion :July 2021

Total Floor Area :70.4m2

Client :MarukomeCo.,Ltd.

Credit Information :

Designer :

Atsushi Suzuki / Transit Branding Studio™

Photographer :

HitomiMatsuno / Transit Branding Studio™

Lighting Designer :

Mizuki Matsuura/hmmm

Appreciations towards Transit Branding Studio™ for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/10/29
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